







汉语拼音:hěn gāng






  1. 暴戾。




  1. The squirrel was lucky that it just missed being caught.


  1. 舞蹈很刚健。

    The dancing was very vigorous.

  2. 她有很刚强的个性。

    She has a very strong personality.

  3. 伯莎心里怀着愤怒, 她刚很不情愿地吻了她的丈夫。

    Bertha was nursing her wrath, she had with difficulty brought herself to kiss her husband before.

  4. 萨姆叔叔总是很受刚出生的孩子们的欢迎。

    Uncle Sam is sll the time popular with child.

  5. 萨姆叔叔总是很受刚出生得孩子们得欢迎。

    Uncle Sam is sll the time popular with child.

  6. 这松鼠幸运得很, 刚逃避了被逮住得厄运。

    The squirrel was lucky that it just missed being caught.

  7. 这松鼠幸运得很, 刚逃避了被逮住的厄运。

    The squirrel was lucky that it just missed being caught.

  8. 现在,我很高兴刚从旅馆自助餐后遗症中恢复过来

    Right now, I am very happy just recovering and in front of hotel buffets.

  9. 我识得一山东女孩,她相貌,言语和个性都很阳光刚烈。

    I know one pretty Shandong girl who is very tough and strong in appearance, words and personality etc.

  10. 很抱歉他刚出去, 请问哪位找?

    I am sorry, he went out just now, who is calling?

  11. 我们有一些很好得刚从欧洲运来得领带。

    We have some wonderful ties just in from Europe.

  12. 我们有一些很好的刚从欧洲运来的领带。

    We have some wonderful ties just in from Europe.

  13. 冷库内很冷, 刚进去, 浑身上下就结了冰层。

    Cool rooms within its cold, just account myself to bear on the ice.

  14. 她很命苦,刚到十六岁就当了望门寡。

    It was very unfortunate that her fiance died before marrying her.

  15. 她很命苦,刚到十六岁就当了望门寡。

    It was very unfortunate that her fiance died before marrying her.

  16. 我发现刚开始很难调整。

    I found it quite hard to adjust at first.

  17. 我刚接到很不幸的消息。

    I have just received sad news.

  18. 我刚接到很不幸得消息。

    I have just received sad news.

  19. 刚开始很高,然后就一直下降。

    It starts way up here, but then it's a free fall.

  20. 刚开始很, 但是最后他似乎有些沉默。

    It'started off well, but he seemed to clam up towards the end.

  21. 刚开始很因难,渐渐地我找到滑雪的窍门。

    It was difficult at first, but gradually I got the knack of skiing.

  22. 刚开始很无聊, 但过一阵子后你就会习惯。

    It's tiring in the beginning, but after a while you will get used to it.

  23. 我刚接到很不幸的消息。世界上不幸的事真多呀!

    I have just received sad news. There are lots of troubles in the world!

  24. 很好,很好,我刚搬回到这里。

    Great. great. I just moved back to town.

  25. 面包很新鲜。我刚烤好的。

    The bread is fresh; I just baked it.

  26. 很好,我们刚解决了8个人

    All right, we just engaged all eight individuals.

  27. 很好,我刚把左边全部瘫痪了

    Great. I just paralyzed the whole left side.

  28. 你说的很对,我刚还想杀了她。

    You are absolutely right. I was thinking I would kill her.

  29. 我真的很想要这个刚来就很厉害的女生

    I really wanted this girl who went allcounty as a freshman.

  30. 凯,很抱歉,我刚碰到了真正该死的事情。

    K, I'm sorry, I just got a real shit storm here.