




人、动物的躯体,物体的主要部分:~躯。人~。~材。~段。船~。树~。指人的生命或一生:~世。献~。亲自,本人:自~。亲~。~教。~体力行。统指人的地位、品德:出~。~分(fèn )。~败名裂。孕,娠:~孕。量词,指整套衣服:做了一~儿新衣服……



汉语拼音:wán shēn







  1. 保全自身。




  1. (Teacher David) Crichton said the children had just completed their warm-up when they began to hear "soft thudding" on the ground.


  1. 一旦搜完身,我就打信号。

    But once they're done, I'm gonna give you the signal.

  2. 我的明星投球手热完身了吗

    Is my star pitcher all warmed up?

  3. 一名警察转过身来听我说完, 摇了摇头, 回到了他的位置。

    The policeman who'd turned round to listen shook head and back into position.

  4. 他吃完早餐, 站起身来。

    He finished his breakfast and stood up.

  5. 没完没了得追求瘦身已经远远弊大于利。

    The endless quest for thinness has done far more harm than good.

  6. 没完没了的追求瘦身已经远远弊大于利。

    The endless quest for thinness has done far more harm than good.

  7. 没完没了的追求瘦身已经远远弊大于利。

    The endless quest for thinness has done far more harm than good.

  8. 说完, 边弯下身来, 准备背我出去。

    Finished edge bent down and come prepared to carry me out.

  9. 他转过身去。稍后, 她照完和他再会合。

    He turned and a moment later, she wrapped up and went to rejoin him.

  10. 说完, 本。普莱斯转过身, 朝街上走去。

    And Ben Price turned and walked down the street.

  11. 说完那些话后, 她转过身生气地离开了。

    After saying that, she turned and flung off.

  12. 她的马以超前六匹马身长度跑完全程。

    Her horse finished six lengths ahead.

  13. 他说完就转身回到了那两个人身旁。

    And with that he turned on his heel and rejoined the other two.

  14. 没容我把话说完,妈妈就站起身离开了厨房。

    Before I could finish my words, mum got to her feet and left the kitchen.

  15. 老船夫说完, 拍拍船夫的肩膀, 从他身旁走了过去。

    Lao Chuanfu finished boatman pat on the shoulder, and from his side walked past.

  16. 老船夫说完,拍拍船夫得肩膀,从他身旁走了过去。

    Lao Chuanfu finished boatman pat on the shoulder, and from his side walked past.

  17. 汤快喝完了时,可将汤盘近身一侧抬高一点。

    When a little remai, you may raise slightly side of the bowl close to you.

  18. 当学生吃完饭,经过我身旁时,他们都觉得很奇怪。

    All the students feel strange when they pass by me.

  19. 母亲说完话时,德韦特先生已经恢复镇定,站起身来。

    By the time Mother finished speaking, Mr. De Witt had pulled himself together and had risen to his feet.

  20. 我冲完淋浴刚走出来, 有人走了进来, 正好撞见我赤身裸体。

    I had just stepped out of the shower and somebody walked in and caught me in my birthday suit.

  21. 如果你感到下半身太紧, 休息一下, 接着把这也运动做完。

    If you feel strain in your lower back, rest for a moment, then resume the exercise.

  22. 他说完阿门,为他们祝了福,便转过身去。会众立刻唱了起来。

    He said amen, and blessed them, and turned away, and immediately the congregation began to sing.

