







汉语拼音:tā suǒ






  1. 其他地方。




  1. It is of course then up to you to take control of the vehicle in this Higher gear and find out whsupport it is capbellyle of.


  2. Only can we find the connections of the "degree" , the maximum is possible to be worked out.


  3. If its appearance did not frighten its victim to death, at least it would paralyze the resistance which might be offered.


  4. He said "illegal" unilateral military actions had caused greater problems around the world than they had solved.


  5. Spring is a lightweight container, with wrappers that make it easy to use many different services and frameworks.


  6. It did not rest on a concept of personal human rights that ordinary people could call on to defend themselves against unjust rulers.


  7. The boat floated into the wharf to which it belonged .


  8. Each game is scored independently, and each player receives all bonuses to which he is entitled for that game.


  9. The "dark pulses, " as the NIST scientists ominously call them, create areas absent of light.


  1. 所以这就是它所做的事

    So that's what it does.

  2. 它所代表的只有一个词。

    All it took to confess was a word.

  3. 它所拥有的潜力是毋庸置疑的。

    It has the potential is without a doubt.

  4. 它所不拥有的是强制权。

    What it does not have is a right to coerce.

  5. 船驶入它所隶属的码头。

    The boat floated into the wharf to which it belonged.

  6. 船驶入它所隶属得码头。

    The boat floated into the wharf to which it belonged.

  7. 要取决于它所承载的涵义。

    That depends what connotation it conveys.

  8. 它所造成的问题是十分复杂的。

    The problems it created were very perplexing.

  9. 它所涉及的是直觉和创造力。

    It involves intuition and creativity.

  10. 酒精会烧死它所触及的细胞

    The alcohol will incinerate any tissue cells it touches.

  11. 尽管如此,它所说的毕竟是事实。

    But it is a reality nonetheless.

  12. 我讨厌色情和它所代表的一切。

    I hate pornography and everything it stands for.

  13. 另一考虑就是它所花费的时间。

    Another consideration is the time it would take.

  14. 而它所产生的影响也是不可估量的。

    Its influence has been immeasurable.

  15. 你必须了解它所需的辣椒比例。

    You must understand the delicate balance of spices it requires.

  16. 你的财富和地位都拜它所赐。

    You owe to it your fortune and position.

  17. 听首童谣, 写出它所缺的单词。

    Listen to the rhyme and put in the missing words.

  18. 接下来我们可以看见它所造成的伤害。

    Here we can see the damage.

  19. 段落的长度取决于它所传达的信息。

    The length of a paragraph depends on the information it conveys.

  20. 它所规定的惩罚多采用报复的形式。

    The prescribed punishment often took the form of exact retaliation.

  21. 它所表现的感情不是他内心感到的感情。

    The emotions it registered would be different from the ones he felt.

  22. 在它所获得的59枚奖牌中,有28枚金牌。

    Of their 59 total medals, 28 were gold.

  23. 像它所做的那样,转子取得了能量。

    As it does, the rotor gains energy.

  24. 心灵不在它生活的地方, 而在它所爱的地方。

    The soul is not where it lives, but it loves.

  25. 尽管它所期待的顺尾风没有到来。

    Althouth the tailwind it was hoping for didn't come.

  26. 障碍越大, 克服它所带来得光荣越大。

    The greater the obstacle the more the glory in overcoming it.

  27. 障碍越大,克服它所带来的光荣越大。

    The greater the obstacle the more the glory in overcoming it.

  28. 以及它所表现出来的极其丰富多彩的形式。

    and the very great varieties it may manifest.

  29. 没有什么能抵消它所产生得好影响。

    Nothing could neutralize its good effects.

  30. 没有什么能抵消它所产生的好影响。

    Nothing could neutralize its good effects.