







汉语拼音:pàn jué








  1. 裁断;确定。

    《南史·孔觊传》:“虽醉日居多,而明晓政事,醒时判决,未尝有壅。” 清 昭槤 《啸亭杂录·伍弥相公》:“及判决事,公素持大体,事无稽迟。” 鲁迅 《坟·摩罗诗力说四》:“世於 裴伦 ,不异其母,忽爱忽恶,无判决也。”

  2. 封建时代指官府断案,后指司法机关对审理结束的案件作出裁决。

    《元典章·台纲一·内台》:“诸官府见问未决之事,监察御史不得輒凭告人饰词取人追卷,候判决了毕,果有违错,依例纠弹其罪。” 杜鹏程 《在和平的日子里》第六章:“ 梁建 想着,心灰意懒,好像他坐在被告席上,听取最后的判决。” 陈祖芬 《祖国高于一切》:“当法官宣读了离婚的判决后,她在法庭上当众就哭了起来。”



  1. The verdict will by no means silence those who recoil instinctively at the thought of two men or two women marrying.


  2. The court's ruling says Britain would be in violation of the European Convention on Human Rights if it sent the two men back to Somalia.


  3. A new law came into effect in Alabama that cracks down on illegal immigration , after a judge ruled that it passed constitutional muster.


  4. The Court's ultimate decision in MGM v. Grokster is very likely to be one of the landmarks of this term.


  5. The president said the Burmese military's decision serves as a reminder of the country's other political prisoners who should be freed.


  6. Mr. Blair told reporters in London the verdict handed down against Saddam Hussein, is a reminder of the "sheer terror" of that regime.


  7. High Court judge Hugh Bennett pronounced the decree on the basis that the couple had not lived together for two years.


  8. 'The criminal charge was wrong in the first place, so the ruling by no means can be right itself, ' he said.


  9. Even if there had been a bit of hanky-panky , said the court's judges, the result would have been the same.


  1. 缺席判决,

    Judgment by default or default judgment.

  2. 有期徒刑判决

    fixed term sentence

  3. 法庭的判决

    a court decision.

  4. 听审并判决

    oyer and terminer.

  5. 按判决信托

    trust under decree.

  6. 判决统计量

    decision statistics.

  7. 判决对宣布判决

    To pronounce sentence upon.

  8. 判决的刑罚

    an arbitrary penalty.

  9. 宣示性判决

    declaration judgement.

  10. 判决的豁免

    immunity from judgement.

  11. 不应诉判决

    adjudment to no lawsuit.

  12. 作公正判决

    make a true deliverance.

  13. 软判决技术

    soft technology for adjudication.

  14. 判决宣布了?

    Has judgement been pronounced yet

  15. 无期徒刑之判决

    life sentence

  16. 推翻法院判决

    cassation of a judgement of court

  17. 维持原审判决

    uphold the judgement of the lower court

  18. 硬判决码字

    Hard decision.

  19. 被判决有罪

    be found guilty.

  20. 判决原告胜诉。

    Judgment was entered for the plaintiff.

  21. 判决必须执行。

    The sentence must and shall be carried out.

  22. 不共线判决

    Noncollinear judgment.

  23. 二元判决图

    Binary Decision Diagrams.

  24. 判决性实验

    crucial experiment.

  25. 刑事判决问题研究

    A Study of Criminal Adjudication

  26. 永久寂默判决

    decree of perpetual silence.

  27. 他被缺席判决。

    He was sentenced in absentia.

  28. 判决对他有利。

    The judgement was in his favour.

  29. 今天要判决证词

    It's deposition day.

  30. 她获减刑判决。

    She was given a commuted sentence.


  1. 问:判决拼音怎么拼?判决的读音是什么?判决翻译成英文是什么?

    答:判决的读音是pànjué,判决翻译成英文是 come to a verdict; judge

  2. 问:判决书拼音怎么拼?判决书的读音是什么?判决书翻译成英文是什么?

