


1. 佃 [diàn]2. 佃 [tián]佃 [diàn]向地主或官府租种土地的农民:~户。~农。~客(晋代世家豪强荫庇下的一种依附农民)。~东。佃 [tián]耕作。古同“畋”,打猎。……





汉语拼音:diàn hù




旧时租种土地 的农户为土地出租者的佃户。



  1. 租种地主土地的农户。

    《新五代史·楚世家·周行逢》:“岁时衣青裙,押佃户送租入城。”《水浒传》第四六回:“庄前庄后有五七百人家,都是佃户。” 艾青 《献给乡村的诗》:“﹝我﹞想起没有土地没有耕牛的佃户们。”



  1. The matter in dispute between landlord and his tenant was too trifling to be brought into court.


  2. The way he talked turkey with the tenants showed he was quite mature and was able to manage things for his father.


  3. But the company can be a harsh overlord to its crofters.


  4. In feudal land law, the commission of a felony by a tenant caused his land to pass to his lord.


  5. All these words written in the book, all words spoken by our tenant, gazed at me strangely with enigmatic smile.


  6. Ever since the Ching dynasty, Ma revealed, his family had been poor tenants, renting land and never having any of their own.


  7. Many peasants fell into debt and were forced to become either hired laborers or rent-paying tenants of the land-owning classes.


  8. Joseph remained to hector over tenants and labourers; and because it was his vocation to be where he had plenty of wickedness to reprove.


  9. The author made a detailed description on the operation and economic lives of both the landlords and their renters in Suchou then.


  1. 他榨取他的佃户。

    He racked his tenants.

  2. 地主对佃户进行残酷剥削。

    The landlords racked the tenants.

  3. 目前我们不需要任何佃户。

    For the time being we don't want any tenants.

  4. 他被佃户们承认为新房东。

    He was attorned by the tenants.

  5. 因违反租约被驱逐的佃户。

    Tenants who were ejected for violations of their lease.

  6. 佃户住在楼房下面的一层。

    The tenants live downstairs.

  7. 在英国指佃户经营的小农地。

    A small farm worked by a crofter.

  8. 这些佃户都与地主签订了佃契。

    These tenant-farmers have all signed a tenancy contract with the landlord.

  9. 这些可怜的佃户在那个庄园里耕种。

    The poor tenants farmed in that manor.

  10. 没有一个佃户或佣人不称赞他。

    There is not one of his tenants or servants but what will give him a good name.

  11. 地主强迫佃户或租用户离开的行为。

    Action by a landlord that compels a tenant to leave the premises.

  12. 佃户向地主定期付出的财产使用费。

    A regular payment by a tenant to a landlord for use of some property.

  13. 作为一个佃户,知道你的权利是重要的。

    It's important to know your rights as a tenant.

  14. 她和一个年轻人,伯爵的一个佃户,订了婚。

    She was engaged to a young man, a tenant of his.

  15. 他那么自然地谈着他的森林、他的佃户和他的仆人。

    He talked as naturally of woods, his tenants, and his servants.

  16. 他仍然自然地谈着他的森林,他的佃户和他的仆人。

    He talked as naturally of woods, his tenants, and his servants.

  17. 地主转让给佃户的条件在下文中称作转让条件。

    the landlord demises unto the tenant the premises hereinafter called the demised premises.

  18. 地主转让给佃户的条件在下文中称作转让条件。

    The landlord demises unto the tenant the premises hereinafter called the demised premises.

  19. 我们全是他的佃户 全是在那里站着的那个人的佃户。

    We are all tenants of his, of that man who is standing there.

  20. 今天有些地主仍以近乎封建的方式对待佃户。

    The way some landlords treat their tenants today still seems feudal.

  21. 但是公司对其佃户和工人可以作威作福, 苛刻异常。

    But the company can be a harsh overlord to its crofters.

  22. 由佃户拥有的保证每个佃户享有同等的分享财产的权益。

    The interest in property owned by tenants whereby each tenant has an equal right to enjoy the entire property.

  23. 效忠同样也是对领主和佃户之间租赁契约的确认。

    Homage was accordingly the acknowledgment of the bond of tenure between lord and tenant.

  24. 在理论上, 没有土地的佃户可以到别处去找工作。

    In theory, the dispossessed tenants could find jobs elsewhere.

  25. 但是这个比喻,如佃户的比喻一样,似乎含有多个要旨。

    This parable, like the Parable of the Tenants, is more involved and seems to include more than one point of comparison.

  26. 刚才他们告诉我,第一批的佃户们明天就得搬走。

    Now they tell me that first of the tenants are to flit tomorrow.

  27. 庄园主还算慷慨, 鉴于这个艰难时期, 允许佃户们拖欠租金。

    The landlord was generous in allowing land rent fall into arrears, due to the difficult times.

  28. 为佃户提供贷款,肥使他们有能力购买自己的租借地。

    The tenants were offered loans to enable them to purchase their holdings.

  29. 佃户经常被迫做一些下作的事以满足地主的低级趣味。

    Often the tenant had to commit degrading acts just to satisfy his landlord's whims.

  30. 他们认为秦汉社会的大量佃户不是奴隶而是自耕农。

    They think the Qin and Han society, but a large number of tenant farmers are not slaves.


  1. 问:佃户拼音怎么拼?佃户的读音是什么?佃户翻译成英文是什么?

    答:佃户的读音是diànhù,佃户翻译成英文是 a tenant farmer

  2. 问:佃户用地拼音怎么拼?佃户用地的读音是什么?佃户用地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:佃户用地的读音是diàn hù yòng dì,佃户用地翻译成英文是 terrae tenementales

  3. 问:佃户陪审团拼音怎么拼?佃户陪审团的读音是什么?佃户陪审团翻译成英文是什么?

    答:佃户陪审团的读音是diàn hù péi shěn tuán,佃户陪审团翻译成英文是 homage jury



读音:diàn hù 释义:旧时租地主地的农民。佃户 亦称钦拨佃户。