











汉语拼音:zhǔn què wú wù








  1. Adding that: "It would be interesting to see whether this approach to categorising malware could [work] without giving false positives. "

  2. Inspired by this friend, I realized that I could do exactly what I decided to do.

  3. We do not always remember things correctly. An event may be adapted and distorted by our memory.

  4. IT HAS become a joke for The Economist to say that a country is at a crossroads, yet for Turkey it happens to be spot on.

  5. But now a pair of 'social X-Ray' glasses promises to tell you exactly what the other person is thinking - and when you should stop talking.

  6. Your personal information (name, address, home phone, cell phone, email) is all included and correct.

  7. The actual operating experiments prove that the system has advantages of mature technique, reliable running performance and a precise alarm.

  8. So much happens in that moment -- and he'll smile at the sight of his open chute only if everything goes precisely right.

  9. Physicists detected particles travelling faster than light, which, if the reading was accurate, means time travel is possible.


  1. 店主我们的秤准确无误, 太太。

    Shopkeeper My scales are all right, madam.

  2. 而是我准确无误的观察结果。

    It was just one of my deadon observations.

  3. 那些支票准确无误的一年一到。

    Those checks came once a year like clockwork.

  4. 我准确无误地抄下这封信。

    I copied the letter faithfully.

  5. 道尔为自己的准确无误感到自豪。

    Doyle prides himself on his accuracy.

  6. 他准确无误地解决了所有的问题。

    He solved all the problems faultlessly.

  7. 他们准确无误地扮演了自己的角色。

    They acted their parts infallibly.

  8. 这些价格在付印时是准确无误的。

    These prices are correct at the time of going to press.

  9. 准确无误的退回自己刚才站立的地方。

    The location being exactly to without anybody peccadillo mail back oneself to just stand.

  10. 我的任务是准确无误地控制着电压。

    Precise control of voltages is my business.

  11. 但是我还是能准确无误的找到你家。

    But somehow, I knew exactly how to get here.

  12. 你知道我的阴户和准确无误地碰我。

    You know every inch of my cunt and exactly where to touch me.

  13. 低垂眼睑, 视线准确无误的指向地上的烈焰。

    Droop eyelids, the view is without anyone error precise of the blazing flame of instruction floor.

  14. 先见要是与后见一样准确无误该多好!

    If only foresight could be as accurate as the backward view!

  15. 两者都是神的启示,准确无误的神的话吗?

    Are both teachings the inspired, inerrant Word of God?

  16. 由于深信数据准确无误,他们坚持自己的意见。

    Convinced of the accuracy of the data, they stuck to their opinion.

  17. 我们的指挥官找到过夜的小木屋的准确无误的能力。

    Our commander's unerring ability to find a cabin for the night.

  18. 行李上准确无误地贴上了运往伦敦得标签。

    The luggage is properly labeled for London.

  19. 行李上准确无误地贴上了运往伦敦的标签。

    The luggage is properly labeled for London.

  20. 苏姗能再次准确无误地完成表演,取得冠军吗

    Can Susan go round again without a mistake and become the champion show jumper

  21. 他们是怎么做到让这么多的细节都准确无误的?

    How did they get so many details right?

  22. 我很有组织条理, 凡事力求准确无误, 办事认真尽责。

    I am well organized, accurate, and conscientious.

  23. 我想我们能准确无误地指望至少有十个人支持我们。

    I think we can reckon with safety on at least ten people supporting us.

  24. 我能准确无误地演奏完贝多芬得第五交响曲。

    I can play Beethoven's 3 th Symphony through without a mistake.

  25. 我能准确无误地演奏完贝多芬的第五交响曲。

    I can play Beethoven's 5 th Symphony through without a mistake.

  26. 士兵们的动作准确无误, 干净利落, 和国王的禁卫军一模一样。

    The soldiers all did with the smartness and precision of the King's own guards.

  27. 我的秤准确无误,太太。可是你称过你的小儿子了吗

    My scales are all right, madam. Have you weighted your little boy

  28. 我得秤准确无误,太太。可是你称过你得小儿子了 吗

    My scales are all right, madam. Have you weighted your little boy.

  29. 吐温会准确无误地记住句子,但却忘了它们顺序。

    Twain would remember the sentences, all right, but forget their order.

  30. 而即使对小概率事件的认识准确无误,也不真正管用。

    And even accurate knowledge of small probabilities cannot really help.

