







汉语拼音:bān zǔ






班组 [bān zǔ]
  1. 通常是指工矿企业按生产需要所组成的人员基本单位。



  1. He had only worked there for five months, but already he was one of the best workers in the team.


  2. Fifth, establish and improve the incentive mechanism evaluation, the team building into two units of the company target assessment period.


  3. Responsible for quality and productivity improvement in shift; train team member in terms of assembly skill and knowledge improvement.


  4. And this sense of belonging to an accomplished work group is one of the distinctive satisfactions of the world of work.


  5. Project implementation and outcome is one of the important bases for the evaluation of team work.


  6. Rigs and teams are the main objects of safety management in geological exploration units in which almost all safety accidents occur.


  7. Production arrangement & Manpower distribution. & Production plan implementation.


  8. Workshop should keep team members training records and files in each group area for at least one year.


  9. No member of a crew is praised for the rugged individuality of his rowing.


  1. 星级班组升级

    stars team upgrade.

  2. 班组支援武器

    Team support weapon.

  3. 班组资源管理

    team resource management.

  4. 班组统计核算

    team accounting and statistics.

  5. 班组管理重创新

    Blazing New Trails on Team Management

  6. 如何加强班组安全管理

    How to Strengthen Safety Management at Teams and Groups Level

  7. 煤炭企业班组核算研究

    Study on accounting plans for the work teams in coal enterprises

  8. 从班组筑起安全屏障

    Build safety protective screen from teams

  9. 班组管理从基础到技巧

    Team management base and skills

  10. 如何化解班组间的矛盾

    How to solve the contradictions between teams

  11. 班组计划管理微机化尝试

    Computer Aided Management of Group Plan

  12. 因此,班组是企业的细胞。

    Accordingly, team and group is an enterprise cell.

  13. 如何搞好班组安全建设

    How to Do a Good Job of Safety Construction of Teams and Groups

  14. 班组如何做到安全生产

    How do Teams and Groups Manage to Accomplish Safety in Production

  15. 班组要定期举行安全活动。

    Safety activity must be organized regularly by shifts and teams.

  16. 国产替罗非班组出血2例。

    Two patients had bleed in Tirofiban group.

  17. 浅析如何进行班组经济核算

    Elementary analysis on how to make team economic calculation

  18. 新形势下的车队班组建设

    Work unit establishment under new circumstances

  19. 加强班组核算, 提高经济效益。

    Strengthen business accounting at shifts and teams level and increase economic efficiency.

  20. 谈抓好班组安全建设的认识

    About to do well safety construction of teams and groups

  21. 搞好班组岗位培训工作的探索

    A Probe of Team and Group Post Training

  22. 以班组为单位,落实井控责任制。

    Execute the well control responsibility system.

  23. 班组核算管理系统的设计与应用

    The Design of The Group Account Management System

  24. 班组是企业安全生产的关键所在

    Teams are the Key to the Safety in Production of Factory

  25. 工作班组将鄙人周干完这活。

    The working team will finish the job next week.

  26. 工作班组将在下周干完这活。

    The working team will finish the job next week.

  27. 加强班组内部以及与其他班组的合作。

    Enhance team work within shift, between each shift teams and day teams.

  28. 关于班组建设安全教育问题的探讨

    Discussion on issue of safety education for mine working shifts

  29. 我厂搞好班组安全管理的经验

    Experiences to do well safety management of teams and groups

  30. 建筑施工项目班组安全管理工作体会

    Experience of Safety Administration in Construction Project


  1. 问:班组拼音怎么拼?班组的读音是什么?班组翻译成英文是什么?

    答:班组的读音是bānzǔ,班组翻译成英文是 group or team

  2. 问:班组协作键拼音怎么拼?班组协作键的读音是什么?班组协作键翻译成英文是什么?

    答:班组协作键的读音是bān zǔ xié zuò jiàn,班组协作键翻译成英文是 team work key

  3. 问:班组记录单拼音怎么拼?班组记录单的读音是什么?班组记录单翻译成英文是什么?

    答:班组记录单的读音是bān zǔ jì lù dān,班组记录单翻译成英文是 gang sheet

  4. 问:班组人员值勤时间拼音怎么拼?班组人员值勤时间的读音是什么?班组人员值勤时间翻译成英文是什么?

    答:班组人员值勤时间的读音是bān zǔ rén yuán zhí qín shí jiān,班组人员值勤时间翻译成英文是 Crew Duty Time

  5. 问:班组人员训练规程拼音怎么拼?班组人员训练规程的读音是什么?班组人员训练规程翻译成英文是什么?

    答:班组人员训练规程的读音是bān zǔ rén yuán xùn liàn guī chéng,班组人员训练规程翻译成英文是 crew drilll procedure

  6. 问:班组成本核算制度拼音怎么拼?班组成本核算制度的读音是什么?班组成本核算制度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:班组成本核算制度的读音是bān zǔ chéng běn hé suàn zhì dù,班组成本核算制度翻译成英文是 group cost system


