




1. 员 [yuán]2. 员 [yún]3. 员 [yùn]员 [yuán]人,工作或学习的人:~工。教~。演~。动~。复~。司令~。指团体组织中的人:成~。团~。党~。会~。周围:幅~辽阔。量词,常用于武将:一~小将。员 [yún]增加……



汉语拼音:zǔ yuán






组员 [zǔ yuán]
  1. 一个编组内的人员。


组员 [zǔ yuán]
  1. 一个编组内的人员。




  1. When I attended the first meeting, I was required to write a poem and I had to read it out to the whole group.


  2. The information can be displayed to the crew on the yacht or transmitted to coaches on a chase boat, or to a support team on shore.


  3. In the version of this game played by the volunteers, all four members of each group had been "charged" with a crime.


  4. Clara nodded at the group, and the side of her mouth that could move curved into a smile.


  5. You and your crew must race in an all-out war for the city, risking everything to take over your rivals' neighborhoods one block at a time.


  6. After the breakfast, I said to my team members, sews on the adobe-made stove, after a night, had been split.


  7. One person in the group should be prepared to report back to the class on your discussion.


  8. Thomas: Great. Let me introduce you to the rest of the team.


  9. First, you can push your company to adopt such a program as a way of improving employee morale, including those in your group.


  1. 组员们正在吃晚饭。

    The group are having dinner now.

  2. 去看看我的组员

    Check on my group.

  3. 学生分配科组员

    pupil placement officer

  4. 联合国观察组执行组员

    Executive Member of the United Nations Observation Group

  5. 赶上小修道院组员!

    Catching up with the Priory crew!

  6. 向组员透露想法和感受。

    Discloses thoughts and feelings to group members.

  7. 看来你们还缺一个组员

    It looks like you need one more.

  8. 和飞行组员以法文交谈

    Talk French with the flight crew

  9. 麻烦得组员送出求救信号。

    The crew in trouble sent out the SOS.

  10. 麻烦的组员送出求救信号。

    The crew in trouble sent out the SOS.

  11. 目的是针对你组员的行为。

    And the subject is your team's behavior.

  12. 他已经知道了组员的结果。

    He'd seen what happened to his group members.

  13. 我庆幸,我的组员们都非常的职业。

    I am grateful for these extremely professional team members.

  14. 我们的组员每周五上午碰面。

    Our group meets on Friday mornings.

  15. 每一个组员要扮演其中一个角色。

    Each group member will one of the roles.

  16. 组员都有着不同的生活轨迹。

    The members of our group came from many different walks of life.

  17. 要求该组员辞去该项目中的职务

    Request that the team member resign from the project

  18. 你的到来会加强我们组员的信心。

    Your arrival will stay the confidence of our team.

  19. 你对于你的组员负有责任,我了解。

    You have a responsibility to your man, I know that.

  20. 首先,请描述进行比较的其它组员

    Firstly, please indicate the peer group for comparison

  21. 首先,请描述进行比较得其它组员

    Firstly, please indicate the peer group for comparison.

  22. 专题内容应和组员的人数成比例。

    The expected accomplishments of the team scale linearly with the number of students.

  23. 其他组员的判断并不一定全错。

    The judgment of the other team members cannot be entirely wrong.

  24. 我们教育我们所有的组员:安全高于一切。

    We teach all of our team-members that safety comes before anything else.

  25. 组员应该在哪个山洞里有一些线索。

    There should be some clues in a mountain cave.

  26. 因为其他组员也在经历同样的病痛。

    with people who understood, because they were going through it too.

  27. 订立组员的职责和权限并安排培训。

    Instituting the duties and authorities of the team members and arranging the trainings.

  28. 我会重新设立流程给你的组员了。

    I'll be reinstalling operating protocols for everyone in your group.

  29. 各组组员们构成了一个紧密团结的团队。

    The members of each group bonded as a team.

  30. 您还可以将小组的组员和组联合起来。

    You can also associate teams of people with the group.



组员 zǔyuán 〖member〗小组的成员 小组将召开组员会议