







汉语拼音:dā lǐ








  1. 理睬。

    老舍 《骆驼祥子》四:“她一点不怕他们,可是也不愿多搭理他们。” 杜鹏程 《保卫延安》第五章:“ 李江国 死拉活扯好说好劝要把连长背上走,任凭你磨破嘴唇, 周大勇 老是个不搭理。” 蒋子龙 《乔厂长上任记》:“他表示从此不再搭理 童贞 。”



  1. Your boy is bright, doesn't appear to be taking crack cocaine and is still talking to you, even if in a somewhat combative manner.


  2. What's the matter with David recently? He hardly ever answers when he's spoken to.


  3. Guleesh had double pity for her then, when he saw the lad taking her by the soft white hand, and drawing her out to dance.


  4. He said that the mothers were badly affected and felt the need to talk, to tell their distress, but that there was nobody to listen to them.


  5. Some dude tries to hold up a store but nobody cares to pay attention to him. In the end he walks away with just a couple of bucks.


  6. If I had done meal, not the rice Sheng Hao, to coax him to eat, he would rather go hungry abdomen a few days, will never speak to you.


  7. Rich countries have never been receptive to its criticisms of their policies or responsive to its suggestions.


  8. His mother and sisters were busy and none of them said anything.


  9. oh , no ! you could ignore him but you wanted to see him.


  1. 我尽可能不搭理它。

    I tried to ignore him.

  2. 她没有搭理他的戏谑。

    She ignored the banter.

  3. 我再也没搭理过他。

    I never spoke to him again.

  4. 咱是不会搭理他们的。

    I wouldn't speak to them.

  5. 我们甚至不需要搭理保镖。

    Were not even going to deal with the bouncer.

  6. 她们现在都不愿搭理我

    We're not on speaking terms right now.

  7. 第五条,不可搭理脑残。

    Fifth, You shall not reply to the brainless people.

  8. 她们现在都不愿搭理我。

    We're not on speaking terms right now.

  9. 艾米,你为什么要搭理他?

    Amy, why do you even bother with him?

  10. 没有一个女士想搭理她。

    None of the other women want to be around her.

  11. 他那样办事,合该没人搭理他。

    Having done things in that way, he ought to be alienated from everybody.

  12. 他那样办事,合该没人搭理他。

    Having done things in that way, he ought to be alienated from everybody.

  13. 所以是她根本不搭理的人。

    So it's someone that she doesn't talk to.

  14. 所以是她根本不搭理的人。

    So it's someone that she doesn't talk to.

  15. 在家也要注意搭理你的头发。

    Also look after your hair at home.

  16. 不要自贬身分去搭理他。

    Don't degrade yourself by answering him.

  17. 我一心在写作,没有心思搭理他。

    I was well into my work and not inclined to conversation.

  18. 没人愿意搭理一个毛头小子。

    Nobody wants to take orders from a kid.

  19. 他们点头和他打招呼,可他没有搭理!

    He paid no attention to their nod of recognition!

  20. 我剩下的钱不够搭理上某人。

    I want to meet people but there is no place to flirt!

  21. 他们互相调侃嘲谑,顾不上搭理其他人。

    They continued their banter, totally negelecting others.

  22. 他们互相调侃嘲谑,顾不上搭理其他人。

    They continued their banter, totally negelecting others.

  23. 这些女孩吵架了, 现在互不搭理。

    Those girls have quarreled and no longer speak to one another.

  24. 他们走过来,但这次我不想搭理他们。

    They are coming to me, but this time I am not willing to talk.

  25. 我点点头,没心思搭理一个小孩。

    I answered with a nod, not really in the mood to bother with a small child.

  26. 说完, 他懒得搭理我, 继续锄他的地。

    Then he too lazy to reply to my question and continue to hoe his land.

  27. 说完,他懒得搭理我,继续锄他得地。

    Then he too lazy to reply to my question and continue to hoe his land.

  28. 他试图向她解释,可她不耐烦地不搭理他。

    He tried to explain to her, but she brushed him off impatiently.

  29. 我已受够了他的谎言, 再也不搭理他了。

    I had enough of his lies and tuned him out.

  30. 我已受够了他的谎言,再也不搭理他了。

    I had enough of his lies and tuned him out.


  1. 问:搭理拼音怎么拼?搭理的读音是什么?搭理翻译成英文是什么?

    答:搭理的读音是dālǐ,搭理翻译成英文是 acknowledge; respond; answer



老舍《骆驼祥子》四:“她一点不怕他们,可是也不愿多搭理他们。”杜鹏程《保卫延安》第五章:“ 李江国 死拉活扯好说好劝要把连长背上走,任凭你磨破嘴唇, 周大勇 老是个不搭理。”蒋子龙《乔厂长上任记》:“他表示从此不再搭理 童贞 。”