


1. 隐 [yǐn]2. 隐 [yìn]隐 [yǐn]藏匿,不显露:~藏。~匿。~居。~士。~讳。伤痛:~恻。怜悯:恻~之心。隐 [yìn]倚,靠:~几而卧(靠着几案睡眠)。……





汉语拼音:yǐn rěn








  1. 克制忍耐。

    《史记·伍子胥列传赞》:“方 子胥 窘於 江 上,道乞食,志岂尝须臾忘 郢 邪?故隐忍就功名,非烈丈夫孰能致此哉?” 唐 韩愈 《送进士刘师服东归》诗:“低头受侮笑,隐忍硉兀寃。” 宋 文天祥 《<指南录>后序》:“予分当引决,然而隐忍以行,昔人云:将以有为也。” 钱锺书 《围城》四:“可是西医说她有孕,是个喜讯。自己不好生气,只得隐忍。”



  1. The survival law of Feng Jiachang, the hero of The Light of the Cities, can be summarized as forbearance, collision and breakthrough.


  2. This situation continued for two months. Have no doubt. Even guess there are so a person exists. Choose to believe and bear.


  3. Something in her glance, her posture, her soul knows that passion is pain, to be dished out or endured.


  4. If they are finally running out of gaman, it might be a healthy sign.


  5. "That was me, the lonely hunker-down type, " he tells us, in an opening voice-over, glossing a shot of himself as a clerk in a video store.


  6. Perhaps such impunity gives them the right to continue to defame and compromise Russian National Team captain and Arsenal's player.


  7. This recent New Moon Eclipse is honoring you Cappy, for your persistence, determination and patience.


  8. "He has a quiet toughness, it's what the company needs right now, " said Glenn Hubbard, dean of the Columbia Business School.


  9. Zhang Jie, born in Chengdu, longer than Chengdu, Sichuan's cheerful bones and has a strong forbear.


  1. 隐忍型的父亲形象。

    Second, the forbearing father image.

  2. 不要在沉默中隐忍。

    Do not suffer in silence.

  3. 生活让我学会了隐忍。

    Life has taught me to bear.

  4. 男性的自尊迫使他隐忍不言。

    Male pride forced him to suffer in silence.

  5. 极为隐忍,善于压抑自己的感受。

    Has great endurance and is very good at suppressing his own feelings.

  6. 但是当我隐忍的时候,我还是痛的。

    But when I keep calm. I feel hurt.

  7. 也许隐忍的爱才是真正热烈的爱。

    Perhaps bears patiently the love only then is the true warm love.

  8. 但俄罗斯人有隐忍和等待的传统。

    But Russians have a tradition of enduring and waiting.

  9. 我和我们都隐忍着, 都无奈着, 都真实地活着。

    We and I are enduring, are at a loss, are truly alive.

  10. 这或许就是他的邻国隐忍的部分原因。

    That is part of the reason his neighbours have tolerated him.

  11. 旧事从心头隐去, 只留下隐忍的诗句。

    The old matter goes to the at heart latent, the poem which leave to bear.

  12. 旧事从心头隐去,只留下隐忍得诗句。

    The old matter goes to the at heart latent,the poem which leave to bear.

  13. 他是一个老好人, 善于克制自我, 隐忍无奈。

    He was a good man, but always forebear his wrath and complaint.

  14. 他洗了脸出来,勉强隐忍,吩咐人摆饭。

    And he washed his face, and went out, and refrained himself, and said, set on bread.

  15. 正是受损的血管造成难以隐忍的刺激及麻痹。

    It's the damaged blood vessels that cause that almost intolerable irritation and numbness.

  16. 很隐忍、传统地痛苦着,压抑着内心纯粹的渴求。

    Very bear, traditionally painful, depressive heart is longed for purely.

  17. 之前听见快乐的歌曲,又渴望有成熟隐忍的脸。

    Before hears the joyful song, also longed for that has bears patiently the face maturely.

  18. 只要能和安杰结婚,他的艳遇,我可以隐忍。

    To my mind, as long as I could get married with jack, I did not care whether he had had some love affairs with other women.

  19. 很多人为了避免这种结果,往往采取隐忍的态度。

    With a view to preventing such harm, people often take a tolerant attitude.

  20. 隐忍秘密固然难受,但可以让人成熟,更加值得信赖。

    You are more mature and trustworthy if you choose to keep the secrets.

  21. 连理廿载,他的发妻都用来隐忍,原谅他的不忠了。

    His first wife spent twenty years enduring and forgiving his infidelities.

  22. 学会善待和隐忍,这是迈向精致的人生,所必须修习的课程。

    Treat and Institute, which is refined into the life, the need to attend courses.


  1. 问:隐忍拼音怎么拼?隐忍的读音是什么?隐忍翻译成英文是什么?

    答:隐忍的读音是yǐn rěn,隐忍翻译成英文是 to bear patiently; forbear; to endure silently...



“隐忍”是个多义词,它可以指隐忍(汉语词语), 隐忍(《冒险岛Online》新职业), 隐忍(隐忍游戏)。