







汉语拼音:tā rén






  1. 别人。

    唐 司空曙 《病中遣妓》诗:“黄金用尽教歌舞,留与它人乐少年。” 宋 秦醇 《赵飞燕别传》:“ 赵后 腰骨尤纤细,善踽步行。若人手执花枝,颤颤然,它人莫可学也。”《说郛》卷二三引 宋 赵与时 《宾退录》:“予首卷辨 王建 《宫词》多杂以它人所作,今乃知所知不广。”它,一本作“ 他 ”。



  1. "Innovation" - to create a unique product, people make it a hard act to follow.


  2. A true friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touches your heart. Do not keep this message.


  3. At various points in time, policy-makers, bankers, brokers and sundry others claim that bubbles can only be identified after they burst.


  4. However, as a matter of conscious determination, a POW must plan to escape, try to escape and assist other to escape.


  5. Copying another person's work or allowing your work to be copied by others is a serious academic offense and will be treated as such.


  6. We are the ones who design and create something innovative that could inspire the others.


  7. And since both are currently dealing with injuries, we won't see Federer or Nadal vs anyone this weekend.


  8. The neuronal protein syntaxin is essential. Without it, you die.


  9. Should one renounce Nirvana oneself, in order to help others towards it first?


  1. 暗地里为它人服务的人或机构

    a person or an agency secretly in the service of another

  2. 对它人研究的纯粹重复不是真实的科学研究。

    A mere repetition of other people's research is not a true scientific research.

  3. 傀儡, 挂名者暗地里为它人服务的人或机构

    A person or an agency secretly in the service of another.

  4. 人应该放弃自己的涅磐, 为了首先帮助它人达到它?

    Should one renounce Nirvana oneself, in order to help others towards it first

  5. 对于那些对它过敏的人它将是致命的。

    It will be fatal to the people who are allergic to it.

  6. 它让人难以理解

    It didn't make any sense.

  7. 它比人算的快。

    They can make calculations faster than a man can.

  8. 它使人晕眩, 使人作呕。

    It can make you dizzy. It can make you nauseous.

  9. 它让人读得更深刻。

    It offers many insights.

  10. 它给人一种轻松感。

    That gave one sense of lightness.

  11. 只能说明,留下它的人

    All it says is that the person who left it.

  12. 是那个负责训练它的人?

    Is it the person who trained it

  13. 是那个负责训练它得人?

    Is it the person who trained it.

  14. 触及那些真正需要它的人。

    to people who need it.

  15. 它令人动心,放松和宁静。

    It is inviting, relaxing and tranquil.

  16. 想买它的人多达三人。

    No less than three people offered to buy it.

  17. 它靠人的双腿为动力。

    It is powered by human legs.

  18. 维护它的人不会是我。

    I will not be maintaining it.

  19. 维护它得人不会是我。

    I will not be maintaining it.

  20. 它令人难以置信地英勇坚守。

    It held out with incredible valour.

  21. 它与人的生活融为一体。

    It is so integral to people's lives.

  22. 持有它的人会无敌于天下

    He who holds it becomes invincible

  23. 建造它的人肯定是个骗子。

    Whoever framed it must be a fraud.

  24. 我觉得它让人兴奋和激动。

    I think it's exciting and thrilling.

  25. 这人阻止疯狗以防它咬人。

    The man held back the mad dog to prevent people from being bitten.

  26. 各位是最先看到它的人。

    You're the very first people to see this.

  27. 为了人类的利益,为了要用它的人。

    for the profit for the human being, the person who will use it.

  28. 驾驶它的人很难把它停下来。

    Its driver had a lot of trouble trying to stop it.

  29. 美使拥有它得人显赫一时。

    Beauty makes princes of those who have it.

  30. 美使拥有它的人显赫一时。

    Beauty makes princes of those who have it.