


1. 五 [wǔ]五 [wǔ]数名,四加一(在钞票和单据上常用大写“伍”代):~彩。~官。~谷。~金。~代(中国朝代名,后梁、后唐、后晋、后汉、后周先后在中原建立政权的时期)。~帝(中国传说中的五个帝王,通常指黄帝、颛顼、帝喾、唐尧、虞舜)……





汉语拼音:wǔ zé







  1. 指衡量事物的五个标准。


  2. 谓帝王应恪守的五项法则。

    《国语·周语下》:“上不象天,而下不仪地,中不和民,而方不顺时,不共神祇,而蔑弃五则。” 韦昭 注:“则,法也。谓象天、仪地、和民、顺时、共神也。”



  1. I absolutely loved the five lessons given by the very easy-flowing story of this book, and I can relate to every one of them.


  2. The fourth is "Kid's zone" , and the last one is "Tools" , you can find education session for everyone, business, and teachers.


  3. If the copy queue length is more than five, the databases will not automatically mount.


  4. If no cards match, and if the $highcard minus $lowcard is exactly five, there is a straight.


  5. Textual Research into Five Chinese Characters Related with Ancient Chinese Dress and Personal Adornment


  6. Five Recipes of External Application of Chinese Patent Medicine to Treat Soft Tissue Injury


  7. Five Items of the Clinical Application of Earthworm


  8. Five Practical Calculation Methods for Curves


  9. Treating Five Cases of Childhood Allergic Purpura Based on Syndrome Differentiation with TCM


  1. 化学除杂质五则

    Five Examples of Chemical Elimimating Impurity

  2. 避暑山庄碑诗解说五则

    Five Explanation of the Poems on the Steles in the Summer Resort.

  3. 汉字中的古代服饰考释五则

    Textual research into five chinese characters related with ancient chinese dress and personal adornment

  4. 管理原理五则一种网元管理系统的设计

    Design for the Network Element Management System

  5. 快速翻阅一下报纸便找到五则适合的招聘广告。

    A quick trawl through the newspapers yielded five suitable job adverts.

  6. 管理原理五则技术异化的生成贵州崩塌灾害及其影响因素

    Devolution Disaster and Its Controlling Factors in Guizhou

  7. 客户管理少则五至500名雇员,并复盖60多个行业。

    Our clients manage anywhere from five to 500 employees each, and cover more than 60 industries.

  8. 炎夏早来死人多。五月热则墓地肥

    A hot May makes a fat churchyard

  9. 这种学生流动的模式在五年前则未曾听说过。

    This pattern of student movement was unheard of five years ago.

  10. 信能行此五者,则邻国之民仰之若父母矣。

    If a ruler can truly practise these five things, then the people in the neighbouring kingdoms will look up to him as a parent.

  11. 圆明新园等五个品牌则荣获了观众喜爱的珠海品牌称号。

    The Yuanmin New Palace and other four companies wun the honour of Audience Preferred Brands.

  12. 成年的蛙类, 每只前脚有四只脚趾, 而每只后腿则有五只脚趾。

    Adult frogs have four toes on their front foot and five toes on the back.

  13. 因持有而被判三到五年, 违令则是两年。

    Got three to five for possession, out on parole in two.

  14. 如果表至少包含五个行,则按如下方式添加直方图

    If the table has at least five rows, histograms are added as follows

  15. 云门寺则是禅宗五大派之一的云门宗的发祥地。

    Yunmen Temple is the birthplace of Yunmen Sect, one of the five Chan Sects.

  16. 而船只则能够从五大湖经过圣劳伦斯航道到达大西洋。

    And ships can reach the Atlantic Ocean from the Great Lakes through the Saint Lawrence Seaway.

  17. 楚雄旧志全书校注后记五则

    Five pieces postscript on collation and annotation of Ancient Local Chronicles of Chuxiong Prefecture

  18. 明天只审议几项决议,星期五则更少。

    There are only a few resolutions for consideration tomorrow, and even fewer for Friday.

  19. 如果有五张不同的牌面, 则没有匹配。

    If there are five different faces, there are no matches.

  20. 第五章附则。

    Chapter V Supplementary Provisions.

  21. 第五章罚则。

    Chapter V Penalty Provisions.

  22. 健康饮食五大守则

    Five principles of a healthy diet in food intakes

  23. 现在,你则可以买五亿件。

    You can buy half a billion today.

  24. 第五节则介绍告知义务的免除。

    Section V introduces the exemption of the duty of disclosure.

  25. 准则的拟订遵循了五大步骤的进程。

    The formulation of the guidelines has followed a process of five major steps.

  26. 第五部分则给出了全文的结论。

    Part V gives the conclusions of the full text.

  27. 第五章节则将各章的重点再整理。

    Then the fifth chapter again reorganizes with emphasis each chapter.

  28. 第五部分则是通过具体案例进行说明。

    The fifth part is described by specific cases.

  29. 五首幽默小品则显示出其轻快的一面。

    The Five Humoresques reveal Reger in lighter mode.

  30. 五苓散化裁治愈小儿顽固声嘶一则

    One Child of Intractable Hoarseness Treated by Modified Wuling Powder