




人或事物的称谓:~字。~氏。~姓。~义。~分(fèn )。~堂。~落孙山。~存实亡。起名字:“秦氏有好女,自~为罗敷”。做某事时用来作依据的称号:这些人以“办学”为~,行骗钱之实。叫出,说出:不可~状。声誉:~誉。~声。~优(a.出名的,优……



汉语拼音:tā míng






  1. 另外的名称,别名。

    宋 洪迈 《容斋四笔·官称别名》:“ 唐 人好以它名标牓官称……太尉为掌武,司徒为五教,司空为空土。”



  1. Techcrunch has sniffed out details on Google's new social network project, named OpenSocial (set to go live Thur US).


  2. And we approach this problem by considering another curious syndrome called phantom limb.


  3. We are all in the same boat and it is called the Titanic.


  4. It's called a McItaly and it's been promoted by the government as good as Italian fast food.


  5. It's called the June sucker fish.


  1. 他数点星宿的数目,一一称它的名。

    He sees the number of the stars; he gives them all their names.

  2. 克林顿总统1998年访问渔村古镇,使它举世闻名。

    President Clinton changed the unknown Yu Cun village with his 1998 visit.

  3. 它們貌如其名

    They're exactly what they sound like.

  4. 宜男则是它的别名。

    Yi M is an alias for it.

  5. 但它成为第一名的原因仅仅是因为它是这周发行的。

    But the reason it's number one is because that's the week it came out.

  6. 检查每一个查询筛选, 包括它的字段名, 操作者以及筛选值。

    Check each query filter, including its field name, operator, and filter value.

  7. 我的网名其实就是我的英文名,它是在我第一份工作时取的。

    My ID is just my English Name which I was named in my frist job.

  8. 地如其名,它几乎是最靠北的摩尔人定居点。

    As its name indicates, it was one of the Moorish settlements, and nearly one of the most northern.

  9. 它也因此得名。

    That's why they call them that.

  10. 在这里, 它就是事务名。

    In this case, it is the transaction name.

  11. 它真地是名至实归吗?

    Does it really own fame?

  12. 我养了一支小八哥还有一支乌龟它名叫滑行者。

    I also have a parakeet and a turtle named? lider?

  13. 它名叫莫格,关于它在特定的知识书籍上有些推测。

    His name was Mogget, and there was speculation about him in certain books of lore.

  14. 人们常常在香蕉种植园里发现这类蝙蝠,它也因此得名。

    It gets its name because it is often found in banana plantations.

  15. 它应该是着名的这个要约受制于法学概要的偿还政策。

    It should be noted that this offer is subject to the refund policy of the Institute.

  16. 这是一条很重要的线索,它将击破这名主犯不在犯罪现场的证据。

    It's important clue that will break the alibi of the chief suspect.

  17. 相信它會是歌如其名。

    and it will probably live up to its name.

  18. 您可以通过定义一个变量名来扩展它。

    You can extend it by defining a variable name.

  19. 一名士兵给它下达上楼的指令,它立即照做。

    A soldier gives it a command to go upstairs, and it does.

  20. 四名士兵想用力把它拖出来。

    Four soldiers were struggling to extricate it.

  21. 哈罗德是伦敦一家着名的百货商店,它的老板穆罕默德·埃尔·法耶兹想仿效在其商店里的特许品牌美国产品的成功做法。

    Mohamed Al Fayed, owner of Harrods, London's famous department store, wants to emulate the success of the branded American goods sold in his stores.

  22. 既然你在合约上签了名, 就应当遵守它。

    Since you have signed your name on the contract, you are now bound to keep it.

  23. 柯南在诗上签了名,而我们把它送到同一位编辑那里。

    Conant signed this poem, and we sent it to the same editor.

  24. 它定义名为

    It defines a property named

  25. 它以小商品与小吃出名。

    It's famous for groceries and snack.

  26. 它因死亡大道而得名

    And it became known as Death Avenue.

  27. 媒体将它冠名为气泡

    It was dubbed the bubble by the press.

  28. 它指定一个或多个注册名。

    It specifies one or more registration names.

  29. 我给它起名叫单身派对

    And I'm calling it All the single people.

  30. 它在全球雇用超过17,000名员工。

    It employs more than 17, 000 staff throughout the world.