







汉语拼音:jí shǐ








  1. she was coming out of marseilles harbor , and was standing out to sea rapidly , her sharp prow cleaving through the waves.


  2. And a brilliantly lighted express train shook the switchman 's cabin as it rushed by with a roar like thunder.


  3. They are, however, fast traveling down a route that has the potential to turn differences of opinion into a dangerous rivalry.


  4. I sailed with giddy speed, carried away by the flood of passion ; I had no time to see and feel and take the world into my being.


  5. But they think it is worth, because in the long straight road did not hinder easily lead to accidents.


  6. Suddenly' two young fellows on a motorbike sped by me and snatched a bag from a woman in front of me.


  7. Unlike the grainy, long-distance spy shots that paparazzi regularly take of new models as they whiz around company test tracks.


  8. Case A: Suppose you're the driver of a trolley car and your trolley car is hurtling down the track at 60 miles an hour.


  9. Slowly away in the ship when came from a car, a young man jumped. Waved towards shipping.


  1. 轮船顺风疾驶。

    The ship ran on with the wind behind.

  2. 火车向前疾驶

    The train jerked ahead.

  3. 顺风疾驶的船

    A ship running before the wind

  4. 云在天空疾驶。

    The clouds drove across the sky.

  5. 火车疾驶而过。

    The train flashed by at high speed.

  6. 汽车平稳地疾驶。

    The car bowled steadily along.

  7. 船在小河疾驶。

    The boat is spanking along on the river.

  8. 船向西疾驶。

    The ship crowded westward.

  9. 小船正顺风疾驶。

    The boat is running up before the wind.

  10. 马疾驶而去。

    The horse galloped away like the wind.

  11. 小船破浪疾驶。

    The boat sped across the waves.

  12. 汽车疾驶产生的气流

    The wind of a speeding car

  13. 我们的车向前疾驶。

    Our car bowled along.

  14. 高声鸣笛疾驶的救护车

    Ambulances racing along with sirens wailing

  15. 客货车疾驶转过街角。

    The van hurtled round the corner.

  16. 那辆车子以全速疾驶。

    The car spun along at full speed.

  17. 猎人们疾驶,追捕那只狐狸。

    The huntsmen rode fast, chasing after the fox.

  18. 船只在河上疾驶而过。

    Ships raced along on the river.

  19. 汽车向黑暗中疾驶而去。

    The car scooted off into the dark.

  20. 汤姆得新摩托车疾驶如飞。

    Tom's new motorbike goes like blazes.

  21. 汤姆的新摩托车疾驶如飞。

    Tom's new motorbike goes like blazes.

  22. 火车喀嚓喀嚓地在铁轨上疾驶

    A train rattled along the track.

  23. 警车从我们身边疾驶而过。

    The police car sped past us.

  24. 帆船乘着起风疾驶。

    The boat scudded along before the rising wind.

  25. 汽车一直地疾驶进入村子里。

    The car sped directly to the village.

  26. 汽车和卡车嗖嗖地疾驶而过。

    Cars and trucks swooshed past.

  27. 直升机和卡车疾驶前去搜寻杨。

    Helicopters and trucks rushed to retrieve Yang.

  28. 那只帆船正乘风笔直疾驶。

    The yacht was scudding along before the wind.

  29. 我的自行车疾驶滑下了山坡。

    My bike spanked down the hill.

  30. 船儿疾驶象鸟儿在飞翔,

    Speed bonnie boat, like a bird on the wing


  1. 问:疾驶拼音怎么拼?疾驶的读音是什么?疾驶翻译成英文是什么?

    答:疾驶的读音是jíshǐ,疾驶翻译成英文是 to drive at high speed



疾驶 jíshǐ [ram] [车船等] 高速行驶 一列客车疾驶而过 相关词语:疾作 疾风劲草 疾疟 疾俏 疾恶如讐 疾菑 疾毁 疾吏 疾恶好善 疾战 疾雷不暇掩耳 疾苦 疾响 疾首蹙頞 疾雷不及塞耳 疾人 疾世 疾色 锢疾 含垢藏疾 去疾 快疾 残疾人活动日 秽疾 掩瑕藏疾 遭疾 瘸狼渴疾 微疾 檄医头疾 纳污藏疾 毁疾 趮疾 积忧成疾 救疾 河鱼腹疾 月家疾