    答:判决书的读音是pànjuéshū,判决书翻译成英文是 written judgment

  3. 问:判决录拼音怎么拼?判决录的读音是什么?判决录翻译成英文是什么?

    答:判决录的读音是pànjuélù,判决录翻译成英文是 jurisprudence

  4. 问:判决日拼音怎么拼?判决日的读音是什么?判决日翻译成英文是什么?

    答:判决日的读音是pàn jué rì,判决日翻译成英文是 date of judgment

  5. 问:判决权拼音怎么拼?判决权的读音是什么?判决权翻译成英文是什么?

    答:判决权的读音是pànjuéquán,判决权翻译成英文是 power of adjudication

  6. 问:判决树拼音怎么拼?判决树的读音是什么?判决树翻译成英文是什么?

    答:判决树的读音是pàn jué shù,判决树翻译成英文是 decision tree

  7. 问:判决的拼音怎么拼?判决的的读音是什么?判决的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:判决的的读音是,判决的翻译成英文是 judicatory

  8. 问:判决不当拼音怎么拼?判决不当的读音是什么?判决不当翻译成英文是什么?

    答:判决不当的读音是pànjuébúdàng,判决不当翻译成英文是 irregular judgment

  9. 问:判决依据拼音怎么拼?判决依据的读音是什么?判决依据翻译成英文是什么?

    答:判决依据的读音是pànjuéyījù,判决依据翻译成英文是 ground of decision

  10. 问:判决先例拼音怎么拼?判决先例的读音是什么?判决先例翻译成英文是什么?

    答:判决先例的读音是,判决先例翻译成英文是 Precedent

  11. 问:判决公告拼音怎么拼?判决公告的读音是什么?判决公告翻译成英文是什么?

    答:判决公告的读音是pàn jué gōng gào,判决公告翻译成英文是 declaration of adjudication

  12. 问:判决冲突拼音怎么拼?判决冲突的读音是什么?判决冲突翻译成英文是什么?

    答:判决冲突的读音是pàn jué chōng tū,判决冲突翻译成英文是 conflict of judgments

  13. 问:判决副本拼音怎么拼?判决副本的读音是什么?判决副本翻译成英文是什么?

    答:判决副本的读音是pàn jué fù běn,判决副本翻译成英文是 transcripted judgment

  14. 问:判决反应拼音怎么拼?判决反应的读音是什么?判决反应翻译成英文是什么?

    答:判决反应的读音是pàn jué fǎn yìng,判决反应翻译成英文是 reactions to court decision

  15. 问:判决复核拼音怎么拼?判决复核的读音是什么?判决复核翻译成英文是什么?

    答:判决复核的读音是pàn jué fù hé,判决复核翻译成英文是 revision of judgment

  16. 问:判决失当拼音怎么拼?判决失当的读音是什么?判决失当翻译成英文是什么?

    答:判决失当的读音是pàn jué shī dàng,判决失当翻译成英文是 misjudgment

  17. 问:判决意见拼音怎么拼?判决意见的读音是什么?判决意见翻译成英文是什么?

    答:判决意见的读音是pàn jué yì jiàn,判决意见翻译成英文是 opinion

  18. 问:判决执行拼音怎么拼?判决执行的读音是什么?判决执行翻译成英文是什么?

    答:判决执行的读音是pàn jué zhí xíng,判决执行翻译成英文是 judgment execution

  19. 问:判决抵销拼音怎么拼?判决抵销的读音是什么?判决抵销翻译成英文是什么?

    答:判决抵销的读音是pàn jué dǐ xiāo,判决抵销翻译成英文是 setoff of judgments

  20. 问:判决提要拼音怎么拼?判决提要的读音是什么?判决提要翻译成英文是什么?

    答:判决提要的读音是pàn jué tí yào,判决提要翻译成英文是 headnote



“判决”是个多义词,它可以指判决(汉语词语), 判决(卡夫卡小说)。