









汉语拼音:diàn fàn bāo






  1. One of my housemates was a Taiwanese kid who cooked all of his meals using his rice cooker.


  2. This explains, as a latecomer on the rice cooker is home to such a large market share of more people into the home.


  3. Do not use wet hand to Blender, let alone touch one hand cooker with one hand to touch the tap.


  4. Investors who want to bet on solar power or electric cars do not want to be saddled with rice cookers or restaurants.


  5. Electric cooker and plugs should be kept clean after each use should be clean and dry with a dry cloth, so as to avoid grease.


  6. Then head over to the appliances section: five of the same firms offer everything from vacuum cleaners to rice cookers.


  7. large supply induction cooker, disinfection cabinet, electric rice cooker, pressure cooker, hood and matching circuit board program.


  8. They covered the bathroom sink with a board and placed an electric rice cooker on top, pouring oil into it.


  9. His modest kitchen also contains a new rice cooker and a lone light-bulb hanging from the ceiling.


  1. 电饭煲内胆

    gallbladder of electric cooker.

  2. 西施电饭煲系列

    XiShi Series Electric Rice Cooker

  3. 富豪电饭煲系列。

    RichLuxurious Series Electric Rice Cooker.

  4. 电饭煲里还有饭吗

    Is there any rice left in the rice cooker.

  5. 电饭煲的模糊控制器

    Fuzzy Controller for Rice Cooker

  6. 我的电饭煲有些问题。

    There is something wrong with my rice cooker.

  7. 模糊电饭煲的控制原理

    Fuzzy Control Axiom of Electric Rice Cookers

  8. 带保温系统的自动电饭煲

    Automatic rice cooker with warming system

  9. 基于网络控制的网络电饭煲设计

    The Design of Network Electric Rice Cooker Based on Network Controll

  10. 但是,电饭煲是伟大的创意吗?

    Was the rice cooker a great idea?

  11. 哎呀, 我忘了打开电饭煲开关了!

    Oops, I forgot to turn on the electric cooker!

  12. 电饭煲模糊控制的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of the Fuzzy Control in Electric Rice Cooker

  13. 这个电饭煲有几个温度定位档。

    The cooker has several temperature settings.

  14. 语音功能的智能电饭煲控制器的设计

    The Design of Electric Cooker Controller with Speech Function

  15. 所以, 给自己买个像样的电饭煲吧。

    So, get yourself a decent rice cooker.

  16. 还有索尼的早期,那时他们还做电饭煲。

    So, also you looked at the early days of Sony when they had that rice cooker.

  17. 单片机模糊控制在电饭煲中的应用

    Monolithic integrated circuit fuzzy control in electric cooking pot application

  18. 将面糊平均地倒入已预备的电饭煲内胆内。

    Pour the batter into the mould.

  19. 本发明是一种电饭煲的控制装置及其控制方法。

    The invention relates to a control device for an electric rice cooker and a control method thereof.

  20. 灯泡, 电饭煲和加热器都是靠这个原理动作得。

    Electric bulbs, cookers wand heaters work on this principle.

  21. 灯泡,电饭煲和加热器都是靠这个原理动作的。

    Electric bulbs, cookers wand heaters work on this principle.

  22. 可能有这样的情况,用户操作电饭煲一个空壶。

    It may happen that users operate this cooker with an empty pot.

  23. 他会修电饭煲、录像机、电灯,把事情交给他很方便。

    He was about to repair electric cooker, video tape recorder and electric light, which is so convenient.

  24. 专家厨师观看演示如何使用本煮饭免费视频剪辑电饭煲。

    Watch an expert chef demonstrate how to cook rice using a rice cooker in this free video clip.

  25. 本实用新型是一种锅盖能够平稳弹开的电饭煲。

    The utility model is an electric cooker whose pot cover can flick smoothly, comprising a pot body, a pot cover and an axle.

  26. 此产品广泛运用于电子炉,电饭煲,烤箱及其他电热制品。

    This kind of products are suitable for hotplate, rice cooker, oven and other electric heating process appliance.

  27. 当我三岁的时候,我在我们的厨房的电饭煲上烧着了我的手。

    When I was three, I burnt my hand on the cooker in our kitchen.

  28. 我还会买个新的电饭煲和蒸笼来做些好吃的蒸鱼或蔬菜。

    I am also getting a rice cooker and steamer to make some nice steamed fish or veggies.


  1. 问:电饭煲拼音怎么拼?电饭煲的读音是什么?电饭煲翻译成英文是什么?

    答:电饭煲的读音是,电饭煲翻译成英文是 Rice cooker


