


1. 奇 [qí]2. 奇 [jī]奇 [qí]特殊的,稀罕,不常见的:~闻。~迹。~志。~观。~妙。~巧。~耻大辱。出人意料的,令人不测的:~兵。~计。~袭。出~制胜。惊异,引以为奇:~怪。惊~。不足为~。奇 [jī]数目不成双的,与“偶……





汉语拼音:qí xí







  1. 出其不意地攻击敌人。

    周而复 《白求恩大夫》七:“敌人给这猝不及防的奇袭动作所怔住了。” 孙犁 《白洋淀纪事·塔记》:“烈士里面,有的因为伏击、奇袭、攻坚、遭遇,死在战场。”



  1. We have obtained data regarding the enemy's offshore oil field facility from the wreck of a fuel tanker sunk at the time of attack.


  2. Jesus said it is going to happen as a surprise, so you need to be ready.


  3. As well as making these unexpected forays away from selling network gear, Cisco is exploring other sidelines.


  4. Although Lenin was older, the Bolshevik shock troops were made up of young men, as were the Nazi storm troopers.


  5. It is going to be a surprise.


  6. Opportunistic weeds and pests will migrate, and often be a surprise to the planners.


  7. Yet he hardly expected the Germans to recover sufficiently to launch the stunning surprise that burst on the Western Front.


  8. The crucial elements in attacking a trench system, surprise and overwhelming numbers of infantry, were thus almost impossible to attain.


  9. a member of a military unit trained as shock troops for hit-and-run raids.


  1. 突然袭击,奇袭。

    Raid a surprise attack by a smallarmed force.

  2. 奇袭肇源城

    Surprise Attack on Zhaoyuancheng.

  3. 他们决定采用奇袭。

    They determined to attempt a surprise.

  4. 进行奇袭采取或参与奇袭

    To conduct a raid or participate in one.

  5. 这座城堡被奇袭攻陷。

    The castle was taken by surprise.

  6. 曼联可能再次奇袭莫斯科

    Moscow raid looms for Reds

  7. 红军的作战一般是奇袭。

    The Red Army generally operates by surprise attacks.

  8. 奇袭珍珠港是其中之一。

    The Surprise Attack on Pearl Harbor was one of them.

  9. 我们的奇袭使敌人张皇失措。

    Our surprise attack put the enemy into a flutter.

  10. 我们被赛隆奇袭小组入侵。

    We have been boarded by a Cylon raiding party.

  11. 我们在敌人睡觉时奇袭他们。

    We surprised the enemy while they were sleeping.

  12. 奇袭的元素尽可能多地使用。

    The element of surprise is used as much as possible.

  13. 我们对那个村庄发动一次奇袭。

    We launched a surprise attack on the village.

  14. 奇袭成功。敌人已经陷入混乱状态。

    Yuku Squadron Attack successful. The enemys confused and disoriented.

  15. 这次奇袭大灭了敌人的威风。

    The surprise attack dismayed the enemy.

  16. 这次奇袭大灭了敌人得威风。

    The surprise attack dismayed the enemy.

  17. 把自己隐蔽起来等待奇袭的行为。

    The act of concealing yourself and lying in wait to attack by surprise.

  18. 一次奇袭使军队丧失了补给品。

    A surprise attack widowed the army of its supplies.

  19. 敌军从背後受到奇袭而乱了阵脚。

    The enemy reeled when surprised from the rear.

  20. 它表现出它奇袭时的胆怯与坚强。

    It establishes him solidly as a bushwhacking coward.

  21. 空中的敌机正在瓦解我们的奇袭行动!

    Yuke Squadron The airborne enemies are disrupting our operations!

  22. 敌军从背后受到奇袭而乱了阵脚。

    The enemy reeled when surprised from the rear.

  23. 弗格森可能再次在圣诞奇袭莫斯科。

    SIR Alex Ferguson is considering another Christmas cracker for United by raiding Moscow again.

  24. 我的部队奇袭该城, 并一举攻下。

    My troops swooped down on the city.

  25. 我得部队奇袭该城,并一举攻下。

    My troops swooped down on the city.

  26. 游戏中最好的物品有些从奇袭中获得。

    Some of the best items in the game will come from raiding.

  27. 我们必须发挥战术的奇袭效果到极致。

    We must exploit tactical surprise to the maxima.

  28. 我的枪又发现了标靶, 奇袭即将开始。

    Another target for my gun hes in for a surprise.

  29. 我得枪又发现了标靶,奇袭即将开始。

    Another target for my gun hes in for a surprise.

  30. 这里有很多方法使用地面部队奇袭敌方。

    There are plenty of ways to use ground troops to surprise the enemy.


  1. 问:奇袭拼音怎么拼?奇袭的读音是什么?奇袭翻译成英文是什么?

    答:奇袭的读音是qíxí,奇袭翻译成英文是 surprise attack

  2. 问:奇袭的拼音怎么拼?奇袭的的读音是什么?奇袭的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:奇袭的的读音是,奇袭的翻译成英文是 incursive

  3. 问:奇袭者拼音怎么拼?奇袭者的读音是什么?奇袭者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:奇袭者的读音是,奇袭者翻译成英文是 raider



“奇袭”是个多义词,它可以指奇袭(国产电影), 奇袭(词语), 奇袭(2014年拍摄的电视剧)。