







汉语拼音:fàng quán






  1. Jobs liked strong personalities, up to a point, but he had never truly empowered a deputy or shared the stage.

  2. Tamil demands for equality and for a real devolution of power in the north and east are far from unreasonable.

  3. through much more decentralization, strengthening the sense of responsibility of autonomous development.

  4. Concrete is made of state-owned enterprise decentralization, independent, streamline business economic administrative agencies.

  5. Increased delegation of authority goes together with a demand for increased transparency and accountability.

  6. Where Clinton went wrong by being too controlling, Obama has given up to much control.

  7. It also promotes directorate-level capacity building and school-level innovation as part of the decentralization process.

  8. Our liaisons are daily negotiating with components of this cabal the terms of this surrender.

  9. Mr Murdoch painted a picture of media mogul content to hand authority to those running the outer reaches of his empire.


  1. 学学放权吧

    Learn to delegate.

  2. 布什放权国内特工

    Bush cedes power over domestic spying

  3. 人均排放权均等

    egalitarian principle

  4. 你提倡放权,他那里收权

    For instance, we encourage devolution of powers, but other people take powers back.

  5. 当务之急是进一步简政放权

    The Burning issue of the time is to further streamline administration and delegate power to lower levels

  6. 欧盟二氧化碳排放权供过于求

    Permit glut undermines EU carbon scheme

  7. 滚动式权力下放计划渐进式放权计划

    rolling program of devolution

  8. 国家为何对医疗卫生体制放权?

    Why do nations decentralize health systems?

  9. 放权不应损害本组织的方案。

    Decentralization must not be to the detriment of the Organization's programmes.

  10. 但他拒不放权却日渐成为问题。

    But his hold on power is increasingly open to question.

  11. 欧盟没有低估实现有效放权的困难。

    The European Union did not underestimate the difficulty of achieving effective decentralization.

  12. 霍顿的软肋在于他不懂得放权。

    Horton's Achilles heel was that he could not delegate.

  13. 放权?谁在哪方面得到多大得权力?

    Decentralization? who gets how much power over what?

  14. 放权?谁在哪方面得到多大的权力?

    Decentralization ?who gets how much power over what?

  15. 进一步简政放权,这是政府的自我革命。

    This is a revolution the government imposes on itself.

  16. 只有这样,放权和加强外地办事处才可能成功。

    It was only thus that decentralization and the strengthening of field offices could be successful.

  17. 这已成了秘书处外地放权活动的指导方针。

    This has been the guideline for the Secretariat in its field decentralization activities.

  18. 多项放权,增强了院自主发展的责任意识。

    through much more decentralization, strengthening the sense of responsibility of autonomous development.

  19. 他是个冲动倔强的工作狂, 是个不愿意放权的人。

    He is an impetuous, headstrong workaholic, who is reluctant to delegate.

  20. 基于森林资源保护的碳排放权交易问题的研究

    A Study on the Carbon Emissions Trading Based on Forest Resources Management

  21. 对二级机构进一步放权,实行模拟法人的运作机制。

    Secondary institutions to further decentralization and the implementation of simulated corporate operating mechanisms.

  22. 排污权又称排放权, 是排放污染物的权利。

    Emission right is also called the right of discharge of pollutants, which means to permit discharging pollutants.

  23. 行政机构仍然不愿放权给政府的司法和立法部门。

    The executive remains reluctant to relinquish power to the judicial and legislative arms of Government.

  24. 工发组织应与成员国密切磋商, 采纳逐渐放权的战略。

    UNIDO should adopt a strategy of gradual decentralization in close consultation with Member States.

  25. 在进一步放权的同时, 需要提高透明度和增强问责制。

    Increased delegation of authority goes together with a demand for increased transparency and accountability.

  26. 近些年, 在管理圈中, 鼓励领导人放权已经成为时尚。

    In recent years, it has been fashionable in management circles to encourage leaders to delegate.

  27. 这次改革方案核心是转变政府职能, 当然也是简政放权。

    The core of government plan is to transform government functions.

  28. 增加参与和问责制的决定和共识必须先于财政的放权。

    The decision and consensus to increase participation and accountability must precede fiscal decentralization.

  29. 事情要人来做,你提倡放权,他那里收权,你有什么办法?

    For instance, we encourage devolution of powers, but other people take powers back. What can we do about it?

  30. 在大会第十届会议以前, 成员国对放权问题表现了新的兴趣。

    Prior to the tenth session of the General Conference Member States showed renewed interest in decentralization.


  1. 问:放权拼音怎么拼?放权的读音是什么?放权翻译成英文是什么?

    答:放权的读音是fàngquán,放权翻译成英文是 to delegate power to the lower levels