




1. 打 [dǎ]2. 打 [dá]打 [dǎ]击,敲,攻击:~击。殴~。~杀。放出,发出,注入,扎入:~炮。~雷。~信号。~电报。做,造:~首饰。~家具。拨动:~算盘。揭,破,凿开:~破。~井。举,提起:~灯笼。~起精神。涂抹,印,画:~……







汉语拼音:xiǎo dǎ xiǎo nào








  1. The firm's roots and most of its profits lay in making memory chips; Intel's microprocessor group was just a small niche.


  2. Ronald Wayne designed Apple's original logo in 1976 when the company was still operating out of a garage.


  3. You'll see that most people had many failures or very moderate successes before being considered truly successful.


  4. Worthwhile as they probably are, such measures look like tinkering when set against the capacity of capital markets to wreak economic havoc.


  5. This should come in very handy for its big, not to mention glitzy ambition, to open a Vegas-style casino.


  6. "This is still really niche. It takes a lot of time for a network like this to build, " she says.


  7. InDecember, Mr Volcker complained that the reforms proposed so far hadbeen "like a dimple. "


  8. Emphasize emergency preparation and the expense of a chronic and degenerative condition?


  9. AI's may choose to not be espionage "petty terrorist" and instead only use large espionage missions (like steal tech and sabotage project).


  1. 因为小打小闹就要毁掉他的未来吗?

    You're gonna ruin his future over roughhousing?

  2. 警察试图追踪他小打小闹作奸犯科的缘由。

    The police tried to trace his lapse into petty crime.

  3. 让其他国家去小打小闹吧,卡塔尔要大张旗鼓。

    Let other countries start small.

  4. 汤姆,我们虽然老是小打小闹但从没到刚才那地步。

    We have always fought, Tom, but never like that.

  5. 网游渠道推广是一种规模效应, 小打小闹很难成功。

    Channels to promote online games is a scale effect, it is difficult minor success.

  6. 从小打小闹到大规模

    from small scale to large scale

  7. 兄妹俩的小吵小闹。

    a spat between brother and sister

  8. 那只是兄妹间的小吵小闹。

    There is only a spat between the brother and sister.

  9. 那只是兄妹间得小吵小闹。

    There is only a spat between the brother and sister.

  10. 然后打小报告说。

    They're going to go to the police.

  11. 随便你打小报告。

    I'm not gonna be here much longer.

  12. 不要打小报告哦

    so don't rat us out.

  13. 那个马屁精正在打小报告。

    The nark is narking.

  14. 打小报告&背后说坏话&撒谎

    tattle & gossip & liar

  15. 不要可恶地打小报告, 杰克。

    Don't be a rat fink, Jack.

  16. 她要了一打小圆面包。

    She ordered a dozen rolls.

  17. 他们哥儿俩打小就是好朋友。

    The two of them have been good friends since they were children.

  18. 他们哥儿俩打小就是好朋友。

    The two of them have been good friends since they were children.

  19. 但用杖打小茴香,用棍打大茴香。

    But dill is beaten out with a rod, And cummin with a stick.

  20. 什么英文字母会打小白兔?

    Which letter of the English alphabet will beat up a rabbit?

  21. 打小他就梦想制作一部电影。

    He has dreamt about making a film since he was young.

  22. 丹尼总是在我做错事时打小报告。

    Danny always tattles on me when I do something wrong.

  23. 我跟老师打小报告说多莉偷我的书。

    I told my teacher on Dolly for stealing my book.

  24. 我猜你要去老师那里打小报告了。

    I suppose you'll go sneaking to teacher.

  25. 不在教室里和走廊上追逐打闹。

    Don't run or play in the classroom or the hallways.

  26. 打小我是个书虫, 也是个电视迷。

    As a child I was both a bookworm and a TV junkie.

  27. 追逐打闹、但时而想到地上玩一会儿。

    Chase slapstick, but sometimes think of the earth to play for a while.

  28. 办公室里最可恨的就是那些打小报告的人。

    Those who squeal on colleagues in returnforfavorsare the most hated intheoffice.

  29. 她喜欢背地里说同事的坏话,还经常打小报告。

    She likes to run down her colleagues and often informs secretly on them.

  30. 噢!打小阿飞耳光!叫保安来!你爸爸是谁?

    Oww! Slap the punk! Call security! Whos your daddy


  1. 问:小打小闹拼音怎么拼?小打小闹的读音是什么?小打小闹翻译成英文是什么?

    答:小打小闹的读音是xiǎodǎxiǎonào,小打小闹翻译成英文是 on a small scale