




簸动,向上播散:~水。~场(cháng )。~汤止沸。高举,向上:~手。~帆。趾高气~。~眉吐气。在空中飘动:飘~。称颂,传播:~言。~威。颂~。~弃。~名。姓。……



汉语拼音:hóng yáng








  1. 大力宣扬。

    唐 玄奘 《大唐西域记·迦湿弥罗国》:“当於此地建国安人,弘扬佛法。”《元代白话碑集录·重编百义清规法旨》:“好生遵守清规,修行办道,专与上位祈福祝寿,报答圣恩,弘扬佛法者。” 吕澂 《中国佛学源流略讲》第五讲:“三论宗的开创人 吉藏 ,弘扬 关 河 三论,曾著《三论玄义》,反复解释三论之间的关系。”



  1. Residential stored on the surface understanding of the culture is bound to promote the residential areas and will continue to develop.

  2. No, it is of great significance, but is not merely a only the word, and it is promoting Chinese filial piety the elder the fine tradition!

  3. The question is, can it go beyond such borrowing and develop a strong innovative tradition of its own again?

  4. quality target of the company : develop sichuan flavorings , make credible products . pursue high quality and meet clients requirements.

  5. Yes, to carry forward the national culture and spirit has been deeply rooted in the heart of our Chinese people.

  6. The motive to call for and research on library spirit is to develop the humanistic ideal of forerunner in librarianship.

  7. However, some basic tenets of Communism, like sense of justice and fairness, should get a second chance.

  8. It was a night to celebrate the Olympic spirit, and the Olympic hopes, as they completed the homecoming of the modern Olympics.

  9. If nothing else, the Ig Nobels demonstrates a form of courage, and you need courage if you intend to be an innovator.


  1. 弘扬主旋律

    give full scope to the theme of the times.

  2. 弘扬人道主义

    enhance humanitarianism

  3. 弘扬和培育

    Carry forward and foster.

  4. 弘扬和承继

    Carry forward and carry on.

  5. 弘扬与培育

    carry forward and cultivate.

  6. 传承与弘扬

    passing on and carrying forward.

  7. 弘扬民族精神

    promote the national spirit

  8. 弘扬科学精神

    promote the scientific spirit

  9. 弘扬海派文化

    Carry forward the Shanghai culture

  10. 重构和弘扬

    reconstruct and develop

  11. 弘扬民族文化

    To advance and enrich the fine cultural heritage of the nation

  12. 弘扬爱国主义精神

    promote patriotic spirit

  13. 弘扬民族时代精神

    promote and popularise the spirit of the Chinese people and the times

  14. 弘扬正气, 反对歪风

    encourage healthy trends and oppose unhealthy practice

  15. 弘扬民族优秀文化

    advance and enrich the fine cultural heritage of the nation

  16. 弘扬井冈山精神

    carry forward the Jinggangshan Spirit

  17. 弘扬亲民之风

    Carrying on and Promoting the Tendencies of Nearing the People

  18. 弘扬主旋律, 提倡多样化

    give full scope to the theme of our times while advocating diversity

  19. 坚持和弘扬科学精神

    Sticking to and Advocation Spirit of Science

  20. 弘扬和培育民族精神

    Carry forward and cultivate the national spirit

  21. 弘扬民法的平等精神

    Expanding the Spirit of Equality in the Civil Law

  22. 弘扬奥林匹克精神

    carry forward the Olympic Spirit

  23. 与时俱进弘扬西沙精神

    Advance with the Times and Carry forward the Spirits of Xisha

  24. 弘扬环境伦理促进环境教育

    Develop environmental ethics Accelerate environmental education

  25. 普及科学知识, 弘扬科学精神。

    We should disseminate science and promote the scientific spirit.

  26. 弘扬主旋律抵制丑恶艺术

    Striking Up the Tune of the Times and Resisting the Vile Practices

  27. 论弘扬和培育民族精神

    On Carry forward and Cultivating Nation Spirit

  28. 我们要敢于弘扬利他精神。

    and we need to dare altruism.

  29. 打造劳模品牌弘扬时代精神

    Upholds times spirit to foster a good image for model in labour

  30. 弘扬企业文化, 增强企业凝聚力。

    Enterprise culture should be glorified with coherence strengthened.


  1. 问:弘扬拼音怎么拼?弘扬的读音是什么?弘扬翻译成英文是什么?

    答:弘扬的读音是hóngyáng,弘扬翻译成英文是 promote



基本解释 [carry forward] 大力宣扬 当于此地建国安人,弘扬佛法。——唐· 玄奘《大唐西域记》 弘扬祖国文化