











汉语拼音:shéng kǔn suǒ bǎng






  1. 用绳索捆绑。




  1. 网络
  2. tie and rope

  1. 船帆用系绳紧紧绑在帆桁上。

    The sail is fastened to the yard with tiers.

  2. 船帆用系绳紧紧绑在帆桁上。

    The sail is fastened to the yard with tiers.

  3. 绑版用绳把活字绑稳,以便贮存。

    Tyingup Using cord to secure type storage.

  4. 她在头上绑红头绳。

    She tied a red ribbon in her hair.

  5. 用一条细而韧得绳, 打圈绑紧牛肋排。

    Use strong, thin string, looping it firmly and neatly around the roast.

  6. 用一条细而韧的绳, 打圈绑紧牛肋排。

    Use strong, thin string, looping it firmly and neatly around the roast.

  7. 我们把他的足踝用细绳绑起来。

    We lashed his ankles with cord.

  8. 男孩把一条黄绳绑在狗脖子上。

    The boy banded the dog's neck with a yellow string.

  9. 当野猫再一次走到那个地方,它立刻就被粗绳绑起来。

    When the wildcat set foot in that place again, he was immediately trussed up by the ropes.

  10. 捆用绳或线等捆绑或弄牢

    To tie or secure, as with a rope or cord.

  11. 生一计, 用线绳把自己的宝贝绑起来, 让老婆扑了个空。

    Unripe one plan, use cotton rope to bind his baby, let wife attack empty.

  12. 生一计,用线绳把自己得宝贝绑起来,让老婆扑了个空。

    Unripe one plan, use cotton rope to bind his baby, let wife attack empty.

  13. 他一边说着,一边用一把木柄钢刀砍断捆绑竹子柴火的长绳。

    As he spoke he cut long strips of bamboo to tie cords of firewood, using a heavy steel knife with a handmade wooden handle.

  14. 系紧用绳结捆绑

    To fasten with a clinch.

  15. 用草绳松松地捆绑

    be bound loosely with a straw rope

  16. 她用细绳捆绑包裹。

    She bound the parcel with a cord.

  17. 用丝绳捆绑的棕色包裹

    Brown paper packages tied up with strings

  18. 套衫连帽抽绳绑带对比。

    Pullover hoodie with contrast taping at drawstring.

  19. 绳,绳索固定或捆绑用得东西

    Something used for securing or binding.

  20. 电气设备绑束绳带试验方法

    Methods of testing lacing twines and tapes used as harnesses in electrical equipment

  21. 步骤4用红色绒绳绕几圈把头绑好。

    Step4 with red flocking rope to tie up his head round laps.

  22. 接着, 拿细绳把塑胶袋得袋口绑起来。

    Next, take the string and tie up the opening of the plastic bag.

  23. 接着,拿细绳把塑胶袋的袋口绑起来。

    Next, take the string and tie up the opening of the plastic bag.

  24. 来,让我们挣断他得捆绑,让我们摆脱他得绳缰。

    Let us asunder and let us cast away their yoke from us.

  25. 用绳捆扎如用绳子, 绳索或链条固定或绑紧

    To secure or bind, as with a rope, cord, or chain.

  26. 大利拉就用新绳捆绑他。对他说, 参孙哪。

    Delilah therefore took new ropes, and bound him therewith, and said unto him, The Philistines be upon thee, Samson.

  27. 我罪过的轭是他手所绑的,犹如轭绳缚在我颈项上。

    My sins have been bound into a yoke; by his hands they were woven together.

  28. 电气设备中用作挽具的绑束绳和带的试验方法

    Methods of Testing Lacing Twines and Tapes Used as Harnesses in Electrical Equipment

  29. 在死绳固定器上, 或旁边装一个开口滑轮, 绑好。

    Anchor the proper size snatch block at or near the dead line anchor and secure.

  30. 把一个适当尺寸的开口滑轮绑在死绳固定器上。

    Attach a proper size snatch block at or near the dead line anchor and secure.



shéng kǔn suǒ bǎng ㄕㄥˊ ㄎㄨㄣˇ ㄙㄨㄛˇ ㄅㄤˇ 绳捆索绑(绳捆索绑) 用绳索捆绑。《四川巴县民歌·做来做去为别人(四)》:“冬季里来雪花飞,赶交地主租谷米;如若租米交不出,绳捆索绑关牢里。”