




年纪大,时间长,有经验,陈旧的:~当益壮。~朋友。~练。~化。少年~成。~马识途。对年纪大的人的尊称:吴~。~人家。~大爷。极,很:~早。~羞成怒。老年人:敬~院。扶~携幼。~有所为(wéi )。晚年:~年。~境。敬老,养老:“~吾老,以及……




1. 衰 [shuāi]2. 衰 [cuī]衰 [shuāi]事物发展转向微弱:~微。~弱。~老。盛(shèng )~。兴(xīng )~。衰 [cuī]等次,等级,等差:等~(等次)。同“缞”。……



汉语拼音:nián lǎo lì shuāi






年老力衰 [nián lǎo lì shuāi]
  1. 年老力衰,年事已高,身体衰弱。




  1. According to the announcement of WHO about disease statistics, more than 96% diseases occur due to old age and immunity problems.


  1. 他已年老力衰, 一天天穷下去。

    He is in the sear and yellow leaf, getting poorer every day.

  2. 年老体衰。

    be decrepit with old age

  3. 我见她时, 她已年老体衰。

    She was stricken in years when I met her.

  4. 史密斯先生已年老体衰。

    Mr. Smith is stricken in years.

  5. 由于年老体衰, 他上书陈情归隐。

    Since he is getting old, he submitted a written request to retire from his post.

  6. 由于年老体衰,他上书陈情归隐。

    Since he is getting old, he submitted a written request to retire from his post.

  7. 爷爷虽然年老体衰, 但精神还挺好。

    Although my grandfather is old and feeble, he is in high spirits.

  8. 爷爷虽然年老体衰,但精神还挺好。

    Although my grandfather is old and feeble, he is in high spirits.

  9. 但是再过三年, 我就要开始年老色衰了。

    But in three years, I'll start to rot and sag.

  10. 老年人年老体衰更应该参加一些适当的体育锻炼。

    Elderly people are worn with age, so it is even more important for them to take part in exercise.

  11. 我承认他年老体衰, 然而尽管如此, 它仍是优秀的政治家。

    I that he is old and frail be that as it, he's still a good politician.

  12. 我承认他年老体衰, 然而尽管如此, 他仍是优秀的政治家。

    I accept that hes old and frail be that as it may, hes still a good politician.

  13. 这一理想使奥林匹克运动得以经百年而不衰。

    This ideal has enabled the Olympic Games to thrive for more than a century.

  14. 孔氏宗族作为一个完备家族的典型, 历经千年, 经久不衰。

    Confucius clan as a complete clan's model, after millennium, unfailing.

  15. 谁也无法避免年老体衰。

    Nobody can avoid being disabled by age.

  16. 它的半衰期大约为45亿年。

    It has a halflife of about 412 billion years.

  17. 她由于年老体衰而显得干瘪。

    She shriveled with age.

  18. 该学说五百多年久盛不衰。

    The doctrine held the field for quite five hundred years.

  19. 几年没见, 他衰迈了很多。

    I haven't seen him for years, he is so much older than before.

  20. 几年没见,他衰迈了很多。

    I haven't seen him for years, he is so much older than before.

  21. 耳聋眼花是年老体衰的现象。

    Deafness and failing eyesight are among the infirmities of old age.

  22. 他开始显出年老体衰的样子了。

    Old age and infirmity had begun to catch up with him.

  23. 这种药物这么多年来一直常销不衰。

    This medicine has been selling well in recent years.

  24. 这种药物这么多年来一直常销不衰。

    This medicine has been selling well in recent years.

  25. 只有年老体衰的人才有这次机会。

    The chance is qualified to the old and the sick.

  26. 它们在体内的半衰期估计为7至11年。

    Their halflife in the body is estimated to be seven to eleven years.

  27. 没有人想要选一个年老体衰的人当总统。

    No one would want to elect a geriatric president.

  28. 少林武术千百年来,长盛不衰,一代更比一代强。

    In thousands of years, Shaolin Gongfu has become more and more prosperous.

  29. 印加之邦既衰,山城遭弃,荒草疯长,风雨飘摇400年。

    After the Incan civilization collapsed, the site was abandoned and the rainforest overgrew it for 400 years.

  30. 千年不衰的文学为年轻的电影提供了取之不尽的资源。

    Immortal literary works over the past thousands of years provide the young filming industry with inexhaustible sources.