


1. 有 [yǒu]2. 有 [yòu]有 [yǒu]存在:~关。~方(得法)。~案可稽。~备无患。~目共睹。表示所属:他~一本书。表示发生、出现:~病。情况~变化。表示估量或比较:水~一丈多深。表示大、多:~学问。用在某些动词前面表示客气……





汉语拼音:yǒu cháo



  1. Children of the have'ly Father Safely in His bosom gather Nestling bird nor star in Heaven Such a refugee'r was given .


  2. But because carotene is fat-soluble vitamins, so only use Youchao or fatty foods mixed with food, make it easier to absorb.


  3. The Bird a nest, the spider a web, man friendship. --William Blake.


  4. The cultural bequeath of Youchao is Ling-jia-tan site.


  5. The bird a rest , the spider a web , man friendship.


  6. Birds have nests; people have homes. If family members live far apart, how can they have a happy family life?


  7. Oh joy of the birds! It is because they have nests that they sing.


  8. I have my nest and you have you own,


  1. 鸟儿有巢,蜘蛛有网,人类有友谊。

    The bird a nest, the spider a web, man friendship.

  2. 那是因为它们有巢可栖, 有歌可唱。

    It is because they have nests that they sing.

  3. 我们看到悬崖上有个鹰巢。

    We saw an aerie on the cliff.

  4. 这个巢中有几个鸵鸟蛋?

    How many ostrich eggs are in this nest?

  5. 巢的周围有不少灯箱招牌, 小家燕要习惯在灯光下睡觉。

    The chicks have to adapt to sleeping under the bright lights from advertising signs.

  6. 北极绒鸭在雪橇犬的狗舍之间筑了巢,总共有100对上下。

    A colony of Eider ducks has made its home between the husky kennels, about 100 pairs in all.

  7. 检查之后原来在灌林中有一个中等大小蜜蜂巢。

    After examination we knew that it was a moderate size cave for bees.

  8. 中倍镜,脑膜瘤由涡漩状细胞巢构成,也可能有多种形状。

    At medium power, this meningioma is composed of whorled nests of cells. A variety of patterns are possible.

  9. 走兽有穴可归, 飞鸟有巢可

    The beast retires to its shelter, and the bird flies to its nest.

  10. 有巢氏阶段的文化遗存为凌家滩遗址。

    The cultural bequeath of Youchao is Lingjiatan site.

  11. 鳞状细胞癌,左上有一癌巢,有角化珠,呈漩涡状。

    In this squamous cell carcinoma at the upper left is a squamous eddy with a keratin pearl.

  12. 有得还在我家附近得树上建巢。

    Some would build their nests in the trees nears our house.

  13. 卵巢颗粒细胞瘤有形成原始滤泡的细胞巢。

    At higher magnification, an ovarian granulosa cell tumor has nests of cells are forming primitive follicles.

  14. 据说他在那里有一块地、一个土洞,一个窝巢。

    He had there, it was said, a sort of field, a hole, a lair.

  15. 还有百舌鸟在合唱,从巢中如奏长笛。

    And the thrushes are in song there, fluting from the nest.

  16. 为你的情人建筑网上爱巢,在爱巢上写上你的爱有多么深。

    Build your lover a web page telling them why you love them so much.

  17. 偶有一两只迟返的鸟静静的滑翔着飞进温暖的巢中。

    Sometimes later than 12 bird quietly back to the glider flew into a warm nest.

  18. 有一棵大橡树, 一只老鹰飞到树上, 在上面筑起了巢。

    Having instilled these fears into the Sow, she went and pretended to hide herself in the hollow of the tree.

  19. 年初的时候,有人发现这两只游隼在烟囱岩上筑了巢。

    Earlier in the year, these two falcons had been spotted building a nest atop Chimney Rock.

  20. 这会导致卵巢变大并有过多得充满液体得卵巢囊产生。

    This condition causes the ovaries to become enlarged and develop many fluidfilled sacs, or cysts.

  21. 这会导致卵巢变大并有过多的充满液体的卵巢囊产生。

    This condition causes the ovaries to become enlarged and develop many fluidfilled sacs, or cysts.

  22. 烟囱上有个鸟巢。

    There is a nest in the chimney.

  23. 有一个温暖的鸟巢。

    There's a nest snug and warm.

  24. 那里有鸟巢还有水立方。

    It has Bird's Nest and Water Cube.

  25. 有知更鸟筑巢的紫丁香

    The lilacs where the robin built

  26. 有知更鸟筑巢得紫丁香,

    The lilacs where the robin built

  27. 屋檐下有一只老鸟巢。

    There's an old bird's nest under the eaves.

  28. 覆巢之下, 安有完卵。

    Under the compound nest, has the egg peacefully.

  29. 覆巢之下,安有完卵。

    Under the compound nest ,has the egg peacefully .

  30. 女性有卵巢,子宫,阴道等等。

    The female body has oviducts, a uterus, a vagina etc.


  1. 问:有巢氏拼音怎么拼?有巢氏的读音是什么?有巢氏翻译成英文是什么?

    答:有巢氏的读音是,有巢氏翻译成英文是 Youchao