


去,到:~返。~复。~还(huán )。~来。交~。向~。勇~直前。过去:~昔。~日。~事。~古。~常。以~。一如既~。同“望”。……




1. 上 [shàng]2. 上 [shǎng]上 [shàng]位置在高处的,与“下”相对:楼~。~边。次序或时间在前的:~古。~卷。等级和质量高的:~等。~策。~乘(佛教用语,一般借指文学艺术的高妙境界或上品)。由低处到高处:~山。~车……


1. 抹 [mǒ]2. 抹 [mò]3. 抹 [mā]抹 [mǒ]涂:涂~。~粉(喻美化或掩饰)。~黑(喻丑化)。~子(瓦工用来抹灰泥的器具。亦称“抹刀”)。揩,擦:~拭。哭天~泪。除去,勾掉,不计在内:~煞。轻微的痕迹:“林梢一~青如画”……





汉语拼音:wǎng liǎn shàng mǒ hēi






  1. 网络
  2. fling mud at;throw mud at;to smear

  3. >

  1. 开始往脸上长了!

    It's starting to spread to my face!

  2. 开始往脸上长了!

    It's starting to spread to my face!

  3. 他把冷水往脸上泼。

    He splashed cold water on his face.

  4. 他用杂志往脸上扇风。

    He faned his face with a magzine.

  5. 她对着镜子往脸上抹粉。

    She powdered her face in her mirror.

  6. 她对着镜子往脸上抹粉。

    She powdered her face in her mirror.

  7. 不许他给我们集体脸上抹黑。

    We are not going to let him bring shame on our collective.

  8. 她往脸上扑上粉, 嘴唇上抹上口红。

    Her face and put on her lipstick.

  9. 往脸上泼洒一点水, 弄湿脸部。

    Dampen the face by splashing a little water upon it.

  10. 她每天早晨往脸上搽冷霜。

    Every morning she rubs coldcream on her face.

  11. 她往脸上搽了粉, 又涂上了口红。

    She powdered her face and put on her lipstick.

  12. 我们绝不会让他给我们队脸上抹黑。

    We're not gonna let him bring shame on our team.

  13. 她每天晚上都往脸上抹乳膏。

    She creams her face every night.

  14. 她打开手提包, 开始往脸上重敷脂粉。

    She opened her handbag and began to repair her face.

  15. 她往脸上搽了粉,抹了口红和胭脂。

    She powdered her face and applied her lipstick and rouge.

  16. 我往脸上涂了皂沫,然后开始刮胡子。

    I lathered my face and started to shave.

  17. 纳尔感到有一股血液直往脸上冲。

    Noel felt the blood drain from her face.

  18. 她走进女厕所, 往脸上泼了些水。

    She went to the ladies and threw some water on her face.

  19. 她走进女厕所,往脸上泼了些水。

    She went to the ladies and threw some water on her face.

  20. 他的所作所为简直是在给我们集体脸上抹黑。

    What he did simply brings shame to us all.

  21. 丹尼尔往脸上浇冷水, 想使自己清醒过来。

    Daniel splashed his face with cold water to try to wake himself up.

  22. 她向镜中望去,开始往脸上重敷脂粉。

    She looked into the mirror and began to repair her face.

  23. 新发明如果想看起来年轻,请往脸上贴青春痘。

    New invention Snapon acne for people who want to look younger.

  24. 戴维跪下身,用手捧起河水往脸上撩。

    David knelt, cupped his hands and splashed river water on to his face.

  25. 一个小男孩出神的看着妈妈往脸上抹面霜。

    Fascinatedly a little boy watched his mum putting some face cream.

  26. 把那么多化妆品往脸上堆实在不好, 自然美看起来更好。

    It is no good to put lots of makeup and notion on your face. It is better to look natural.

  27. 可是卡尔却站在那儿往脸上抹肥皂,全然不动声色。

    And yet Carl is standing there lathering his face and not a single detail is altered.

  28. 她一天到晚往脸上拍粉,嘴唇抹得血瓢似的。

    She was always powdering her face, and the lipstick on her big mouth made it look like bloody ladle.

  29. 别往我脸上吐烟!

    Do not puff smoke into my face!

  30. 别往我脸上吐烟!

    Do not puff smoke into my face!

