








汉语拼音:qū shī






  1. 中医学用语。消除湿邪的统称。分化湿、利湿、燥湿等法。



  1. During the four seasons of a year, it prevents dryness in fall and winter, cleans dampness in spring and summer.


  2. In treatment, the doctors should master three methods of treatment which are dispelling dampness, invigorating. . .


  3. Cold-dampness retardant type (green ribbon) - warm channel and expelling cold, clearing damp. It is implied meaning of spring blossoms.


  4. Objective: To explore the clinical curative effect and safety of Jiedu Tongluo Lishi decoction on treating active rheumatoid arthritis(RA).


  5. Health diet to heat, invigorating spleen, eliminating dampness, and give priority to.


  6. To dispel cold and remove damp, to replenish qi and induce diaphoresis.


  7. To induce diaphoresis, to dispel wind and remove damp.


  8. Humid: The aridity dispel wet.


  9. Chongqing, in particular because of wet, spicy food to dampness and can have good skin.


  1. 散寒除湿, 散寒祛湿

    eliminating cold to remove dampness

  2. 发汗解表, 散风祛湿。

    To induce diaphoresis, to dispel wind and remove damp.

  3. 发汗解表,散风祛湿。

    To induce diaphoresis, to dispel wind and remove damp.

  4. 能够明目、解毒、祛湿。

    Can improve eyesight, the disintoxicating, to dispel wet.

  5. 散寒祛湿, 益气解表。

    To dispel cold and remove damp, to replenish qi and induce diaphoresis.

  6. 散寒祛湿,益气解表。

    To dispel cold and remove damp, to replenish qi and induce diaphoresis.

  7. 祛湿止痛片醇提最佳工艺研究

    Study on Extracting Techniques of Qushi Zhitong Pian by Alcohol

  8. 泄泻病主要治法是健脾祛湿。

    Diarrhea disease is the main treatment method spleen dampness.

  9. 清热祛湿解毒法治疗小儿手足口病32例临床观察

    Clinical Observation on the Method of Clearing Heat and Moist and Disintoxication for the Treatment of 32 Cases of Infantile Hand Foot and Mouth Disease

  10. 因为重庆特别潮湿, 吃辣能祛湿而且可以有好皮肤。

    Chongqing, in particular because of wet, spicy food to dampness and can have good skin.

  11. 结果显示治疗肥胖的方剂及药物以祛湿, 利水方剂最多。

    The results showed that most prescriptions about obesity and drugs have the functions of clearing damp and inducing diuresis.

  12. 祛风湿,补肝肾,强筋骨。

    Dispels rheumatism, to make up hepatorenal, the strong physique.

  13. 中药老鹳草具有祛风湿,通经络,止泻痢等功能。

    Geranium wilfordii Maxim component of the Chinese medicine has the ability of reducing rheumatism, smoothening energy channel, curing durchfall and so on.

  14. 谁可以提供给我祛风除湿的中药方子?

    The Chinese traditional medicine that who can offer dehumidify of my dispel the wind prescription?

  15. 具有祛风除湿,活血通络,消肿止痛之功效。

    It has the ability of expelling wind, removing damness, promoting blood circulation, freeing channel, bruise trimming, hemagogue.

  16. 祛风去湿,化瘀止痛。用于风湿痛,跌打损伤,肿痛。

    Dispel wind and remove dampness, remove pain. For treating rheumatalgia, traumatic injury and sore.

  17. 祛湿除痹饮

    Qushichubi decoction.

  18. 祛湿化瘀方

    Qushi Huayu Decoction.

  19. 祛湿止瘁搽剂

    Qushizhiyang Solution.

  20. 除湿散寒,祛风定痛

    relieving rheumatism, chills and pains

  21. 祛湿化瘀通络方治疗高尿酸血症合并糖尿病的临床研究

    Clinal Study on Qushi Huayu Tongluo Decoction in Treating Hyperuricaemia with Diabetes

  22. 祛湿化瘀通络方治疗高尿酸血症合并糖尿病得临床研究

    Clinal Study on Qushi Huayu Tongluo Decoction in Treating Hyperuricaemia with Diabetes

  23. 本药膏除湿散寒,祛风定痛,适合风湿病人使用。

    This unguent relieves rheumatism, chills and pains, and is fit for use By rheumatism sufferers.

  24. 治湿痹以除湿为主, 兼以祛风散寒, 位以健脾益气

    Treating wet BI syndrome, eliminate wet sickness primarily, concurrently relieves wind and disperses cold, assist to benefit spleen.

  25. 宣痹祛瘀利湿法配合饮食调理治疗痛风的疗效观察

    Cure Effective Observation to Gouty Treated with Relieving Numbness Removing Stasis and Wetness Combined with Diet Adjustment

  26. 作用改善肥嘟嘟的脸型, 帮助祛除面部水肿, 排毒保湿。

    Function improve fertilizer doodle face, help dispel the facial oedema, detoxification moisturizing.

  27. 治疗以补肾健脾为主, 化痰祛瘀利湿为辅, 辨证施治。

    its treatment centers on notifying kidney and spleen, coordinated with removing sputum and stasis, with differentiation of sings.

  28. 祛风除湿止痛

    dispelling wind and dampness and relieve pain.

  29. 祛风胜湿温经汤

    Qufeng Shengshi Wenjing decoction