







汉语拼音:tā xīn






  1. 二心;异心。

    《汉书·赵充国传》:“奉厚币,拊循众 羌 ,諭以明詔,宜皆乡风。虽其前辞尝曰‘得亡效五年’,宜亡它心,不足以故出兵。”



  1. Like every apparatus for storing up power, it can be man's most precious ally, if man is familiar with it and, hence, not afraid of it.


  1. 那样神奇悄然的音响唯有你和它心与心的交流才可以领会。

    Such mysterious and quiet sound can only be comprehended when you have exchanges with them from heart to heart.

  2. 将它深锁心间

    Locked it way deep down ins

  3. 并偷了它的心。

    And he wouid steaI its soui.

  4. 可它的心在深深的海底,却始终如一。

    But whose heart is at bottom unchanging.

  5. 即使它的双手是丝制的,它的心还是铁的。

    Though its hands are silken, its heart is of iron.

  6. 它的心结实如石头,如下磨石那样结实。

    His chest is hard as rock, hard as a lower millstone.

  7. 秋日的阳光温暖了蝉的薄翼,却温暖不了它的心。

    The sun of autumn warms the alae of the cicada, but not its anima.

  8. 我们爱家,虽然我们的脚可以远离它,心却与它同在。

    We love our home, though our feet can leave it, yet our hearts cannot.

  9. 当世界呈现混乱而不可预期的时候,它锚定心的能量。

    It anchors the heart energy when the world appears turbulent or unpredictable.

  10. 我能将手伸进牦牛的体内然后撕裂它的心!

    That I could reach into the belly of a yak and rip out his heart.

  11. 让暴风雨撕碎它的心,像成熟的豆荚,喷射出雷霆。

    Like a ripe pod, let the tempest break its heart into pieces, scattering thunders.

  12. 我发现它的心还在轻轻地跳,我就知道它肯定还活着呢。

    I realized there was a very weak pulse, and I knew it was alive.

  13. 它是心肺血管疾病发生、发展和维持的病理生理基础。

    It is the pathophysiology basis of occurring, developing, and maintaining of cardiopulmonary diseases.

  14. 我会把我们宝贵的爱深深的留在心里,让它保持心鲜。

    I will keep our precious love in my heart, keep it fresh, safe, deeply.

  15. 看见它而感到心痛

    be afflicted at seeing it

  16. 我们就把它深埋心间。

    We learn to keep it to ourselves.

  17. 演讲者已把它熟记在心。

    The orator had conned it by heart.

  18. 只有这样你才能把它牢记在心。

    Only in this way can you learn it by heart.

  19. 我总是将它牢记在心, 永不忘却。

    I never forget it and always bear it in my mind.

  20. 绝对的。这是,嗯,它是我心倾注的地方。

    Absolutely with JDR. It's um, it's on dear my heart.

  21. 如我的前辈一样,我将把它铭记在心。

    Like my distinguished forebear, I take this lesson to heart.

  22. 但它充满了心,跨越了两英尺的水。

    But it is full of heart, leaping two feet out of the water.

  23. 它要有心,这样它就有了激情 内心和灵魂。

    It would have heart in that it would have passion and heart and soul.

  24. 或许在都柏林它已是心有余而力不足矣。

    It may be all but wiped out in Dublin.

  25. 旋律简单,但催眠的感觉将让它常驻你心。

    A Boy Called Joni Green Astronauts. This track has a very simple melody, but its so hypnotic that it stays in your head forever!

  26. 我们以为诱惑是在我们四周,但神说它发自我们心内。

    We think temptation lies around us, but God says it begins within us.

  27. 如果它使你心震颤, 我就把眼光从你脸上挪开。

    If It'sets your heart aflutter, I will take away my eyes from your face.

  28. 拿着俺的心看它是不是血染。

    Hold my heart and see that it bleeds.

  29. 当我唱歌时, 我感到我露天心失去它的重量。

    When I singing in the open air, I felt my heart was losing its weight.

  30. 到你的胸前,敲敲门,问你的心看它到底知晓什麽。

    Go to your bosom knock there, and ask your heart what it doth know.