




建筑物的出入口,又指安装在出入口能开关的装置:~儿。~口。开~见山。形状或作用像门的东西:电~。途径,诀窍:~径。~道儿。旧时指封建家族或家族的一支,现亦指一般的家庭:~第。~风。~婿。长(zhǎng )~长子。事物的分类:分~别类。宗教的……



汉语拼音:tā mén






  1. 犹别姓,别人家。




  1. let me break through it (the door).


  2. Even though our emotional and spiritual lives are distinct, they do influence one another profoundly.


  3. Note: Design-time types and permissions should not be merged into other namespaces to comply with this guideline.


  4. Don't worry, that's mine. I'll come and get it in a minute.


  5. These squirmy larvae are science's newest wonder-cure and were approved in 2003 as the Food &Drug Administration's only live medical device.


  6. After we finish producing the dried snake, most of them are sent to medicine factories.


  7. But of all the places I have lived, none has the accidental loveliness of D. C.


  1. 不用担心, 那是我的。我一会就去把它门拿回来。

    Don't worry, that's mine. I'll come and get it in a minute.

  2. 秋天的黄叶,它门没有什么可唱,只是叹息一声,飞落在那里。

    And yellows leaves of autumn, which has no songs, flutter and fall there with a sign.

  3. 它在门后面吗?

    Is it behind the door?

  4. 现在它在门后面。

    Now it's behind the door.

  5. 你想破坏它,门都没有

    And against that,you are powerless.

  6. 我还是要把它贴门上。

    I'm still putting it on my door.

  7. 我的座位在哪里?它在门旁边。

    Where's my seat? It's near the door.

  8. 我们无法使它通过门,因为它太宽了。

    We can't get it through the door because of its width.

  9. 最终,它们去了卷尾巴的家,敲响了它的门。

    So at last, they went to Curly Tail's house and knocked at the door.

  10. 它的后轮被击落, 而且它的门也跟合页脱开了。

    The hind wheel of it was shot down. And its door was off the hinges.

  11. 阿里阿德涅会关紧它的门,躲进被云层围绕的堤岸。

    Ariadne will shut its door and be hidden within its enclosing cloud banks.

  12. 他朝着那茅棚走去,它的门只是一个狭而很低的洞。

    He approached the hut; its door consisted of a very low and narrow aperture.

  13. 当它从门下溜出后, 它的微型翅膀开始扑闪并沿着街道飞去。

    Then its miniature wings begin to flap as it slips under the door and darts along the street.

  14. 它挂在门后。

    It's hanging on the back of the door.

  15. 你觉得我们能把它弄进门吗?

    do you think we'll get it through the door?

  16. 这是粉红色得门帘, 它挂在门上。

    This be the door screen of pink and it hang on the door.

  17. 这是粉红色的门帘,它挂在门上。

    This be the door screen of pink and it hang on the door.

  18. 我踮起脚尖伸手摸索着打开了它厚重的门。

    On tiptoes I reached up and opened the heavy door.

  19. 他用一块木头卡住门让它开着。

    He jammed the door open with a piece of wood.

  20. 你知道如果你一直盯着门,它它永远都烧不开。

    you know if you keep looking at it then the door is to, never gonna boil.

  21. 那只白鼬溜进去的时候,门在它身后关上了。

    When the ferret goes in, the door shuts behind him.

  22. 你若扶住门让它开着, 我们就能把这包裹滚进屋里。

    If you hold the door open, we can roll the packet in.

  23. 它提供700多门课程。

    It offers more than700 courses.

  24. 但它是一扇门。

    But now it's a door.

  25. 它没有窗户,门在摇晃。

    It has no windows and the door swings.

  26. 把它放进去,门没锁。

    Put it inside.It's unlocked.

  27. 把它放进去,门没锁。

    Put it inside. It's unlocked.

  28. 它从你进门的那一刻开始。

    It starts off, you walk in the door.

  29. 它只适合在门的把手和地板上扎。

    It'simply fits under the door knob and grips on the floor.

  30. 我们无法使它通过这道门,因为它太宽了。

    We can't get it through the door because of its width.