







汉语拼音:wán mǎn








  1. 圆满;没有欠缺。

    瞿秋白 《赤都心史》三:“ 路 氏是一演说的艺术家,谈吐非常的风雅,又简截了当,总谈不过十分钟,而所答已很完满不漏。” 杜鹏程 《在和平的日子里》第五章:“只要 小刘 不出问题,那可以说一切都很完满。”



  1. Just wheRe she had paused, the brook chanced to form a pool, so smooth and quiet that it reflected a perfect image of heR little figure.


  2. I am trying to help you to understand truly the completeness of life.


  3. These men have given me a firmer grip on my ideas and a more complete enjoyment and possession of them.


  4. And if you pursue that singular path long enough, you'll eventually see that when you optimize one question, you optimize the other as well.


  5. The Self would be the wisdom of the organism. The totality of the purposefulness of that which we are, which transcends consciousness.


  6. Because you know in your Beingness that you are NOT LIMITED and you'll never be totally happy until you regain that natural state.


  7. So, through an incomplete experience you think you are going to find the complete, the whole, the real.


  8. sensible people of the virtue touch on the universal nature of peoples in line with the successful virtue.


  9. The grand National Day parade came to an end in Beijing with tens of thousands of colorful balloons released to the sky noon Thursday.


  1. 完满百分数

    block coefficient.

  2. 显得很完满

    come up roses.

  3. 完满的成功

    complete success.

  4. 人性完满实现

    complete realization of human nature

  5. 会议完满结束。

    The meeting came to a satisfactory close.

  6. 极为完满的幸福

    celestial happiness

  7. 就是自由和完满。

    It is freedom and fulfillment.

  8. 完满立木度

    full stocking.

  9. 问题终于完满解决。

    The problem has been solved satisfactorily at last.

  10. 谨祝大会完满成功!

    I wish this congress complete success!

  11. 完满正规空间的探讨

    The Study on Paracompact and Normal Space

  12. 你将获得完满的成功。

    That you will have achieved with my help.

  13. 祝贺完满成功的一周。

    On the completion of another successful week.

  14. 祝贺完满成功的一周。

    On the completion of another successful week.

  15. 我有一个完满的家庭。

    I have a wonderful family.

  16. 我想有个完满的结束。

    I wanted to close the circle.

  17. 你的工作做得完满无缺。

    Your work is altogether perfect.

  18. 还有一点不完满的地方。

    It wants something of perfection.

  19. 完满的爱把惧怕驱逐出去。

    But perfect love drives out fear.

  20. 钻进最深的完满中吧。

    Plunge it into the deepest fullness.

  21. 钻进最深得完满中吧。

    Plunge it into the deepest fullness.

  22. 这是一个最完满的婚礼。

    It was a most happy wedding.

  23. 现在耶稣如何完满这功绩呢?

    NOW how did Jesus accomplish this feat?

  24. 我们献身为了所有努力都完满。

    And to Perfection all our efforts we devote.

  25. 努力让接口完满且最小化。

    Strive for class interface that are complete and minimal.

  26. 威严和彻底完满的征服!就象。

    In lifting upward, as in crushing low!

  27. 让你心爱的思想的果实更加完满。

    Thinking of you favorite fruit is more satisfactory.

  28. 愿你的每个生日都完满如意!

    May each birthday be perfect for you!

  29. 完满而全面的具体提案将会加强

    Comprehensive set of concrete proposals would strengthen the institutional capacity of WIPO to

  30. 七, 比一半多, 正在步向十的完满。

    Seven is more than half. It is on the way to ten, approaching wholeness.


  1. 问:完满拼音怎么拼?完满的读音是什么?完满翻译成英文是什么?

    答:完满的读音是wánmǎn,完满翻译成英文是 successful

  2. 问:完满域拼音怎么拼?完满域的读音是什么?完满域翻译成英文是什么?

    答:完满域的读音是wán mǎn yù,完满域翻译成英文是 perfect field

  3. 问:完满数拼音怎么拼?完满数的读音是什么?完满数翻译成英文是什么?

    答:完满数的读音是wán mǎn shù,完满数翻译成英文是 perfect number

  4. 问:完满核拼音怎么拼?完满核的读音是什么?完满核翻译成英文是什么?

    答:完满核的读音是wán mǎn hé,完满核翻译成英文是 perfect kernel

  5. 问:完满环拼音怎么拼?完满环的读音是什么?完满环翻译成英文是什么?

    答:完满环的读音是wán mǎn huán,完满环翻译成英文是 perfect ring

  6. 问:完满群拼音怎么拼?完满群的读音是什么?完满群翻译成英文是什么?

    答:完满群的读音是wán mǎn qún,完满群翻译成英文是 perfect group

  7. 问:完满集拼音怎么拼?完满集的读音是什么?完满集翻译成英文是什么?

    答:完满集的读音是wán mǎn jí,完满集翻译成英文是 perfect set

  8. 问:完满平方拼音怎么拼?完满平方的读音是什么?完满平方翻译成英文是什么?

    答:完满平方的读音是wán mǎn píng fāng,完满平方翻译成英文是 perfect square

  9. 问:完满测度拼音怎么拼?完满测度的读音是什么?完满测度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:完满测度的读音是wán mǎn cè dù,完满测度翻译成英文是 perfect measure

  10. 问:完满紧化拼音怎么拼?完满紧化的读音是什么?完满紧化翻译成英文是什么?

    答:完满紧化的读音是wán mǎn jǐn huà,完满紧化翻译成英文是 perfect compactification

  11. 问:完满范式拼音怎么拼?完满范式的读音是什么?完满范式翻译成英文是什么?

    答:完满范式的读音是wán mǎn fàn shì,完满范式翻译成英文是 perfect normal form

  12. 问:完满平方式拼音怎么拼?完满平方式的读音是什么?完满平方式翻译成英文是什么?

    答:完满平方式的读音是wán mǎn píng fāng shì,完满平方式翻译成英文是 perfect square expression




【读音】:wán mǎn


【出处】:瞿秋白 《赤都心史》三:“ 路氏是一演说的艺术家,谈吐非常的风雅,又简截了当,总谈不过十分钟,而所答已很完满不漏。”

【示例】:杜鹏程 《在和平的日子里》第五章:“只要 小刘 不出问题,那可以说一切都很完满。”