


1. 都 [dū]2. 都 [dōu]都 [dū]大都市:~市。~会。通~大邑。一国的最高行政机关所在的地方,京城:首~。国~。京~。建~。美好:“雍容闲雅,甚~”。~丽。~雅。总:~为一集。居:“~卿相之位”。古代称头目、首领。姓。都 [……








  1. For three consecutive nights, the maid had dreamt of Master conversing with her and knew that She had come to bless her.


  2. You think about me when you don't want to think about me. I bet you even dreamed about me.


  3. And I miss your base, and I miss your height, and my dreams are triangular every night.


  4. ADIDAS all day I dream about snow. . .


  5. Many nights, I dreamed of and one of the students had a wonderful time spent together.


  6. Zhanshan is such a fantastic game that I dream about it at night.


  7. It is very strange that she dreamed of a boy in every dream.


  8. Then why do I dream of you daily?


  9. Have fled like sweet dreams, leaving thee to mourn.


  1. 你都梦到了什么?

    What are they about?

  2. 一整夜, 小猫维拉都梦着她的新围裙。

    For the whole night, Villa was dreaming of her new apron.

  3. 战神是一个很棒得游戏, 我晚上做梦都梦到它。

    Zhanshan is such a fantastic game that I dream about it at night.

  4. 战神是一个很棒的游戏,我晚上做梦都梦到它。

    Zhanshan is such a fantastic game that I dream about it at night.

  5. 截瘫,全身瘫痪的患者每天都梦到自己又能运动四肢

    Paraplegic, quadriplegic patients dream about moving every night.

  6. 许多个夜晚,我都梦到了和高一的同学一起度过的快乐时光。

    Many nights, I dreamed of and one of the students a wonderful time spent together.

  7. 清醒梦和其他的梦都不同。

    A lucid dream is unlike any other dream.

  8. 愿你所有的梦都成真!

    Hope all your every dreams come true!

  9. 不是所有的梦都来得及实现。

    Not all have had time to realize a dream.

  10. 例如,大多数的梦都没有性的内容。

    For example, most dreams have no sexual content.

  11. 我所有最疯狂的梦都成真的了。

    All of my wildest dreams have come true.

  12. 每个梦都是女人离去的余影。

    Each dream is an afterimage of a women leaving.

  13. 每个梦都是女人离去得余影。

    Each dream is an afterimage of a women leaving.

  14. 当我入睡时,我的梦都是关于你的。

    When I fall asleep, my dreams are about you.

  15. 对他来说,每个梦都是个潜意识愿望的图像。

    For him, every single dream was the picture of an unconscious wish.

  16. 我们都在梦的旅途中。

    We are all dream catcher.

  17. 可是睡觉还能有丰富多彩的梦, 而醒着的一天里连梦都没有。

    However, colorful dreams might come to the sleep, while not a dream in my wake hours.

  18. 一切都是梦里游,梦里开心梦里流,梦里欢喜梦里愁。

    In a wonderland we lie, dreaming as the days go by, dreaming as the summer dies.

  19. 如果这是梦境, 那全世界都在梦中。

    If this is a dream, the whole world's inside it.

  20. 都说梦是相反的象征, 不知道是否属实。

    It is said that nonsense is the opposite symbol. I do not know whether to true.

  21. 都说梦是相反得象征,不知道是否属实。

    It is said that nonsense is the opposite symbol. I do not know whether to true.

  22. 爆炸声把全村得人都从梦中惊醒了。

    The explosion stated the whole population of the village out of their sleep.

  23. 爆炸声把全村的人都从梦中惊醒了。

    The explosion stated the whole population of the village out of their sleep.

  24. 我每天晚上都会梦到你,每时每刻都在想念你。

    I dream of you every night and think of you every moment.

  25. 全城的人们都从梦中被爆炸声惊醒了。

    The whole population of the town were startled out of their sleep by the noise of the explosion.

  26. 他们两个人每天都作梦,但是一个作好梦,一个作恶梦。

    Every night, the two of them dreamt, but one enjoyed sweet dreams while the other was tortured by nightmares.

  27. 或许节食者们都在梦中追求平时望而却步的满汉全席。

    Perhaps dieters are seeking out their shunned treats in regular nightly escapes.

  28. 你一直都在我梦里出现。

    You always appear in my dream.

  29. 成功人士通常都有一个梦。

    Successful people always have a dream.

  30. 每当你凝视它, 你都能重温旧梦。

    You can enjoy its beauty each time you stare at its wonderment.


