


1. 隐 [yǐn]2. 隐 [yìn]隐 [yǐn]藏匿,不显露:~藏。~匿。~居。~士。~讳。伤痛:~恻。怜悯:恻~之心。隐 [yìn]倚,靠:~几而卧(靠着几案睡眠)。……





汉语拼音:yǐn jū







  1. 深居乡野不出仕。

    《楚辞·惜誓》:“或偷合而苟进兮,或隐居而深藏。” 王逸 注:“或有修行德义,隐藏深山,而君不照知也。”《二刻拍案惊奇》卷十二:“﹝ 朱晦翁 ﹞遂弃官不做,隐居本处 武夷山 中。” 沈从文 《主妇集·王谢子弟》:“﹝七爷﹞就从×州城里迁往乡下田庄上去住,预备‘隐居’。”

  2. 指隐士的住所。

    唐 孟浩然 《寻白鹤岩张子容隐居》诗:“ 白鹤 青巖半,幽人有隐居。” 宋 何薳 《春渚纪闻·徐氏父子俊伟》:“ 政和 间,余过御儿,访其隐居。”



  1. He took up telephone, and he knew Lanhanzhi retired in the mysterious mountain, sometimes, his mobile phone could be got through.


  2. Has never been so quiet at the moment, as if to stay away from the earth, live in seclusion in the mountains, green.


  3. The reclusive Las Vegas billionaire now owns 9. 9% of GM, a stake which has so far lost him a great deal of money, at least on paper.


  4. At five, she tried to take care of me when, badly shaken by the suicide of a young veteran, I retreated to a remote campsite.


  5. He concluded ruefully that it was "arrogant and rash" to profess virtues that you cannot live up to, and retreated into indolent seclusion.


  6. But now, after more than three decades in the wilderness, Keynesian-style fiscal policy seems to be staging a comeback.


  7. Has not happen ago be so quiet at the moment, as if to stay away from the earth, live in seclusion in the mountains, green.


  8. apparently he is too busy enjoying his quiet life with his wife to be much engaged in the woes of the wizarding world.


  9. I accept even more readily the account of his life that has him eventually burying himself in a monastery.


  1. 隐居的生活

    a cloistered life

  2. 过隐居生活

    live out the world.

  3. 隐居得生活。

    A cloistered life

  4. 修道院生活, 隐居

    the cloister

  5. 棕隐居蜘蛛咬

    brown recluse spider bite

  6. 过隐居得生活。

    lead a monastic life

  7. 隐居。退隐。归隐。

    retirement, retiracy, privacy, seclusion, life of seclusion

  8. 过隐居的生活

    to lead the life of a recluse

  9. 隐居性人格

    seclusive personality

  10. 供您隐居祈祷。

    In which You can retreat to pray.

  11. 隐居以求其志。

    It is by dwelling in seclusion that they seek the fulfillment of their aims.

  12. 隐居,不问人间事

    Die to the world

  13. 隐居,不问人间事

    Die to the world

  14. 他们说他隐居了。

    They say he went off the grid.

  15. 隐居的和沉思默想的

    Secluded and contemplative.

  16. 我厌恶隐居的生活。

    I'm sick of living hidden away.

  17. 他远离大家隐居着。

    He lives in retirement, away from everyone.

  18. 他过着隐居的生活。

    He leads a monastic life.

  19. 过隐居生活, 过与世隔绝的生活

    live secluded from the world

  20. 过隐居生活,过与世隔绝得生活

    live secluded from the world

  21. 隐居的住在修道院里的

    Living in a cloister.

  22. 他开始过隐居的生活。

    He entered private life.

  23. 为何隐居在革责玛尼?

    Why the hermitage and why in Gethsemane

  24. 提供私密空间或隐居。

    providing privacy or seclusion.

  25. 这个人已隐居多年。

    The man has isolated himself from society for many years.

  26. 隐居地隐避的安静处所

    A secluded, quiet place.

  27. 与社会隔绝, 过隐居生活

    seclude oneself from society

  28. 有些和尚在僻静处隐居。

    Some Buddhist monks live in solitude as hermits.

  29. 她远离朋友,过隐居生活。

    She lives in seclusion apart from her friend.

  30. 隐居大熊猫得镜头很罕见。

    Shots of the reclusive giant panda are rare.


  1. 问:隐居拼音怎么拼?隐居的读音是什么?隐居翻译成英文是什么?

    答:隐居的读音是yǐnjū,隐居翻译成英文是 to live in seclusion; to be a hermit

  2. 问:隐居处拼音怎么拼?隐居处的读音是什么?隐居处翻译成英文是什么?

    答:隐居处的读音是,隐居处翻译成英文是 bower

  3. 问:隐居的拼音怎么拼?隐居的的读音是什么?隐居的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:隐居的的读音是yǐn jū de,隐居的翻译成英文是 eremiticus

  4. 问:隐居者拼音怎么拼?隐居者的读音是什么?隐居者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:隐居者的读音是,隐居者翻译成英文是 hermit

  5. 问:隐居动物拼音怎么拼?隐居动物的读音是什么?隐居动物翻译成英文是什么?

    答:隐居动物的读音是yǐn jū dòng wù,隐居动物翻译成英文是 cryptozoa

  6. 问:隐居T细胞拼音怎么拼?隐居T细胞的读音是什么?隐居T细胞翻译成英文是什么?

    答:隐居T细胞的读音是yǐn jūT xì bāo,隐居T细胞翻译成英文是 sequestered T cell

  7. 问:隐居动物的拼音怎么拼?隐居动物的的读音是什么?隐居动物的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:隐居动物的的读音是yǐn jū dòng wù de,隐居动物的翻译成英文是 cryptozoic

  8. 问:隐居处私事拼音怎么拼?隐居处私事的读音是什么?隐居处私事翻译成英文是什么?

    答:隐居处私事的读音是,隐居处私事翻译成英文是 poorly

  9. 问:隐居多毛类拼音怎么拼?隐居多毛类的读音是什么?隐居多毛类翻译成英文是什么?

    答:隐居多毛类的读音是yǐn jū duō máo lèi,隐居多毛类翻译成英文是 sedentary polychaete

  10. 问:隐居蜾蠃蜚拼音怎么拼?隐居蜾蠃蜚的读音是什么?隐居蜾蠃蜚翻译成英文是什么?

    答:隐居蜾蠃蜚的读音是yǐnjūguǒluǒfěi,隐居蜾蠃蜚翻译成英文是 Corophium insidiosum



“隐居”是个多义词,它可以指隐居(2011年Carl Tibbetts导演英国电影), 隐居(词语释义)。