




哺乳动物,种类很多,听觉嗅觉都很敏锐,善于看守门户,有的可以训练成军犬、警犬:走~。~彘(狗和猪)。~刨(páo )(一种游泳动作)。~盗(小偷)。~腿子。~仗人势。~尾续貂(喻拿粗劣的东西接到美好的东西后面,很不相称,常指文章)。……



汉语拼音:zǒu gǒu







  1. 猎犬。

    《战国策·齐策四》:“世无 东郭俊 卢氏 之狗,王之走狗已具矣。”《晏子春秋·谏下二三》:“ 景公 走狗死,公令外共之棺,内给之祭。”

  2. 谓纵狗行猎。

    汉 董仲舒 《春秋繁露·五行相胜》:“博戏鬭鸡,走狗弄马。” 唐 罗隐 《所思》诗:“鬭鸡走狗五陵道,惆悵输他轻薄儿。” 明 方孝孺 《楼君墓志》:“臂鹰走狗,驰逐为乐。”

  3. 比喻受人豢养的帮凶。

    清 孔尚任 《桃花扇·听稗》:“正排着低品走狗奴才队,都做了高节清风大英雄!” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·田七郎》:“操杖隶皆绅家走狗。” 胡适 《我答汪先生的信》:“他也许更堕落下去,做一个军阀派的走狗。”

  4. 自称谦词。

    清 黄宗羲 《明夷待访录·兵制》:“国家当承平之时,武人至大帅者,干謁文臣,即其品级悬絶,亦必戎服,左握刀,右属弓矢,帕首袴鞾,趋入庭拜,其门状自称走狗,退而与其僕隶齿。” 清 袁枚 《随园诗话》卷六:“ 郑板桥 爱 徐青藤 诗,尝刻一印云:‘ 徐青藤 门下走狗 郑燮 。’”



  1. Professional dog thieves typically take a few of the owner's possessions so the dog smells the owner and remains calm, she said.


  2. When the war broke out in many provinces of mainland revealed the moment, shandong farmer rebellion, but with small Japan a good fight.


  3. In every conceivable way U. S. imperialism and its lackeys are trying to extinguish the revolutionary flames of people's war.


  4. Hmmm. I didn't think of myself as particularly imperialistic , but I supposed I might be qualified to be a running dog.


  5. The general said that his treatment was "despicable" , that officials have become lackeys, and that basic freedoms are being stamped out.


  6. Perhaps the worst outcome of all would be for it to be turned into an American-style lapdog.


  7. Mr Obama can now label opponents of his plans as corporate lackeys , not to mention enemies of the working man.


  8. South Korea now serves a faithful running dog for the United States, while fiddling with his neighbors like China and Japan.


  9. Lu Chuan, the film's director, has received death threats and accusations of being a traitor and a stooge for Japanese revisionists.


  1. 美国的走狗

    stooges of the US.

  2. 独裁者的走狗

    creatures of the dictators.

  3. 买办, 汉奸, 走狗?

    Comprador, traitor, running dog?

  4. 买办,汉奸,走狗?

    Comprador, traitor, running dog?

  5. 狡兔死, 走狗烹

    After the cunning hare is killed, the hound is Boiled

  6. 她是老师的走狗。

    She’s the teacher’s pet. I guess sucking up goes a long way sometimes.

  7. 他真像一条走狗。

    He is just like a running dog.

  8. 他们是帝国主义的走狗。

    They are the running dogs of imperialism.

  9. 像你这样的纳粹走狗

    A nazi stooge like you

  10. 你们这些异教徒的走狗。

    You are servants of unbelievers.

  11. 所有的走狗都是有罪的。

    All the dogs are just as guilty.

  12. 你仍然是我哥哥的走狗。

    You're still my brother's lapdog.

  13. 哄我们去上工的是走狗!

    Anybody who tries to get us to go back is a rat, too!

  14. 他整天斗鸡走狗,不务正业。

    He idles away one day after another, without attending to his duties.

  15. 我不是谁的走狗,鸟人

    I'm no one's lapdog,birdman.

  16. 对帝国主义的走狗要保持警戒。

    Keep a vigilant eye on the imperialist jackals.

  17. 我不是谁的走狗,鸟人。

    I'm no one's lapdog, birdman.

  18. 那个走狗看守马上又会来的。

    That jackal guard will be around again soon.

  19. 别信任他!他是那个独裁者的走狗。

    Don't trust him! he's the dictator's creature.

  20. 老虎捕杀猎物时, 帮凶走狗也获利。

    When the tiger kills, the jackal profits.

  21. 打倒美国侵略者和他们的走狗!

    People of the world, Unite and defeat US aggressors and all their running dogs!

  22. 打倒美国侵略者和他们得走狗!

    People of the world, Unite and defeat US aggressors and all their running dogs!

  23. 我认为他想把我当走狗般支使。

    I think he hopes to use me as one of his stooges.

  24. 当资方派出走狗欺骗我们的时候?

    When the bosses send their lackeys out to cheat us?

  25. 和你的走狗上周我不感兴趣。

    And your lackey last week that I wasn't interested.

  26. 飞鸟尽, 良弓藏, 狡兔死, 走狗烹。

    Birds do, the good bow Tibetan, Jiaotu death, dogs cooking.

  27. 你这国王怎么也做起走狗来了?

    What are you doing enthralled to that pig of a king?

  28. 这些贫农们认为庄头是地主的走狗。

    These poor farmers consider land managers the servile followers of land owners.

  29. 这些贫农们认为庄头是地主的走狗。

    These poor farmers consider land managers the servile followers of land owners.

  30. 更有谁想充当侵略者的走狗呢?

    More anyone who wants to serve as lackeys of the aggressors do?


  1. 问:走狗拼音怎么拼?走狗的读音是什么?走狗翻译成英文是什么?

    答:走狗的读音是zǒugǒu,走狗翻译成英文是 running dog; lackey; servile follower


基本解释本指猎狗,今比喻受人豢养而帮助作恶的人,谄媚的人或阿谀奉承的人【词汇】走狗【注音】zǒu ɡǒu【释义】①猎犬。 ②.谓纵狗行猎。③比喻受人豢养的帮凶。④自称谦