







汉语拼音:tā jiè






  1. 别的地区。




  1. Three years later, the other boundary was discovered that between the mantle and the crust.


  1. 结果表明,这种黑洞的熵等于它外视界面积的14。

    It is found that the entropy of this system is just 14 of the area of the external event horizon.

  2. 娱乐界变了,它与黑帮勾结。

    Entertainment is changin', intertwine it with gangsters.

  3. 它的陆界与爱尔兰共和国接壤。

    Its lithosphere and the Republic of Ireland border on.

  4. 为它定界限, 又安门和闩,

    When I fixed limits for it and set its doors and bars in place

  5. 自我没有界限, 除非它因无知而接受界限。

    The self has no boundaries except those it accepts out of ignorance.

  6. 英国出版界已经对它作了很多宣传。

    The British press has given considerable publicity to it.

  7. 它显示了这个家庭30年来受到?界介入的情况。

    This shows 28 years of intervention in that family's life.

  8. 因此它大略就在上方, 出自于动物界。

    And so it would be sort of approximately up there, coming out of the animal kingdom.

  9. 几十年来,它都是评论界的争议主题。

    It's been the subject of critical controversy for decades.

  10. 大漠被囚禁在它那无边荒芜的界墙内。

    The desert is imprisoned in the wall of its unbounded barrenness.

  11. 但其复杂性阻碍了它在图书馆界的广泛应用。

    But its intricacy cumbers its widely use in library sphere.

  12. 但缩写词听上去很棒,因此业界决定保留它。

    But the acronym sounds cool, so the industry has decided to keep it.

  13. 传送武器通过星界返回投出它的生物手中。

    A teleporting weapon returns through the Astral plane to the creature that threw it.

  14. 业界已使用它将近20年, 已经证明它对人身体无害。

    It has been used for 20 years and has proved to be safe for peoples health.

  15. 时尚界确实是浮华的,这个词掩盖了它的其它称谓。

    Frivolity, inter many alias, is what fashion does.

  16. 即使在著作权界,合并一词也有它的深远意义。

    Even within the copyright community, the term merger can have significance.

  17. 它被电影界公认为到目前为止最成功的电影系列。

    It is now acknowledged by the movie industry as the most successful film series ever.

  18. 生而为王,它将吸收宇宙所有辐射,一统神界。

    Born to be the King, he will absorb all the nuclear radiation, dominate the universe.

  19. 我打开了联系两界的门, 但却没法关上它。

    I opened the door between the worlds and I cannot shut it. No one can shut it.

  20. 在音乐界,我们捡起我们喜欢的东西 我们就会亲手改造它

    You know, in music we take something that we love and we build on it.

  21. 它的传播完全通过口口相传 遍及老师,父母 教育界的人

    It spread almost entirely through word of mouth, virally, across teachers, parents, people involved in education.

  22. 在数学界中它被很多人认为是 最美丽的结构

    It's considered by many to be the most beautiful structure in mathematics.

  23. 它在二十世纪六十年代就受到汉语语法界的关注。

    As early as 1960 s, Chinese grammar circles paid a lot of attentions to the structure.

  24. 它借助星界的薄雾静静的滑行,渴望着飘浮于此的灵魂。

    It glides silently through the mists of the Astral Plane, craving the souls of all who wander there.

  25. 如果你愿意,可以把它想成 粒子物理界的牛顿定律

    It's the Newton's laws, if you want, of particle physics.

  26. 它把分离之浪潮送到了你的实相和意识界中。

    It'sent waves of separation out into your realities and consciousnesses.

  27. 莫非你认为它和有可能被扯破的亡灵界的结界有关吗?

    Do you think it has something to do with what you said about the veil to the underworld possibly being torn.

  28. 新闻界也必须认识到它有明智地使用这种透明度的责任。

    The press must also accept that it has a responsibility to use this transparency wisely.

  29. 自从电子文件诞生以来,它一直受到国际档案界的极大关注。

    Since the naissance ofelectronic records, international archives academe has attention to them.

  30. 但这本书最重要的贡献是 它是对医疗界的一个当头棒喝

    But the most important thing about his book was that it was kind of an emotional alarm bell for medicine.