







汉语拼音:jiǔ liú







  1. 长期淹留;长久逗留。

    《史记·项羽本纪》:“ 项羽 曰:‘将戮力而攻 秦 ,久留不行。’” 唐 杜甫 《发秦州》诗:“岂復慰老夫,惘然难久留。”《法苑珠林》卷十:“人鬼殊道,汝既不求食,何为久留。”

  2. 长期存在。

    金 元好问 《吊岳家千里驹》诗:“灵椿丹桂偶相值,蕙草清霜寧久留。”



  1. You've got to hear from someone, you're never home long enough to know them.


  2. We knew there was a cold front coming in, and the sea was rough, but we weren't planning to stay out that long.


  3. Winterborne therefore did not remain, and his hope of seeing her that evening was disappointed.


  4. One tradition says that putting a little pepper under the chair of a guest will keep him from visiting too long.


  5. Mr. Bingley will not be detained in London by them.


  6. Avoid responses such as starting your own business, running for Congress, which suggest that you don't plan to stay with the company.


  7. In the long run, I think it is not suitable for me to stay here for much longer.


  8. He did not stay long, though.


  9. The reply rang out hurriedly, "No! no! Come away quick - quick! This is no place to stay, and on this of all nights! "


  1. 我不会久留。

    I won't be here long.

  2. 我们不久留了。

    We're not staying.

  3. 有些孩子不能久留吧。

    Some kids may not stay.

  4. 时间不允许我久留。

    Time does not permit that I stay longer.

  5. 不用了,我不能久留。

    No,I can't stay.

  6. 不用了,我不能久留。

    No, I can't stay.

  7. 约翰不久留起了胡子。

    John no longer wears a.

  8. 叹息说她不能久留。

    And sighing said she coud not stay.

  9. 你说不久留是什么意思

    What do you mean you're not staying?

  10. 我们最好不要在此久留。

    We had Better not remain here any longer.

  11. 恐怕我们在此地不能久留。

    We can't stay long, I'm afraid.

  12. 他露了露面,但没有久留。

    He put in an appearance, but didn't stay long.

  13. 总司令在此久留不是我们的责任。

    The Generalissimo's prolonged stay here is not of our doing.

  14. 你是不会久留于神圣的寂静中。

    You will not sit long in silence.

  15. 这么久呆在沙滩上!这么久留在海上!

    So long on the sands so long on the flood!

  16. 知道我从来不在任何地方久留。

    Know that I have never rested long in any one place.

  17. 他不能久留还表示了歉意,是不是?

    He apologized for not wanting to stay longer. Isn't that true?

  18. 这些人来到这座城市,但不打算久留。

    These men came to the city with no intention of long stay.

  19. 常常说某人韵味犹存, 就是久留的香气的缘故。

    Charm still often said that a person is to stay because of the aroma.

  20. 事实上, 我不能久留是因为我要去接孩子们。

    Actually, I won't stay because I've got to go and collect the kids.

  21. 彬格莱先生不会被她们久留在伦敦的。

    Mr. Bingley will not be detained in London by them.

  22. 接下来我们要教大家让香水久留不散的诀窍。

    Here we teach you special tricks that make colognes stick.

  23. 不能久留,得即刻回返,因为约好中午离开营地。

    Then I had to hurry back to make the midday departure from the campground at Lake Alpine.

  24. 从长远考虑,我觉得我自己不适合在此地久留。

    In the long run, I think it is not suitable for me to stay here for much longer.

  25. 尝一尝, 甘甜润喉, 吃了下去, 橙香久留口中。

    Taste, sweet throat, eat it down, the fragrance of oranges stay for long mouth.

  26. 庞德与众将商议,山谷不易久留,准备明日将军士移入高地。

    Pang De talked with his generals of moving out of the valley onto higher ground the next day.

  27. 我不久留,我只是觉得 我的小企业家也许想喝点柠檬水。

    I am not staying. I just thought my little entrepreneurs could use some lemonade.


  1. 问:久留拼音怎么拼?久留的读音是什么?久留翻译成英文是什么?

    答:久留的读音是jiǔliú,久留翻译成英文是 to stay for a long time

  2. 问:久留丸拼音怎么拼?久留丸的读音是什么?久留丸翻译成英文是什么?

    答:久留丸的读音是Jiǔliúwán,久留丸翻译成英文是 Kurumaru

  3. 问:久留克拼音怎么拼?久留克的读音是什么?久留克翻译成英文是什么?

    答:久留克的读音是Jiǔliúkè,久留克翻译成英文是 Giuriuc

  4. 问:久留宫拼音怎么拼?久留宫的读音是什么?久留宫翻译成英文是什么?

    答:久留宫的读音是Jiǔliúgōng,久留宫翻译成英文是 Kurumiya

  5. 问:久留米拼音怎么拼?久留米的读音是什么?久留米翻译成英文是什么?

    答:久留米的读音是jiǔliúmǐ,久留米翻译成英文是 Kurume

  6. 问:久留里拼音怎么拼?久留里的读音是什么?久留里翻译成英文是什么?

    答:久留里的读音是jiǔliúlǐ,久留里翻译成英文是 Kururi

  7. 问:久留金拼音怎么拼?久留金的读音是什么?久留金翻译成英文是什么?

    答:久留金的读音是Jiǔliújīn,久留金翻译成英文是 Zyuryukin

  8. 问:久留栖野拼音怎么拼?久留栖野的读音是什么?久留栖野翻译成英文是什么?

    答:久留栖野的读音是Jiǔliúqīyě,久留栖野翻译成英文是 Kurushino

  9. 问:久留米站拼音怎么拼?久留米站的读音是什么?久留米站翻译成英文是什么?

    答:久留米站的读音是,久留米站翻译成英文是 Kurume Station

  10. 问:久留米藩拼音怎么拼?久留米藩的读音是什么?久留米藩翻译成英文是什么?

    答:久留米藩的读音是,久留米藩翻译成英文是 Kurume Domain

  11. 问:久留里藩拼音怎么拼?久留里藩的读音是什么?久留里藩翻译成英文是什么?

    答:久留里藩的读音是,久留里藩翻译成英文是 Kururi Domain

  12. 问:久留岛武彦拼音怎么拼?久留岛武彦的读音是什么?久留岛武彦翻译成英文是什么?

    答:久留岛武彦的读音是,久留岛武彦翻译成英文是 Kurushima Takehiko

  13. 问:久留米信爱女学院短期大学拼音怎么拼?久留米信爱女学院短期大学的读音是什么?久留米信爱女学院短期大学翻译成英文是什么?

    答:久留米信爱女学院短期大学的读音是,久留米信爱女学院短期大学翻译成英文是 Kurume Shin Ai Women's College



’” 唐 杜甫 《发秦州》诗:“岂复慰老夫,惘然难久留。”《法苑珠林》卷十:“人鬼殊道,汝既不求食,何为久留。” 《东周列国志》第五回:“吾将公子冯出居长葛,宋兵必移;再令子封引徒兵五百,出东门单搦卫战,诈败而走,州吁有战胜之名,其志已得,国事未定,岂能久留军中,其归必速。”