







汉语拼音:yī zhuāng






  1. 犹一件。多指事情或案子。

    元 无名氏 《争报恩》第四折:“今日忠义堂上,分付这一桩公事去来。” 清 洪昇 《长生殿·疑谶》:“要思量做一个顶天立地的男儿,干一桩定国安邦的事业。” 许地山 《在费总理底客厅里》:“大哥,咱们还有一桩案未了。”



  1. A privatised Shaw Brothers would also allow Ms Fong to carry out a property deal that she was unable to do a few months ago.


  2. His mind may turn to the stock market, or he may become fascinated by the operation of a pile driver on his way to work.


  3. In their hearts that may be a piece of cake, would say I make a mountain out of a molehill.


  4. "That must not be, either! " said the Princess. "But do you all stand before me that no one may see us. "


  5. It was because he had made a serious affair of an idle matter, by thinking of it as if it were of any consequence.


  6. It was a civil case so there was no question of him being sent to prison.


  7. To me two millions are a trifle, but you are losing three or four of the best years of your life.


  8. However, each one failed to do, have taught I did not know some of the knowledge.


  9. I believe it was definitely a political story, in the best sense of the word.


  1. 小事一桩。

    No big deal.

  2. 一桩谋杀案

    a murder case

  3. 嘿,小事一桩。

    Hey, no problem.

  4. 揭露一桩丑闻

    smoke out a scandal.

  5. 这是小事一桩

    it was a breeze

  6. 小事一桩,不足挂齿。

    Don't mention it.

  7. 这是一桩悬案。

    This is an unsettled law case.

  8. 这不是一桩意外。

    It wasn't an accident.

  9. 这不是一桩意外。

    It wasn't an accident.

  10. 绝对是奇闻一桩。

    Certainly an anecdote.

  11. 这不是一桩意外。

    It wasn't an accident.

  12. 小事一桩, 何足挂齿。

    It's no big deal, it's not even worth mentioning.

  13. 小事一桩,何足挂齿。

    It's no big deal , it's not even worth mentioning .

  14. 揭发一桩无礼行为

    to report a rudeness

  15. 怪事不止这一桩。

    Quirk is more than this one picket.

  16. 那是一桩民事诉讼。

    That be a civil case.

  17. 一桩骇人听闻的罪行

    a monstrous crime

  18. 非常感谢,小事一桩。

    It's good to have you back.

  19. 她读到一桩轶事。

    There she read an anecdote.

  20. 对一桩案子做笔录

    to note a case

  21. 事件起因于一桩小事。

    The incident originated in a trifle.

  22. 记者们揭露了一桩丑闻。

    The reporters smoked out a scandal.

  23. 记者们揭露了一桩丑闻。

    The reporters smoked out a scandal.

  24. 哪儿的话。小事一桩罢了。

    Don't mention it. Piece of cake.

  25. 一桩事实抵得上一船雄辩。

    A single fact is worth a shipload of arguments.

  26. 这是一桩偶发得事件。

    It was quite an accident.

  27. 这是一桩偶发的事件。

    It was quite an accident.

  28. 那是一桩冒险得事情。

    It is a risky undertaking.

  29. 那是一桩冒险的事情。

    It is a risky undertaking.

  30. 这无疑是一桩诈骗案。

    This is a clear case of fraud.


  1. 问:一桩事拼音怎么拼?一桩事的读音是什么?一桩事翻译成英文是什么?

    答:一桩事的读音是Yìzhuāng shì,一桩事翻译成英文是 an issue