







汉语拼音:máng xiāo






  1. 见“ 芒消 ”。



  1. abstract: Purpose: To discuss the effect of Glauber's salt Treated on the long-term bedridden patients with constipation in orthopedic.


  2. The Meishan mirabilite ores are characterized by high Ca content, large mirabilite crystalline, shallow occurrence depth and giant reserves.


  3. Practical application of oil pad process and its effect in Glauber Salt Mine of Li County is introduced.


  4. With variation of shearing angles, the strength curve equation of thenardite and calcium thenardite salt rocks are deduced.


  5. Trona is negatively correlated with mirabilite in the mineral bed sections of soda lakes. Trona and halite show a positive correlation.


  6. A new good idea to strengthen water dissolve rate of glauberite ore by ultrasonic wave is put forward in this thesis.


  7. Mirabilite reacted with ammonium bicarbonate under the proper conditions to obtain sodium bicarbonate and mother liquor.


  8. Based on the above questions, we systematic studied about the thermodynamics and dynamics of mirabilite crystallization process.


  9. Patients in the observation group were treated by abdominal massage with Glauber's salt based on diet conditioning.


  1. 未还原芒硝

    unreduced salt cake.

  2. 硫酸钠,芒硝

    Sodium Sulfate.

  3. 芒硝回转筛

    salt cake rotary screen.

  4. 闭式芒硝烤炉

    salt cake roaster

  5. 芒硝的产品开发

    Product Development of Sodium Sulfate

  6. 芒硝制纯碱

    soda production from sodium sulfate.

  7. 柴胡加芒硝汤证

    syndrome of decoction CHAI HUJIA MANG XIAO

  8. 中药芒硝加生地榆

    Mirabilite and Shengdiyu

  9. 中药芒硝药理作用的研究

    Pharmacological action study of mirabilite.

  10. 芒硝溶解特性的实验研究

    The Experimental Research of the Dissolution Characteristics of Rock Salt

  11. 芒硝太阳池的研究与应用

    Study and apply on mirabilite solar pond

  12. 艾丁湖无水芒硝的研究

    Study on anhydrous sodium sulfate from lake aiding

  13. 运城盐湖芒硝生产工艺探讨

    An Approach on the Production Process of Glauber Salt in Yuncheng Salt Lake

  14. 三棱与芒硝配伍的实验研究

    Experimental Study on Compatibility of Rhizoma Sparganii and Mirabilite

  15. 利用废铁渣制备氧化铁和芒硝

    Using Waste Iron Slag to Produce Ferric Oxide and Reussin

  16. 利用芒硝石膏炒制建筑石膏的研究

    The Study on producing Mirabilite Piaster of Paris With Mirabilite Gypsum

  17. 芒硝中硫酸钠含量的快速测定

    Rapid determination of sodium sulfate content in mirabilite by precipitation analysis

  18. 提高芒硝石膏制品耐水性的研究

    Study On Raising the Water Mesistance of Mirabilite Plaster of Paris Prooducts

  19. 内蒙古某地芒硝矿选矿试验研究

    Experimental Study on Mineral Processing for a Mirabilite Ore in Inner Mongolia

  20. 淮安芒硝资源开发现状与发展对策

    Now exploitation condition and plan to be developed for mirabilite in Huaian

  21. 热法提硝中产品芒硝的精制

    The Refinement of Product Mirabilite in the Extraction of Mirabilite by Thermal Process

  22. 钙芒硝物质的早强机理和应用

    The Intensive Mechanism and its Application of Glauberite

  23. 云南安宁盆地钙芒硝的类型与成因

    Types and Geneses of Glauberite in the Arming Basin, Yunnan Province

  24. 芒硝冰袋冷敷减轻创伤肿痛的研究

    Effect of cold compress of mirabilite ice pack on relieving the swelling pain of wound

  25. 钙芒硝岩盐化学溶解特性实验研究

    Experimental Study on Chemical Dissolve Characteristic of Glauberite

  26. 钙芒硝矿中硫酸钙的溶解动力学

    Kinetics of the dissolution of Calcium sulfate in glauberite ore

  27. 芒硝制取硫酸钾的新工艺研究

    The New Craft Research of Glauber Salt and Potassium Chloride Synthesize Potassium Sulfate

  28. 盐浆洗液中芒硝脱除的试验研究

    Experimental study on the removal of sodium sulphate from the washing liquor of salt slurry

  29. 钙芒硝水溶过程结构变化的细观研究

    Research on the Microstructural Change of Glauberite in Solution

  30. 地质学盐湖钙芒硝钾盐成矿罗布泊新疆

    Keywords geologysalt lakeglauberitepotash formationLop NurXinjiang


  1. 问:芒硝拼音怎么拼?芒硝的读音是什么?芒硝翻译成英文是什么?

    答:芒硝的读音是mángxiāo,芒硝翻译成英文是 mirabilite



芒硝,也作硭硝、芒消、马牙硝、盐硝、盆硝,含有结晶水的硫酸钠的俗称。外文名Sodium Sulfate。芒硝一种分布很广泛的硫酸盐矿物,是硫酸盐类矿物芒硝经加工精制而成的结晶体。可以主治破痞,常温中,消食,逐水,缓泻。用于胃脘痞,食痞,消化不良,浮肿,水肿,乳肿,闭经,便秘。在干旱地区,常可以见到由它们形成的盐华及皮壳。盐湖、盐泉和干盐湖是形成芒硝的地方。