


1. 传 [chuán]2. 传 [zhuàn]传 [chuán]转(zhuǎn )授,递:~递。~输。~戒。~统。言~身教。推广,散布:宣~。流~。~名。~奇(a.中国唐代兴起的短篇小说;b.中国明、清两代盛行的长篇戏曲;c.指情节离奇或……





汉语拼音:chuán chéng









  1. 更替继承。

    郭沫若 《孔墨的批判·墨子的思想体系》:“ 尧 舜 禅让虽是传说,但也有确实的影响,那就是原始公社时的族长传承的反映。”



  1. Everyone of us should live up to the virtues passed down to us by our ancestors Only in this way can we be worthy of the name of a Chinese.

  2. Angter memory technology has always been a "good faith, the principle of quality service" business philosophy.

  3. The Giver grasped his shoulders firmly. Jonas fell silent and stared at him.

  4. But my mind is troubled, for could this not have been avoided if I had not dismissed my legacy so lightly?

  5. Because Daur has no written language, old traditional music was handed down in verbal form and remembered in mind in life.

  6. The company's purpose is to let the players experience the chinese 5000 years of history inheritance and classic under the new atmosphere.

  7. The Giver looked at him with a questioning smile. Jonas hung his head. Of course they needed to care. It was the meaning of everything.

  8. Although the sister is a remnant of the past, we know definitely from later dreams that she was the carrier of the anima-image.

  9. During the former period, there was no particular educator or education receiver and the main form of inheritance was free education.


  1. 传承与弘扬

    passing on and carrying forward.

  2. 传承儒家心想

    inheritance of Confucianism

  3. 皇位传承观念

    the view of imperial succession

  4. 何谓使徒传承?

    What is apostolic succession?

  5. 非物质文化传承

    inheritance of intangible cultural heritage

  6. 道德传承与教化

    the inheritance of morality and moral education

  7. 文化传承还是文化断层

    Cultural Continuity or Dislocation.

  8. 两汉经学传承

    former and later Han dynasties Confucian classics heritage.

  9. 跟领袖的传承有关。

    They're about succession of leadership.

  10. 跟领袖的传承有关。

    They're about succession of leadership.

  11. 传承文明, 联接古今。

    Pass the civilization on, link it at all times.

  12. 传承文明,联接古今。

    Pass the civilization on, link it at all times.

  13. 红妆坐具卧具传承整。

    In fact, the curse of dowry continues even after marriage.

  14. 论程颢心学思想的传承

    On the Succession of Psychological Concept by CHENG Hao

  15. 西藏密教传承考要

    On the transmission of Tibetan Tantric teachings

  16. 兴国山歌的传承与审美

    The Esthete and Succession Study of Xingguo Folk Songs

  17. 建设数字方志传承华夏文明

    Developing Digital Local Chronicles and Inheriting Chinese Civilization

  18. 传承世界文明。造福人类子孙

    Propagating and succeeding world civilization.Creating felicity for posterity

  19. 论隐语行话的通用化传承

    On the Succession of Enigma Jargons Interchangeability.

  20. 从殖民时代传承下来的惯例

    Customs that come down from colonial times.

  21. 那种传承的感觉 真的好棒

    It's an amazing feeling to have that lineage.

  22. 传承绿色文明、缔造永续发展。

    Green civilization heritage and create sustainable development.

  23. 踏歌在少数民族舞蹈中的传承

    On the Inheritance of Tage Performance in Minority Dances

  24. 京族民歌的现状及传承、保护。

    Thirdly, status, inheritance and protection of Jing ethnic folk songs.

  25. 哈萨克族口头文学的巡回传承特点

    The Itinerant and Inheriting Characteristics of the Kazak Oral Literature

  26. 石阡木偶戏的戏班组织与传承

    The Structure and Inheritance of the Theatrical Troupe for Puppet Show in Shiqian

  27. 记忆传承者看著他苦笑。

    The Giver watched him with a wry smile.

  28. 解析转型期民营企业传承模式

    Analysis of Passing Patten of Private Enterprises in Transformation Period

  29. 达斡尔族服饰文化的研究与传承

    Research and Carry Forward the Culture of Daur Costumes.

  30. 藏族部落习惯法传承方式述略

    A Brief Account of the Heritage Forms as to Habit Laws of the Tibetan Tribes


  1. 问:传承拼音怎么拼?传承的读音是什么?传承翻译成英文是什么?

    答:传承的读音是chuánchéng,传承翻译成英文是 To pass on and to inherit.



“传承”是个多义词,它可以指传承(基督教名词), 传承(传承失意), 传承(汉语词语), 传承(覃坚谨主编杂志), 传承(广电总局中国梦推荐剧目), 传承(2012年周路明主演微电影), 传承(华晨金杯《传承》视频)。