


地位或辈分高:~长(zhǎng )。~卑。~贵。~严。敬重:~敬。自~。~重。敬辞,称与对方有关的人或事物:~府。令~。~姓。~驾。量词:一~佛像。古同“撙”。……


价钱高,与“贱”相对:~贱(a.价格的高低;b.指人的地位高低;c.方言,无论如何)。春雨~如油。指地位高:~族。~戚。~望(尊贵的门第和声望)。敬辞,称与对方有关的事物:~国。~庚(请问别人年龄)。~姓。~干(gàn )(问人要做什么)。……



汉语拼音:zūn guì








  1. 尊敬贵者。

    《左传·昭公二十九年》:“民在鼎矣,何以尊贵?”《周礼·天官·大宰》:“六曰尊贵。” 郑玄 注:“尊贵,尊天下之贵者。”

  2. 高贵。

    《战国策·齐策四》:“使者不説曰:‘臣奉使使 威后 ,今不问王而先问岁与民,岂先贱而后尊贵者乎?’”《南史·齐武帝诸子等传论》:“夫帝王子弟,生长尊贵,情伪之事,不经耳目,虽卓尔天悟,自得怀抱,孤寡为识,所陋犹多。” 巴金 《家》三十:“于是得了赏封的旦角便向那个给赏的尊贵的客人请安谢赏,飞了眼风,尊贵的客人的庄严的脸上立刻现出了满足的笑容。”

  3. 庄重。




  1. Fruit is a noble cause, the cause of flower is sweet, but still let me in the o curity of the shadow of the dedication to do it cause leaf.


  2. It doesn't say that he was honorable in an absolute sense, but rather that he was more honorable relative to his brothers.


  3. Because Melissa is a valued employee, the company is pleased to support her desire to seek increased professional responsibility.


  4. To the disciples, this trip of entering Jerusalem began to sound like the installation of a King in the royal city.


  5. You can be a valued friend and loyal partner, and yet, keep a strong sense of your own independence and self-worth.


  6. Therefore many of them believed; also of honourable women which were Greeks, and of men, not a few.


  7. Being made so much better than the angels, as he hath by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they.


  8. Firstly due to His great compassion he gave the oral transmission of the Chenrezig mantra and sadhana.


  9. the days when our spirits soared like the eagles, supreme and free to live up to what and who we were created to be.


  1. 尊贵的成员

    valued member.

  2. 劳动的尊贵

    the nobility of labor.

  3. 她显得很尊贵。

    She behaved with great dignity.

  4. 象征尊贵和美德

    symbolize nobleness and virtue

  5. 尊贵的考特!

    Cecily now lives at Jacks place in the country with her governess, Miss Prism.

  6. 你的名何其尊贵

    How majestic is Your name

  7. 尊贵美肤精粹系列

    Dignify The Beautiful Skin Essence Series

  8. 她是位尊贵的客人。

    She is an honorable guest.

  9. 接他们尊贵的客人了。

    To pick up the guest of honor.

  10. 秋风迎来尊贵得客人,

    Fall wind sees the honoured guests

  11. 秋风迎来尊贵的客人,

    Fall wind sees the honoured guests

  12. 授予某人头衔使其尊贵

    To dignify someone with a title

  13. 爱情花开, 基于自信, 尊贵

    Love thrives on confidence and dignity.

  14. 象征尊贵社会地位的徽章

    an insignia indicative of high rank.

  15. 我歌颂你,尊贵的救主。

    I sing of Thee, O blessed Saviour.

  16. 你让我怎么和尊贵的。

    And what would you have me tell his highness.

  17. 尊贵高尔夫球卡包含服务内容

    Golf Privilege Card including services

  18. 这里有着高雅尊贵的传统。

    Where elegance is tradition.

  19. 他是来自法国的尊贵客人。

    He's an honored guest from France.

  20. 他尊贵的心里充满了慈悲。

    His royal heart filled with mercy.

  21. 杰克是我最尊贵的朋友。

    Jack was my most valued friend.

  22. 暂时不会尊贵得夫人为什么。

    Not for some time, Your Ladyship. Why not

  23. 暂时不会尊贵的夫人为什么。

    Not for some time, Your Ladyship. Why not

  24. 尊贵的先生, 法内的兄弟姐妹们。

    Venerable Sir, and brothers and sisters in Dharma.

  25. 没有人比得上木乃伊的尊贵了。

    Theres no one as dignified as a mummy.

  26. 我听说你有位尊贵的客人。

    I heard you had an esteemed guest.

  27. 紫色是代表帝王的尊贵的颜色。

    Is the distinguished representative of regal purple color.

  28. 我尊贵的朋友, 环境事务大臣

    my Right Honourable friend, the Secretary of State for the Environment

  29. 现在你是这儿最尊贵的客人。

    Presently you are the most distinguished guest here.

  30. 梅塞德斯车代表一种尊贵。

    A Mercedes carries a certain cachet.


  1. 问:尊贵拼音怎么拼?尊贵的读音是什么?尊贵翻译成英文是什么?

    答:尊贵的读音是zūnguì,尊贵翻译成英文是 respected

  2. 问:尊贵的人拼音怎么拼?尊贵的人的读音是什么?尊贵的人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:尊贵的人的读音是Zūnguìderén,尊贵的人翻译成英文是 Mai Daraja

  3. 问:尊贵的夫人拼音怎么拼?尊贵的夫人的读音是什么?尊贵的夫人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:尊贵的夫人的读音是Zūnguìdefūrén,尊贵的夫人翻译成英文是 Lokchamtheau



1. 尊敬贵者。 《左传·昭公二十九年》:“民在鼎矣,何以尊贵?”《周礼·天官·大宰》:“六曰尊贵。”郑玄 注:“尊贵,尊天下之贵者。”