







汉语拼音:chū bīng








  1. 出动军队。

    《战国策·齐策二》:“ 齐 梁 之兵连於城下,不能相去,王以其间伐 韩 ,入 三川 ,出兵 函谷 而无伐,以临 周 ,祭器必出,挟天子,案图籍,此王业也。”《史记·高祖本纪》:“ 楚 军出兵击 王离 ,大破之。” 清 叶廷琯 《吹网录·韦津误书死》:“ 唐 纪 武德 元年正月, 李密 逼 上春门 , 隋 段达 韦津 出兵拒之。”



  1. He said Senator Clinton has still not taken responsibility for her vote to authorize President Bush to invade Iraq five years ago.


  2. Truman would later say in his Memoirs that the threatened intervention in Korea was a prime reason for the meeting.


  3. But Mr. Biden said overall violence in Iraq is at its lowest level since the U. S. -led invasion in 2003.


  4. Mr Powell had been known for supporting only wars where America entered with overwhelming force and a clear exit strategy.


  5. This time the players are China, Russia and the United States, which uses Central Asia as a conduit for troops to Afghanistan.


  6. The next day morning, outside Jordan, Iraq, Syria, Egypt and other Arab countries to send troops to attack Israel.


  7. So prosperous was the kingdom that her neighbor Burma (now Myanmar) coveted her, so the Burmese army succeeded burned and sacked the city.


  8. He paid a heavy price for committing British troops to Iraq alongside Mr Bush's, losing popularity at home and influence in Europe.


  9. Direct armed intervention was all right, "theoretically" .


  1. 他们出兵进攻敌人。

    They sent out troops to make an attack upon the enemy.

  2. 你支持出兵伊拉克。

    You supported the war in Iraq.

  3. 为了法律和秩序而出兵。

    Send it for law and order.

  4. 派出军队与敌方作战。出兵

    Send out troops to fight

  5. 中美洲国家考虑出兵海地

    Central America Considers Troops for Haiti

  6. 大家都支持我们出兵阿富汗,对不对?

    Everybody supported us going into Afghanistan. Right?

  7. 这次出兵由丞相大人亲自督师。

    The chief minister directed the army in that battle.

  8. 这次出兵由丞相大人亲自督师。

    The chief minister directed the army in that battle.

  9. 论乾隆帝出兵台湾的战略得失

    Qianlong Dispatched Troops in Strategy Success or Reverses in Taiwan

  10. 将军允诺于一月份之前交出兵权。

    The General had promised to cede power by January.

  11. 早晨的阳光反照出兵丁举起的剑。

    The morning sunlight reflected off of the soldier's raise sword.

  12. 当贵族谋反时, 国王便出兵打他们。

    When the nobles rebelled, the king battled them.

  13. 你出兵攻打仇敌, 就要远避诸恶。

    When you are encamped against your enemies, keep away from everything impure.

  14. 当贵族谋反时, 国王便出兵攻打他们。

    When the nobles rebelled, the king battled them.

  15. 袁绍出兵经长期围攻重新占据东郡大部。

    Yuan Shao dispatched troops to occupy most of Dongjun after a long time siege.

  16. 法国星期四将出兵人数增加到了2000人。

    On Thursday, France boosted its troop commitment to two thousand.

  17. 皇帝不顾众朝臣得反对, 贸然出兵了。

    The emperor hastily dispatched troops against objections from his courtiers.

  18. 皇帝不顾众朝臣的反对,贸然出兵了。

    The emperor hastily dispatched troops against objections from his courtiers.

  19. 清前期出兵西北过程中的阿拉善蒙古

    On Alashan Mongols During the Process of Dispatching Troops in the Northwest in Early Qing Dynasty

  20. 苏联出兵阿富汗的原因及决策因素探析

    An Analysis of the Reason and Decision of Soviet Russia Dispatching Troops to Afghanistan

  21. 白宫认为美国出兵进犯是完全有理由的。

    The view from the White House is that the invasion by US troops was entirely justified.

  22. 除此以外,怎样得到安理会的决议,怎样迫使英国出兵协助。

    In addition, how to pass the resolution of the UN Security Council and how to force the U.

  23. 俄立即抓住时机出兵反击,打垮了格鲁吉亚军队。

    Russia sent troops to seize the opportunity to counterattack, breaking the Georgian army.

  24. 类似出兵阿富汗这种大规模得长期承诺不再可能为续。

    Large and sustained commitments such as that in Afghanistan would no longer be possible.

  25. 类似出兵阿富汗这种大规模的长期承诺不再可能为续。

    Large and sustained commitments such as that in Afghanistan would no longer be possible.

  26. 无论如何罗列, 排在第一位的都是他决定出兵伊拉克。

    At the top of any list is the decision to go to war in Iraq.

  27. 无论如何罗列,排在第一位得都是他决定出兵伊拉克。

    At the top of any list is the decision to go to war in Iraq.

  28. 所以,你们大可把任何关于出兵欧洲的传说斥为故意造谣。

    You can, therefore, nail any talk about sending armies to Europe as deliberate untruth.

  29. 布朗一直以来也表示为内阁出兵伊拉克的决定承担责任。

    Brown has always accepted responsibility for the cabinet decision to invade Iraq.

  30. 过去三年来,我们还是联合国维持和平行动的最大出兵国。

    We have also been, over the past three years, the largest troop contributor to United Nations peacekeeping.


  1. 问:出兵拼音怎么拼?出兵的读音是什么?出兵翻译成英文是什么?

    答:出兵的读音是chūbīng,出兵翻译成英文是 dispatch troops




【拼音】chū bīng

【基本解释】[dispatch troops] 派出兵力参战《史记·周本纪》:“秦召西周君,西周君恶往,故令人谓韩王曰:‘秦召西周君,将以使攻王之南阳也,王何不出兵於南阳?周君将以为辞於秦。周君不入秦,秦必不敢逾河而攻南阳矣。’”