







汉语拼音:zhī bù








  1. 某些党派、团体的分支机构或基层组织。例如同盟会的分支组织和中国共产党、中国共产主义青年团的基层组织都称支部。



  1. Since the leaders of the branches and district committees were mostly new members, good inner-Party education was out of the question.


  2. Insiders at Lehman Brothers say its European arm lacked an integrated picture of its risk position in the days running up to its demise.


  3. The matter will be taken up at the next Party branch meeting.


  4. Some bosses of private firms encourage the formation of cells, in which at least three party members are required.


  5. The company will guide the efforts of grass-roots party branches used in the work of learning outcomes.


  6. I also served as a squad leader, the party branch secretaries Mission, has a strong ability to organize and coordinate.


  7. In general, both the ABC and RCCs have established branches(henceforth referred to as bank branches)in each township.


  8. Class group as a branch secretary in the office, helping teachers and students to unite and lead the class to obtain a variety of honors.


  9. Xinhua, the official Chinese news agency, said the committee had been set up on August 12.


  1. 共青团支部

    branch of the Communist Youth League.

  2. 中共直接支部

    CPC Direct Branch

  3. 中共特别支部

    CPC Special Branch

  4. 支部书记培训

    Training of Party Branch Secretaries

  5. 团支部文化

    culture of league branches.

  6. 中共韶山特别支部

    Shaoshan Special Branch of the CPC

  7. 支部书记培养模式

    mode of training of Party branch secretaries

  8. 连有支部,班有小组。

    In a company there is the branch, with a group in each squad.

  9. 他是我们的支部书记。

    He is secretary of our branch.

  10. 五政府机关支部的工作

    V the tasks of Party branches in government organs

  11. 劳动委员团支部书记

    Commissary in charge of physical labor

  12. 连有支部,每个班有小组。

    In a company there is the branch,with a group in each squad.

  13. 现在的支部生活很不健全。

    At present branch activities are far from adequate.

  14. 本班团支部组织委员。

    Commissary in charge of organization of the league branch of the class.

  15. 推行科学管理抓好支部工作

    Pursue Scientific Management and Do Well the Work of the Party Branch

  16. 九州华侨华人研究会北九州支部

    Director, North Kyushu Branch Kyushu Society for Overseas Chinese Studies

  17. 一个支部一盏灯, 一个干部一面旗

    One branch is a lamp, and one cadre is a flag

  18. 实际上,我就要去纽约支部了。

    Actually, I have been transferred to the New York branch.

  19. 支部, 支局商行或其他组织的分支

    A division of a business or other organization.

  20. 芝加哥支部今年正招收新会员

    The Chicago chapter is admitting new members this year.

  21. 政府机关支部的特殊任务是什么呢?

    What, then, are their special tasks?

  22. 以新加坡人民行动党青年团德义支部

    Singapore Young People Action Party Teck Ghee branch

  23. 每个学校都组织有一个分会,或支部。

    Each school organizes a chapter, or branch.

  24. 党委要加强支部和小组的经常工作。

    Party committees should help Party branches and groups to improve their daily work.

  25. 党支部选举老周接替老王担任支部书记。

    The Party branch elected Lao Zhou to take over Lao Wang's dunes as its secretary.

  26. 他不仅当选为班长,还当选为团支部书记。

    He was elected not only monitor but also League branch secretary.

  27. 为了当晚的演出, 支部派了马车来接她。

    On this occasion the lodge sent a carriage.

  28. 周兰不仅当选为班长,还当选为团支部书记。

    Zhou Lan was elected not monitor, also branch secretary.

  29. 中央机构对成立地方分会或支部的特许权。

    An authorization from a central organization to establish a local branch or chapter.

  30. 这支部队长驱直入, 攻下了许多敌军军营。

    The army fought its way down and captured many enemy camps.


  1. 问:支部拼音怎么拼?支部的读音是什么?支部翻译成英文是什么?

    答:支部的读音是zhībù,支部翻译成英文是 branch

  2. 问:支部书记拼音怎么拼?支部书记的读音是什么?支部书记翻译成英文是什么?

    答:支部书记的读音是zhī bù shū jì,支部书记翻译成英文是 branch secretary



支就汉字索引来说,是为部首之一。就繁体和简体中文中,支部归于四划部首。支部通常是从左、右方均可为部字。且无其他部首可用者将部首归为支部,如攰、攱等字。 支部一词应该来自于天干地支,干部一词亦同。如“己丑”,天干部分为己,只代表天干己自己,不包括其它,而地支部分丑则包括“癸辛己”三个天干。所以干部是指起骨干作用的某一个人,支部却是包括几个人甚至更多人的集体。