




建筑物的出入口,又指安装在出入口能开关的装置:~儿。~口。开~见山。形状或作用像门的东西:电~。途径,诀窍:~径。~道儿。旧时指封建家族或家族的一支,现亦指一般的家庭:~第。~风。~婿。长(zhǎng )~长子。事物的分类:分~别类。宗教的……



汉语拼音:diàn mén






  1. 电器上用以接通或截断电路的装置。俗称开关。



  1. To the left of all that are a pair of small knobs, a switch, and two pushbuttons.

  2. Below and to the left are another pair of black switches; these turn on and off hydraulic A and B power to the speed brakes.

  3. To the right of that is a switch and a light -- flip the switch to make the passenger oxygen valves fall down from the ceiling.

  4. To the right of the IRS panel is the SERVICE INTERPHONE switch, which turns on a backup system for talking with the flight attendants.

  5. The light to the right of it illuminates if the flight recorder fails.

  6. All the switches, dials, and knobs in the cockpit control the various aircraft systems, and every aircraft has different systems.

  7. The lights illuminate when a generator is not powering systems because another generator is doing the job for it.

  8. The red switch turns on the system, and then the smaller switch to the right raises or lowers the flaps.

  9. The switch turns on and off the emergency exit lights, and the light indicates when the exit lights are illuminated.


  1. 双拨转电门

    double toggle actuator.

  2. 燃料低压警告电门

    Low fuel pressure warning switch

  3. 润滑油压力警告电门

    Oil pressure warning switch

  4. 回顾性心电门控

    retrospect electrocardiogating

  5. 仪表板应急照明电门

    Emergency panel lights switch

  6. 滑油滤旁通警告电门

    Oil filter bypass warning switch

  7. 请你关上电门,好吗?

    Switch off the current, will you?

  8. 电门有毛病,电了我一下。

    There was something wrong with the switch and I got a shock.

  9. 电门和武装看守包围的地方。

    and electric gates and armed guards.

  10. 人家那电门,你开不开还去不成。

    You cannot go if you cannot open it by yourself.

  11. 公共汽车用无线电门开关系统

    Radio Door Switching Systems Used in Public Buses

  12. 如果机器发生毛病, 就把电门关上。

    Turn off the switch when anything goes wrong with the machine.

  13. 假如机器发生故障, 就把电门关上。

    Turn off the switch when anything goes wrong with the machine.

  14. 如果机器发生故障,就把电门关上。

    Turn off the switch when anything goes wrong with the machine.

  15. 一开电门,水就哗哗地流出来了。

    A flip of the switch sent water gushing out.

  16. 但是总电门是安在祖父的屋里的。

    The master switch was fixed in grandpa's room.

  17. 头一件我们要做的事是打开电门。

    The first thing we shall do is to turn on the switch.

  18. 万一机器发生什么故障, 就把电门关上。

    Turn off the switch when anything goes wrong with the machine.

  19. 一开电门, 水就自动哗哗流进地里。

    You turn the switch and the water rushes into the fields by itself.

  20. 我身后的那扇电门呼哧哧地关上了。

    Behind me, the electric door wheezed shut.

  21. 润滑油压力警告电门汽缸润滑旋塞,汽缸滑油开关

    Oil pressure warning switch cylinder lubrication cock

  22. 密电门的余波让首次让公众一窥信息战的真面目。

    The aftermath of Cablegate led to the first publicly viewable infowar.

  23. 这些的左侧是一对小旋钮, 一个电门和两个按钮。

    To the left of all that are a pair of small knobs, a switch, and two pushbuttons.

  24. 我打翻了水桶,水流了一地。一开电门,水就哗哗地流出来了。

    I knocked over the bucket and the water poured all over the floor.

  25. 扭摆法测量转动惯量实验中光电门摆放位置的探究

    Discussion on position of optical gate in rotational inertia experiment

  26. 继续向右,可以看到两排一共七个电门和一大堆指示灯。

    Right again, and we get seven switches in two rows and a plethora of lights.


  1. 问:电门拼音怎么拼?电门的读音是什么?电门翻译成英文是什么?

    答:电门的读音是diànmén,电门翻译成英文是 electric switch

  2. 问:电门插座拼音怎么拼?电门插座的读音是什么?电门插座翻译成英文是什么?

    答:电门插座的读音是diàn mén chā zuò,电门插座翻译成英文是 switch plug

  3. 问:电门闸刀拼音怎么拼?电门闸刀的读音是什么?电门闸刀翻译成英文是什么?

    答:电门闸刀的读音是diàn mén zhá dāo,电门闸刀翻译成英文是 switch blade

  4. 问:电门触通板拼音怎么拼?电门触通板的读音是什么?电门触通板翻译成英文是什么?

    答:电门触通板的读音是diàn mén chù tōng bǎn,电门触通板翻译成英文是 switch striker plate

  5. 问:电门连接条拼音怎么拼?电门连接条的读音是什么?电门连接条翻译成英文是什么?

    答:电门连接条的读音是diàn mén lián jiē tiáo,电门连接条翻译成英文是 engaging switch bar

  6. 问:电门支架槽材拼音怎么拼?电门支架槽材的读音是什么?电门支架槽材翻译成英文是什么?

    答:电门支架槽材的读音是diàn mén zhī jià cáo cái,电门支架槽材翻译成英文是 switch support channel



diàn mén ㄉㄧㄢˋ ㄇㄣˊ 电门(电门)  电器上用以接通或截断电路的装置。俗称开关。