


1. 论 [lùn]2. 论 [lún]论 [lùn]分析判断事物的道理:~断。~点。~辩。~据。~者。议~。讨~。辩~。分析阐明事物道理的文章、理论和言论:理~。舆~。专~。社~。学说,有系统的主张:系统~。看待:一概而~。衡量,评定:~……


1. 处 [chǔ]2. 处 [chù]处 [chǔ]居住:穴居野~。存在,置身:设身~地。~心积虑。~世。跟别人一起生活,交往:融洽相~。决定,决断:~理。对犯错误或有罪的人给予相当的惩戒:~罚。~决。止,隐退:~暑。处 [chù]地方:……



汉语拼音:lùn chǔ








  1. 判定处分。

    《青年文摘》1986年第4期:“ 小张 与 王某 事前有通谋的话,就应以共同犯罪论处了。”



  1. And if the money paid for purchase fails to be returned after the announcement period expires, the money shall be considered illegal gains.


  2. Since not accord with corruption to punish, there should be a statement. Don't let the public money wasted in vain at least.


  3. Due to China's criminal law provides for translating robbery to robbery involved, Chinese scholars also known as the "prospective robbery. "


  4. Whoring with a girl under the age of fourteen shall be dealt with as rape according to the provisions of Article139 of the Criminal Law.


  5. and any unit or individual that accepts off-the-book rebate in secret shall be deemed and punished as taking bribes.


  6. The king replied that the box contained a fragment of the Koran and he was swearing his translator to secrecy on pain of death.


  7. It compels every citizen to buy health insurance on pain of a fine.


  8. When vitamins and minerals not considered as medicinal products (depends on therapeutic claims) ?


  9. In other words, only harmful to society attained a certain extent, to be criminalized.


  1. 以违反纪律论处

    be punished for a breach of discipline

  2. 违者以死/ 监禁论处

    on pain of death/ imprisonment

  3. 一经发现, 一律按偷税论处。

    The discovery of such acts shall be treated and prosecuted as tax evasion.

  4. 违反这些规定也将按刑事论处。

    Violations of these provisions are also criminally punishable.

  5. 论处置劫持人质案件工作预案

    On the Preparing Case in Dealing with the Kidnapping Hostage

  6. 所有的国家都应对这种行为以犯罪论处。

    Such conduct should be a crime in all nations.

  7. 全面的分析必须用广义相对论处理。

    A full analysis requires the general theory of relativity.

  8. 任何协助在押犯逃跑的企图都以死罪论处。

    And any attempt to assist an inmate trying to escape will be met with a lethal response.

  9. 对于医院管理者收受回扣,可以按受贿罪论处。

    But for hospital governors who receive rebate, they are convicted of crime of bribery.

  10. 私自挖掘古文化遗址,古墓葬得,以盗窃论处。

    Those who excavate sites of ancient culture or ancient tombs without permission are punishable for larceny.

  11. 私自挖掘古文化遗址、古墓葬的,以盗窃论处。

    Those who excavate sites of ancient culture or ancient tombs without permission are punishable for larceny.

  12. 一些人认为破坏胚泡的行为可以以谋杀论处。

    Some people think that destroying blastocysts is murder.

  13. 犯前款罪,事前通谋的,以共同犯罪论处。

    Conspirators to a crime mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall regarded as joint offenders and punished as such.

  14. 犯前款罪,事前通谋得,以共同犯罪论处。

    Conspirators to a crime mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall be regarded as joint offenders and punished as such.

  15. 提交虚假税收申请表将以对税务当局作伪证论处。

    Filing a false tax return is under the penalties of perjury to taxing authorities.

  16. 公告期限届满仍无法退还的价款,以违法所得论处。

    And if the money paid for purchase fails to be returned after the announcement period expires, the money shall be considered illegal gains.

  17. 论处理坝工观测资料的差值逐步回归分析法

    On modified successive regression analysis for processing of dam observation data

  18. 凡违背此项规定,都应该成为一种依法论处的罪行。

    Any contravention of this provision shall be an offence punishable in accordance with law.

  19. 与前两款所列人员勾结,伙同贪污的,以共犯论处

    Those who collaborate with those personnel as listed in the aforementioned two paragraphs and join the crime are considered as committing a joint crime.

  20. 在帐外暗中给予对方单位或者个人回扣的,以行贿论处。

    It shall be guilty of giving bribe if managers give a secret commission to the other organisations or individuals without the normal accounting records.

  21. 他的活动范围之广使得一项特别立法得以通过:将赃物窝主作为窃贼的从犯论处。

    His activities became so widespread that special legislation was passed to make the receiver of stolen goods an accessory to the theft.


  1. 问:论处拼音怎么拼?论处的读音是什么?论处翻译成英文是什么?

    答:论处的读音是lùnchǔ,论处翻译成英文是 punish