


1. 亟 [jí]2. 亟 [qì]亟 [jí]急切:~~。~待解决。~须纠正。亟 [qì]屡次:~请(屡次请求)。~来问讯。……


1. 待 [dài]2. 待 [dāi]待 [dài]等,等候:~到。~旦。拭目以~。以某种态度或行为加之于人或事物:对~。招~。~遇。~人接物。将,要(古典戏曲小说和现代某些方言的用法):正~出门,有人来了。待 [dāi]停留,逗留,迟延……



汉语拼音:jí dài




迫切等待 急切需要。



  1. He said the issue had become "the most important problem to solve in the international monetary system today. "


  2. Both of these have serious political implications that have to be resolved and are unlikely even to be addressed with consumption subsidies.


  3. And comparing with the conventional planning, this paper analyzed the current rural tourism planning which had some problems to be solved.


  4. Some of the fiercest competition between them is for talent. Most English-speaking professionals have to be imported.


  5. Discretization of continuous attributes is always one of the key problems that need urgent solutions in rough sets theory.


  6. Urgently needed are 'superbatteries' with energy densities at least two or three times higher than at present.


  7. Youth unemployment needs to be tackled urgently, said David Blanchflower, former member of the Bank of England? s monetary policy committee.


  8. So, the burning question: How much watermelon does it take?


  9. But the outlook is not optimistic about this project, at least 8 important issues to be solved.


  1. 校舍亟待大修。

    The school buildings are in poor state of repair.

  2. 价格听证亟待完善

    It is Urgent to Improve the Price Hearings

  3. 民工工资亟待清欠

    Wage Arrears for Migrant Rural Workers Urgent to be Cleared Up

  4. 这些建筑物亟待修葺。

    These buildings are in a bad state of repair.

  5. 这项法律亟待修订。

    The law is in urgent need of reform.

  6. 这些建物亟待修葺。

    These buildings are in a bad state of repair, ie need to is repaired.

  7. 建筑工程保险亟待推行

    Getting Ready For Construction Insurance

  8. 电视剧的语言亟待规范

    Language in TV Play Serials to Standardize

  9. 青春期性教育亟待实施

    Adolescent Sex Education Needs Prompt Practice

  10. 电子商务网站顽症亟待破解

    Ebusiness Websites Needing to Solve Persistent Ailment Urgently

  11. 废止印章的管理亟待加强

    Strengthening the Management of Seals Annulled

  12. 防沙治沙亟待政策扶持

    Policies support need to be implemented in sand prevention engineering urgently

  13. 五是退税机制亟待完善。

    China needs to improve its tax rebate system.

  14. 动物防疫监督秩序亟待整顿

    Animal Epidemic Prevention Supervision Method Needs Urgent Improvement

  15. 亟待完善的公司监事会制度

    The Urgent Perfection of the Supervisory Board System in the Corporation

  16. 图书馆员外语水平亟待提高

    It Is Urgent for the Librarians to Increase Their Foreign Language Level

  17. 大学生就业指导工作亟待改进

    The Employment Guide Work For College Graduates Should Be Improved Urgently

  18. 现行马克思主义哲学原理亟待创新。

    The present Maxims philosophical principle needs to be innovated.

  19. 亟待改进的也门医疗卫生状况

    The Urgent Medical and Health Situation in Yemen

  20. 或人们亟待解决的问题提供答案

    or the exigencies of the common people.

  21. 现行粮食定购定销制度亟待改革

    Present System of Fixed Quotas for Purchasing and Marketing of Grain Should Be Reformed.

  22. 我国能源统计亟待与国际接轨

    Chinese Energy Statistics to Be Geared to International Standards

  23. 空气污染是一个亟待解决的问题。

    Aerial pollution is a problem that should be solved quickly.

  24. 青少年犯罪问题亟待我们的认真思考。

    The issue of juvenile delinquency is pressing for our serous consideration.

  25. 人民于连年战乱之后,已亟待休养生息。

    After years of war and chaos the people urgently needed rehabilitation.

  26. 禽种资源的调查与保护亟待深入

    Investigation and protection of poultry breeder resource should be deepened urgently

  27. 教师自身从教的专业素质仍亟待提高。

    Teachers'professional abilities still need to be enhanced.

  28. 我国高职高专评估工作亟待改进

    Evaluation of National Higher Vocational Education Institutions and Higher Technical Institutions Needs Prompt Improvement

  29. 少儿短跑训练中亟待解决技术问题分析

    Analysis on the Problem in Dash Technique Training of Juvenile Player

  30. 住屋不足成了当前亟待解决的难题。

    The shortage of housing becomes a pressing problem of the day.


  1. 问:亟待拼音怎么拼?亟待的读音是什么?亟待翻译成英文是什么?

    答:亟待的读音是jídài,亟待翻译成英文是 Need to.


