


不要,不可以:~妄言。宁缺~滥。不:~庸。~宁(nìng )。姓。……





汉语拼音:wú yōng







  1. 无须,不要。

    《汉书·游侠传·郭解》:“﹝ 郭解 ﹞乃夜去,不使人知,曰:‘且毋庸,待我去,令 洛阳 豪居间乃听。’” 宋 司马光 《曾公亮辞免恩命第一表不允批答》:“成命不易,毋庸固辞。” 明 冯梦龙 《古今谭概·癖嗜·古铜器》:“﹝一士人﹞家有数古铜器,将以货之,而鬻之者雅有好古之癖,一见喜甚,曰:‘毋庸货也。’” 冯德英 《苦菜花》第三章:“等我们胜利了,毋庸说你那个小小的书记职位,就是当区长、县长,又有什么不可呢!”



  1. In Beethoven's case there is no doubt about it, for we have the notebooks in which he put the themes down.


  2. It's needless to say that the greatest technical and scientific achievement in 21th century is the success of the Human Genome Project.


  3. There is nothing to say that globalisation will continue indefinitely.


  4. Needless to say, the mask of a Jaguar Warrior often hides numerous scars earned during this perilous rite of passage.


  5. Prada is considered to be among the most coveted brands in the world and is undoubtedly a celebrated status symbol.


  6. There's no doubt that we're having to be more accountable today.


  7. There is no doubt that you should keep quiet in a library.


  8. Needless to say, our client was also delighted by the speedy results.


  9. Needless to say, this approach is generally not a good error handling strategy for all but the most disposable code.


  1. 毋庸赘述。

    It is unnecessary to go into details.

  2. 此事已毋庸争议

    The matter is beyond controversy.

  3. 这个问题毋庸争论。

    The question allows of no dispute.

  4. 他的诚实是毋庸质疑的。

    His honest is beyond question.

  5. 毋庸说,这件事情垮了。

    Suffice it to say that the good thing fell down.

  6. 毋庸讳言,广告推销产品。

    Needless to say, advertising sells products.

  7. 毋庸赘言, 名著最有影响力。

    It is almost unnecessary to add that the great books are the most influential books.

  8. 毋庸多言, 这样的决斗十分乏味。

    Needless to say, this kind of duel is utterly monotonous.

  9. 毋庸多言,这样得决斗十分乏味。

    Needless to say, this kind of duel is utterly monotonous.

  10. 这都是众人皆知毋庸赘述的。

    It is too we known to need elaboration.

  11. 这都是众人皆知毋庸赘述得。

    It is too we known to need elaboration.

  12. 毋庸质疑, 人生并不全是吃喝玩乐。

    We experience life through seeing, touching, tasting, smelling, and hearing.

  13. 实质性证据的性质和可用性毋庸讨论。

    The nature and availability of material evidence was not to be discussed.

  14. 毋庸质疑的是,如今我们不得不更加有责任感。

    Theres no doubt that were having to be more accountable today.

  15. 毋庸讳言, 考利昂家族遭受了一系列不幸。

    It had, of course, suffered serious misfortunes.

  16. 吉安尼。里维拉。一个名字足矣, 毋庸多言。

    Gianni Rivera. Nuff said.

  17. 毋庸质疑,全球化将会继续无限地发展开来。

    There is nothing to say that globalisation will continue indefinitely.

  18. 同样,需要执行最佳管理做法,这一点也毋庸辩论。

    Similarly, the need to implement best management practices should also be beyond debate.

  19. 毋庸指出,这种权利不应该是绝对和无约束的。

    It is needless to say that such rights should not be absolute and unlimited.

  20. 毋庸赘言,主席先生,我们将充分仰赖你的领导和高见。

    Needless to say, Mr. Chairman, we fully rely on your leadership and advice.

  21. 因此, 毋庸推论, 无论你多麽努力改换阵营, 你终归不是自己人。

    Corollary of FutilityNo matter how hard you try to change your political party, you are still a convert.

  22. 毋庸多说,客户对于我们这么快提供成果非常高兴。

    Needless to say, our client was also delighted by the speedy results.

  23. 毋庸言,该报告是大会和安理会之间的主要环节之一。

    Needless to say, the report is one of the principal links between the General Assembly and the Council.

  24. 毋庸赘述,轴心国的入侵将美国转化为一个军工业巨头。

    Needless to say, Axis aggression transformed the United States into a militaryindustrial colossus.

  25. 奥巴马总统和我上任时, 毋庸赘言, 我们接手了两场战争。

    When President Obama and I came to office, to state the obvious, we inherited two wars.

  26. 前项应完吨税船舶,毋庸另向税务机关完纳车船使用牌照税。

    It is not necessary for the said vessels paying tonnages to pay additional vehicle and vessel service licence fees to the tax authorities.


  1. 问:毋庸拼音怎么拼?毋庸的读音是什么?毋庸翻译成英文是什么?

    答:毋庸的读音是wúyōng,毋庸翻译成英文是 needlessly

  2. 问:毋庸置疑拼音怎么拼?毋庸置疑的读音是什么?毋庸置疑翻译成英文是什么?

    答:毋庸置疑的读音是wúyōngzhìyí,毋庸置疑翻译成英文是 undoubtedly; beyond all doubt; be undisputed...





【:wú yōng

【注音】ㄨˊ ㄩㄥ

【基本解释】 [need not] 无须毋庸讳言 详细解释 无须,不要。