


1. 作 [zuò]作 [zuò]起,兴起,现在起:振~。枪声大~。从事,做工:工~。~息。~业。举行,进行:~别(分别)。~乱。~案。~战。~报告。干出,做出,表现出,制造出:~恶(è)。~弊。~梗。~祟。~态。~色。~为。~难。~奸犯科……


1. 弄 [nòng]2. 弄 [lòng]弄 [nòng]玩耍,把玩:摆~。玩~。~臣(帝王所亲近狎昵的臣子)。~潮儿。戏~。~瓦(“瓦”是原始的纺锤,古代把它给女孩子玩,意为生女儿)。~璋(“璋”是一种玉器,古代把它给男孩子玩。意为生儿……



汉语拼音:zuō nòng








  1. 耍弄;戏弄。

    元 高文秀 《遇上皇》第二折:“不想赃官要娶小人浑家为妻,故意要作弄小人性命。”《警世通言·金令史美婢酬秀童》:“难道神道也作弄人?还是我自己心神恍惚之故?” 艾芜 《人生哲学的一课》:“你这狗厂主,作弄老子。”

  2. 播弄;摆布。




  1. It seemed unreasonable that life should have landed him in such a place as this.


  2. Do not consider me now as an elegant female intending to plague you, but as a rational creature speaking the truth from her heart.


  3. " Not! Afternoon to meet my first love, he asked me to dinner. " Lan Qin decided to play tricks on him, to vent their discontent.


  4. If the neighbors do not give any sweets, the children might play a trick on them.


  5. Each country has its region to pick on, the way people in my native Holland take it out on the Belgians, and vice versa.


  6. My "ex" personal physician, Boris, almost made me mad enough to give him a black eye for the abuse he inflicted upon me.


  7. She admits other girls her age were jealous of her and would pick on her at school.


  8. As a police officer I was an obvious target and was baited whenever it seemed safe to do so.


  9. They got into the palace in broad daylight, and made monkeys out of the security men.


  1. 你错过了, 他们刚作弄了邮差

    You missed it. they just cut the mailman loose

  2. 生活竟把他作弄到这种地步, 这似乎不合情理。

    It'seemed unreasonable that life should have landed him in such a place as this.

  3. 每一个去看马戏的人都喜欢看小丑们互相作弄。

    Everyone at a circus loves to watch the clowns do tricks on each other.

  4. 每一个去看马戏得人都喜欢看小丑们互相作弄。

    Everyone at a circus loves to watch the clowns do tricks on each other.

  5. 你不喜欢作会让自己弄脏的事吗?

    Do you not like to do things that get you dirty?

  6. 因技术拙劣而弄坏, 作坏

    make a botch of.

  7. 他把写字台上的文件弄得沙沙作响。

    He rustled the papers on his writing desk.

  8. 凯碧唱歌的事情弄得全校乱作一团。

    Gabriella The whole singing thing is making the school whack.

  9. 我弄不懂为什么事事都好像在跟我作对。

    I don't know why everything seems to go against me.

  10. 我弄不懂为什么事事都好象在跟我作对。

    I don't know why everything seems to go against me.

  11. 你作了这么大的改变,把故事弄得支离破碎了。

    You've mutilated the story by making such big changes.

  12. 我们把这个弄完吧,别等老板来了从中作梗。

    Let's get this finished before the boss comes along and throws a spanner in the works.

  13. 别人为他的利益所作的安排,都给他弄得一塌糊涂。

    He marred any plans which might be arranged for his benefit.

  14. 子弹弄出假作声响听起来跳弹当他们击中。

    The bullets make a fake noise sounding ricochet when they hit.

  15. 中央供暖系统开始工作,弄得那些老掉牙的木板嘎吱作响。

    The central heating was coming on and the ancient wooden boards creaked.

  16. 一个想讨好作有人的人,总会弄得人人都不高兴。

    Please all, and you please none.

  17. 用心思考的人会想问些问题, 弄懂这里所谓的天才作何义。

    The person who thinks will want to ask some questions concerning this definition of genius.

  18. 孩子们把汽球弄得劈啪作响。

    The children were popping balloons.

  19. 他把手指关节弄得劈啪作响。

    He cracked the joints of his fingers.

  20. 他把口袋里的钱弄得叮当作响。

    He jingled the money in his pocket.

  21. 他把他钱包里的硬币弄得叮当作响。

    He tinkled his coins together in his pocket.

  22. 如家具或设施弄污了, 就要再作清洁。

    If any objects or facilities become soiled, they must be cleaned again.

  23. 他那些令人作呕的笑话弄得大家都不痛快。

    His disgusting jokes gave everybody the pip.

  24. 要想弄清事实, 唯一办法是作周密的调查。

    The only way to get at the facts is to make a thorough investigation.

  25. 她沙沙作响地越过纸袋, 因此弄醒了本杰明兔子。

    She rustled across the paper bag, and awakened Benjamin Bunny.

  26. 孩子们把汽球弄得劈啪作响。你不希望乘热空汽球飞行吗?

    The children were popping balloons. Do not you wish to make a flight in a hot air balloon


  1. 问:作弄拼音怎么拼?作弄的读音是什么?作弄翻译成英文是什么?

    答:作弄的读音是zuònòng,作弄翻译成英文是 tease




拼音:zuō nòng 基本解释 [tease;play a trick on;fool;poke fun at] 故意开玩笑,使人为难;耍弄;戏弄 详细解释 耍弄;戏弄。 元高文秀《遇上皇》第二折:“不想赃官要娶小人浑家为妻,故意要作弄小人性命。”《警世通言·金令史美婢酬秀童》:“难道神道也作弄人?还是我自己心神恍惚之故?”艾芜《人生哲学的一课》:“你这狗厂主,作弄老子。” 播弄;摆布。 《红楼梦》第六十回:“这又是那起没脸面的奴才们调唆的,作弄出个呆人,替他们出气!”