







汉语拼音:huò qǔ








  1. 获得,取得。




  1. It takes in a Java object String parameter, converts it in to a C-string, and then writes it out to LogCat.


  2. But have no doubt, but have no doubt that the Iranians continue on the path to the acquisition of a nuclear weapon as we speak tonight.


  3. To specify locations for files or to get the actual name of the input file in the case of multiple selections.


  4. As you can see, grabbing a data value from a dictionary is nearly identical to pulling data out of any container type.


  5. The site is usually operated by a merchant, also a player, whose business is to sell merchandise to make a profit.


  6. All effort had to be put into the basic tasks of getting the food, so everyone did the same job and lived the same sort of life.


  7. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the specified element is required to be filled out on a form.


  8. SetupDiGetDeviceInfoListClass retrieves the class GUID associated with a device information set if it has an associated class.


  9. Our application does not get any request messages through it, as shown in Figure 5, so these responses are all that are important.


  1. 获取器官。

    from executed prisoners.

  2. 要获取人气

    Gotta be popular

  3. 获取的本能

    the acquisitive instinct.

  4. 中获取图像

    How to capture image and print the MSChart.

  5. 设法获取护照

    managed to procure a pass.

  6. 锝99从钼99中获取。

    Technetium99 is obtained from Molybdenum99.

  7. 私有信息获取

    Private infbrmation retrieval

  8. 短语译文获取

    phrase translation extraction.

  9. 非法获取财物

    Swindle n. An unlawful way of getting money

  10. 获取这些信息。

    without requiring that the user changes any of their behavior.

  11. 想获取高收入。

    Wants to earn a good income.

  12. 获取当前行号。

    Gets the current line number.

  13. 边防情报获取者

    the border inteUigence workers

  14. 他渴望获取财富。

    He thirsted after wealth.

  15. 按钟点获取报酬。

    be paid on an hourly basis

  16. 去获取医疗服务

    from getting access to health care.

  17. 从冰山获取淡水

    Obtaining Fresh water from icebergs

  18. 获取标准输入流。

    Acquires the standard input stream.

  19. 获取数据,我赞成

    from the Acheron's computer, I'm in.

  20. 图中星的获取

    Star acquisition.

  21. 意在获取某物

    to be aimed at achieving sth

  22. 警方无法获取证据。

    The police couldn't find evidence.

  23. 意在获取某物

    to be aimed at achieving something

  24. 获取十倍的利润

    to profit tenfold

  25. 获取集合中得项。

    Gets item from the collection.

  26. 用获取信贷或钱

    To useto sustain credit or raise money.

  27. 获取不正当的利益

    to gain an unfair advantage

  28. 获取此范围的子范围。

    Gets the children of this scope.

  29. 获取此范围的父范围。

    Gets the parent scope of this scope.

  30. 获取此常量的名称。

    Gets the name of this constant.


  1. 问:获取拼音怎么拼?获取的读音是什么?获取翻译成英文是什么?

    答:获取的读音是huòqǔ,获取翻译成英文是 obtain

  2. 问:获取性拼音怎么拼?获取性的读音是什么?获取性翻译成英文是什么?

    答:获取性的读音是huò qǔ xìng,获取性翻译成英文是 acquisitiveness

  3. 问:获取物拼音怎么拼?获取物的读音是什么?获取物翻译成英文是什么?

    答:获取物的读音是huò qǔ wù,获取物翻译成英文是 take

  4. 问:获取像素拼音怎么拼?获取像素的读音是什么?获取像素翻译成英文是什么?

    答:获取像素的读音是,获取像素翻译成英文是 getpixel

  5. 问:获取图像拼音怎么拼?获取图像的读音是什么?获取图像翻译成英文是什么?

    答:获取图像的读音是,获取图像翻译成英文是 getimage

  6. 问:获取字符拼音怎么拼?获取字符的读音是什么?获取字符翻译成英文是什么?

    答:获取字符的读音是,获取字符翻译成英文是 getchar

  7. 问:获取帮助拼音怎么拼?获取帮助的读音是什么?获取帮助翻译成英文是什么?

    答:获取帮助的读音是huòqǔbāngzhù,获取帮助翻译成英文是 get help

  8. 问:获取数据拼音怎么拼?获取数据的读音是什么?获取数据翻译成英文是什么?

    答:获取数据的读音是huòqǔshùjù,获取数据翻译成英文是 getting data

  9. 问:获取文本拼音怎么拼?获取文本的读音是什么?获取文本翻译成英文是什么?

    答:获取文本的读音是,获取文本翻译成英文是 gettext

  10. 问:获取日期拼音怎么拼?获取日期的读音是什么?获取日期翻译成英文是什么?

    答:获取日期的读音是,获取日期翻译成英文是 getdate

  11. 问:获取策略拼音怎么拼?获取策略的读音是什么?获取策略翻译成英文是什么?

    答:获取策略的读音是huòqǔcèlüè,获取策略翻译成英文是 achievement strategy

  12. 问:获取行动拼音怎么拼?获取行动的读音是什么?获取行动翻译成英文是什么?

    答:获取行动的读音是huò qǔ xíng dòng,获取行动翻译成英文是 acquisition proceeding

  13. 问:获取说明拼音怎么拼?获取说明的读音是什么?获取说明翻译成英文是什么?

    答:获取说明的读音是huò qǔ shuō míng,获取说明翻译成英文是 specification acquisition

  14. 问:获取软件拼音怎么拼?获取软件的读音是什么?获取软件翻译成英文是什么?

    答:获取软件的读音是huò qǔ ruǎn jiàn,获取软件翻译成英文是 software acquisition

  15. 问:获取配置拼音怎么拼?获取配置的读音是什么?获取配置翻译成英文是什么?

    答:获取配置的读音是,获取配置翻译成英文是 getconf

  16. 问:获取性动机拼音怎么拼?获取性动机的读音是什么?获取性动机翻译成英文是什么?

    答:获取性动机的读音是huò qǔ xìng dòng jī,获取性动机翻译成英文是 acquisitive motivation

  17. 问:获取性犯罪拼音怎么拼?获取性犯罪的读音是什么?获取性犯罪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:获取性犯罪的读音是huò qǔ xìng fàn zuì,获取性犯罪翻译成英文是 acquisitive crime

  18. 问:获取源数据拼音怎么拼?获取源数据的读音是什么?获取源数据翻译成英文是什么?

    答:获取源数据的读音是huò qǔ yuán shù jù,获取源数据翻译成英文是 source data acquisition

  19. 问:获取文件属性拼音怎么拼?获取文件属性的读音是什么?获取文件属性翻译成英文是什么?

    答:获取文件属性的读音是,获取文件属性翻译成英文是 getfileattr

  20. 问:获取文本坐标拼音怎么拼?获取文本坐标的读音是什么?获取文本坐标翻译成英文是什么?

    答:获取文本坐标的读音是,获取文本坐标翻译成英文是 gettextposition


