







汉语拼音:cháng cháng






尝尝 [cháng cháng]
  1. 品尝一下,吃吃看。




  1. We suggested that the meditation might have cured him of his wheat allergy .


  2. Just when we cried out "No more food" , our hosts insisted that we at least try the fish congee. It was the right finish.


  3. So sweet was his tooth that he would tiptoe up to pine trees And lich their resin, hopping it would taste as treacly as it looked.


  4. You picked on my friends? Get ready to fill the thunder. Look at my Crazy Feet. What can you do about my Crazy Feet?


  5. Patrick sympathized, and decided to try the horseradish himself. In no time at all he too was crying.


  6. And if that was not enough to convince you to try pomegranate, the fruit is now being hailed as the elixir of youth.


  7. It was as if the Universe was letting me get a real taste of what can go wrong on the day of a speech.


  8. said the dairyman, who held in his left hand a wooden slice on which a lump of butter was stuck. 'Yes - taste for yourself!


  9. There ! You see , Miss ? Even the wind wants you to stay outside long enough to try one of my apples .


  1. 来,尝尝这个。

    Here. Try that.

  2. 尝尝,不,谢谢

    Here. Oh, no, thank you.

  3. 尝尝吧,姑娘们。

    Here you go,ladies.

  4. 尝尝这个烤鸭。

    Try some of this Roast Duck.

  5. 尝尝虾卷吧

    Try the shrimp rolls.

  6. 再让你尝尝。

    Little more for you.

  7. 尝尝我的咖啡。

    Try my coffee.

  8. 请尝尝饼干吧。

    Have a cookie.

  9. 尝尝我的咖啡。

    Try my coffee.

  10. 我可以尝尝吗?

    Should I try it?

  11. 我朋友想尝尝

    My friend wants to try some.

  12. 请尝尝这布丁。

    Please have a taste of this pudding.

  13. 休息一下,来尝尝

    Take a break. Try some.

  14. 芮佳娜,来尝尝,谢谢

    Regina, please. Thank you.

  15. 你们或许想尝尝

    so I thought you might wanna try them.

  16. 为什么不尝尝烤鸭。

    Why dont you try some roast duck.

  17. 我好想再尝尝

    Because I'm dying to try them.

  18. 请尝尝这道菜。

    Please have a taste of the food.

  19. 请尝尝这道菜。

    Please have a taste of the food.

  20. 接下来尝尝开心果吧

    And here comes the pistachios.

  21. 让我尝尝啤酒,好么?

    Let me try some beer, ok ?

  22. 我想尝尝甜点心。

    I'd like to try some sweet dim sum.

  23. 是最好的,来,尝尝

    and they're the best. Here, try.

  24. 尝尝松饼,记得尝尝那松饼

    Taste the muffin. Remember the muffin.

  25. 尝尝你的劳动成果

    taste the fruits of your labor.

  26. 来, 尝尝我的手艺。

    Come on, have a taste of my cooking skill.

  27. 来,尝尝我的手艺。

    Come on, have a taste of my cooking skill.

  28. 来,尝尝我得手艺。

    Come on, have a taste of my cooking skill.

  29. 那么尝尝草莓酱吧。

    Then lets try strawberry ketchup.

  30. 我们想尝尝上海菜。

    We would like to try Shanghai cuisine.