







汉语拼音:gāo liáng









  1. 高桥。

    《韩非子·外储说右下》:“ 兹郑子 引輦上高梁而不能支。 兹郑 踞辕而歌,前者止,后者趋,輦乃上。”

  2. 屋梁。

    晋 傅玄 《琵琶赋》:“素手纷其若飘兮,逸响薄于高梁。”

  3. 高挺。


  4. 即膏粱。高,通“ 膏 ”;梁,通“ 粱 ”。

    《素问·生气通天论》:“高梁之变,足生大丁。” 王冰 注:“高,膏也;梁,粱也。”参见“ 膏粱 ”。



  1. Another method that the scientists suggest is to planting sorghum during one growing season, followed by cowpea the next.

  2. The witch weed steals water and nutrient from the roots and attacks the sorghum with a poisonous substance.

  3. But on farms that cannot get fertilizer, the best solution may be the method of rotating sorghum in the air.

  4. One can estimate the length of the stylet sheaths of several cicadellid species feeding on sorghum and clover.

  5. They killed a bottle of kao liang between them.

  6. but on farms that cannot get fertilizer , the best solution may be the method of rotating sorghum with cowpea.

  7. If It requires chemical signals from sorghum seeds to grow.

  8. The genus includes species of agricultural importance, including the tropical cereal sorghum, and several species grown for forage.

  9. Agricultural Products: coffee, cocoa, cotton, rubber, bananas, peanuts, palm oil a nd palm kernels, sorghum, rice.


  1. 高梁结网毛虫

    sorghum webworm

  2. 高梁花叶病毒

    Sorghum mosaic virus

  3. 醇溶高梁蛋白

    prolamine from sorghum

  4. 高梁乌米干粉

    broomcorn sporisorium reilianum powder

  5. 多给他们点高梁饴。

    And serve plenty of sorghum.

  6. 高梁中悬吊柱的应用

    The application of suspended column in high beam

  7. 甜高梁秆制糖残渣

    sweet sorghum stalk residue

  8. 今年高梁长得特别高。

    The sorghum has grown unusually tall this year.

  9. 高梁矮花叶弹状病毒

    Sorghum stutt mosaic rhabdovirus

  10. 这块地可以种高梁或玉米。

    We can grow sorghum or maize on this plot.

  11. 受弯高梁的位移法求解探讨

    Study of displacement solution of beam subjecting to bending load

  12. 高梁主要经济性状的生成分分析

    Principle analysis on main economic characters of Sorghum

  13. 激光对高梁培养细胞分化的影响

    Effect of Irradiation of Laser on Cell Differentiation in Sorghum Callus Culture

  14. 高梁中单宁含量测定方法的研究

    Studies on the Determination of Tannin Content in Sorghum

  15. 高梁酒是以高梁酿制的高纯度蒸馏酒。

    Kaoliang is a strong distilled liquor made from sorghum.

  16. 本公司专门制造高梁酒、二锅头、水果酒。

    Our company is mainly manufacturing kaoliang wines, erkuotou, fruit wines.

  17. 高梁叶中的多核纤维和分隔纤维

    The Multinucleate Fibers and Septate Fibers in the Leaf of Sorghum Vulgares

  18. 我国北方和南方都有种植高梁的。

    Gaoliang is grown in both north and South china.

  19. 此地以出产玉米、小麦、高梁和牲畜出名。

    This place is famous for corn, wheat, sorghum and cattle.

  20. 他研究了高梁的高产理论和抗性生理。

    He studied the theory of high yield culture and resistance physiology of Sorghum.

  21. 它需要从高梁种子中得到生长的化学信号。

    If It requires chemical signals from sorghum seeds to grow.

  22. 用切力差法确定高梁横截面的应力

    The determination of stresses of high beam on crosssection by shear difference method

  23. 玉米,小米和高梁较易适应不同的自然条件。

    Maize, millet and kao liang adapt readily to varying natural conditions.

  24. 清明节一过,正是播种高梁、谷子和玉米的时节。

    After the Ching Ming Festival it is time to sow sorghum, millet and corn.

  25. 四川高梁品种资源的收集整理及评价利用研究

    Collection and evaluation of Sorghum Variety Resources in Sichuan Province

  26. 水稻与高梁属间远缘杂交花粉管行为观察

    Pollen Tube Behaviour of Interspecies Hybridization between Rice and Sorghum Observation

  27. 然后, 在这些坑种上小米或高梁等一年生作物。

    The pits are then planted with annual crops such as millet or sorghum.

  28. 高梁炭疽病的严重度和品种抗性分级标准

    A Proposal Standard for the Classification of Sorghum Anthracnose Rating Index and Resistant Index

  29. 不同贮藏方式对甜高梁茎秆含糖量的影响

    Study on Effect of Different Storage Methods on Sugar Content of Sweet Sorghum Stalk of Sweet Sorghum

  30. 他们二人对酌,把一瓶高梁酒喝得一干二净。

    They killed a bottle of kao liang between them.


  1. 问:高梁拼音怎么拼?高梁的读音是什么?高梁翻译成英文是什么?

    答:高梁的读音是gāoliáng,高梁翻译成英文是 Takahashi

  2. 问:高梁桥拼音怎么拼?高梁桥的读音是什么?高梁桥翻译成英文是什么?

    答:高梁桥的读音是gāo liáng qiáo,高梁桥翻译成英文是 grade elimination

  3. 问:高梁泡拼音怎么拼?高梁泡的读音是什么?高梁泡翻译成英文是什么?

    答:高梁泡的读音是gāoliángpào,高梁泡翻译成英文是 Rubus lambertianus

  4. 问:高梁桥路拼音怎么拼?高梁桥路的读音是什么?高梁桥路翻译成英文是什么?

    答:高梁桥路的读音是Gāoliángqiáo Lù,高梁桥路翻译成英文是 Gaoliangqiao Rd

  5. 问:高梁煎饼拼音怎么拼?高梁煎饼的读音是什么?高梁煎饼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:高梁煎饼的读音是gāoliáng jiānbing,高梁煎饼翻译成英文是 Millet Pancake

  6. 问:高梁杆建筑拼音怎么拼?高梁杆建筑的读音是什么?高梁杆建筑翻译成英文是什么?

    答:高梁杆建筑的读音是gāo liáng gān jiàn zhù,高梁杆建筑翻译成英文是 Chinese sorghum building

  7. 问:高梁河之战拼音怎么拼?高梁河之战的读音是什么?高梁河之战翻译成英文是什么?

    答:高梁河之战的读音是,高梁河之战翻译成英文是 Battle of Gaoliang River



“高梁”是个多义词,它可以指高梁(辽宁省营口市副市长), 高梁(中国对外文化交流协会常务理事), 高梁(国家发改委经管研究所国有资产研究中心主任), 高梁(词语释义)。