







汉语拼音:tā nián






  1. 以后的某年或某一时期。

    《秦併六国平话》卷上:“讲武储粮图再举,它年六国一齐休。” 明 高启 《九日与客登虎丘》诗:“它年何必问谁健,但令不负持螯手。”



  1. That dominance produced 88% year-over-year revenue growth in the first quarter of 2011 and a doubling of net profits.


  1. 第二年它又并吞了另一个自由国家。

    The next year it swallowed another free country.

  2. 这些年它已成了一种挺体面的类型小说。

    As a genre it has become quire respectable in recent years.

  3. 若它不被海洋吞没的话也还有两年它才能回来。

    It will be two years before she returns, if the seas are kind.

  4. 我至少要忍受它一年的时间!

    I have to stick it out for at least a year!

  5. 教育要狠狠地抓一下, 一直抓它十年八年。

    Over the next eight to ten years we should bend all our efforts to educational work.

  6. 这一规定使得它一年吸收一百万吨的垃圾。

    Its permit allows it to take in a million tonnes of waste a year.

  7. 这一规定使得它一年吸收一百万吨得垃圾。

    Its permit allows it to take in a million tonnes of waste a year.

  8. 也是它千百年来广为传播的根本原因。

    That is the basic reason why mountain songs have been widely popular and their tradition has been handed down for thousands of years.

  9. 这是它六年之后,吉尼斯,和它幸福的主人。

    And here he is six years later, Guinness, with his very happy owner.

  10. 本大学主管团体是校董会,它一年开5次会。

    The University s governing body is Council, which meets five times a year.

  11. 商业道德将扮演比它一年前更重要的角色。

    Ethics will play a bigger role than it did just a year ago.

  12. 开放基金不是定期存款,它的年收益与净值有关。

    Open fund is not time deposit, year of its accrual and net value are concerned.

  13. 最后,你们会带着那个肉丸回家而且保存它很多年。

    Then, you'll bring the meatball home and save it for years.

  14. 它在阴历年的第一天。

    It is on the first day of lunar year.

  15. 自从我向参观求助,它是一年。

    It has a year since I back for a visit.

  16. 这就是为什么它于一年前拍摄

    That's why this image was made one year ago.

  17. 它是一年中最重要的祭祀日。

    This is the most important day of sacrifice.

  18. 而它在几千年后仍然在发出信号?

    And it's still putting out a signal after thousands of years ?

  19. 它形成于千百年来的岩石风化作用。

    It is formed by the action of wind and water on rocks over thousands of years.

  20. 照说它在一年前就会死,兰格说。

    He was supposed to be dead over a year ago, Langer said.

  21. 说它古老是因为它有三千年左右的历史。

    It is ancient, because it has a history of about 3,000 years.

  22. 答它是给予年满十八岁的公民选举权。

    Answer It gives eighteen year olds the right to vote.

  23. 说它古老是因为它有三千年左右得历史。

    It is ancient, because it has a history of about 3, 000 years.

  24. 绿色学校即将步入它的第三年 有160个孩子。

    Green School is going into its third year with 158 children.

  25. 它有高山,它有数百万年前冰川运动留下的峡谷。

    It has valleys formed by ancient ice that cut deep into the Earth millions of years ago.

  26. 它需要一二十年才会逐渐显现出临床症状。

    It takes one or two decades for the disease to develop into a stage that results in clinical symptoms.

  27. 树盛在着它得千年岁月,如同盛在着那庄严得瞬间。

    The tree bears its thousand years as one latge majestic moment.

  28. 树盛在着它的千年岁月,如同盛在着那庄严的瞬间。

    The tree bears its thousand years as one latge majestic moment.

  29. 树负担着它得千年历史好像伟大华严得一刹那。

    The tree bears its thousand years as one large majestic moment.

  30. 树负担着它的千年历史好像伟大华严的一刹那。

    The tree bears its thousand years as one large majestic moment.