


1. 著 [zhù]2. 著 [zhuó]3. 著 [zhe]著 [zhù]显明,显出:~名。~称。显~。昭~。卓~。写文章,写书:~述。编~。~书立说。写作出来的书或文章:名~。巨~。遗~。译~。~作。古同“贮”,居积。著 [zhuó]附……





汉语拼音:zhù shù









  1. Before Burney, treatises on music had been theoretical, intended for practical use or to elaborate the eternal laws of musical science.


  2. Aristotle did not speak of a conscience in all, nor of a universal natural inclination to virtue, as did Aquinas.


  3. Drucker's writings avoid formal theories of management and organisation and instead encourage managers to ask basic questions.


  4. He had many works which had been included in the book of Bai ling xue shan. II.


  5. During the next thirty years he wrote his philosophical and theological works and was appointed Abbot of Bec.


  6. If I had space I could quote numerous passages to this effect from highly competent authorities .


  7. But Plato's writings about Atlantis are the only known records of its existence.


  8. The size of his writings, academic activities involving philosophy, ethics, psychology, sociology and religious studies and other fields.


  9. This standpoint can be read in the large quantity research thesis, text material, memoirs etc. from the 50' s up to now.


  1. 著述外文版

    foreign language editions of writings.

  2. 道教医学著述

    Taoism medical writings

  3. 清代肖像画著述

    writings of portrait painting in Qing Dynasty

  4. 孔子一生著述颇丰。

    In his life, Confucius wrote and edited a number of books.

  5. 隋唐绘画史论著述

    works of painting history and painting theory in Sui and Tang Dynasties

  6. 著述编年史的历史学家。

    A historian who writes annals.

  7. 本人的著述另外寄来。

    I will send copies of my publications by separate mail.

  8. 本人得著述另外寄来。

    I will send copies of my publications by separate mail.

  9. 简述刘子翠的生平与著述。

    A brief account of Liu Zihui's life story and writings.

  10. 档案学论著述评与档案学方法论研究

    Review of Archival Works and Study of Methodology for Archival Science

  11. 曾发表关于贸易与发展问题的著述。

    Has published on trade and development issues.

  12. 关于管理员工有多困难已有大量著述。

    Plenty is written about how hard it is to manage employees.

  13. 四库系列丛书徽州人著述概况研究

    A Commentary on the Works Written by Huangshanese in Complete Library in Four Divisions

  14. 卡尔·萨根用他的著述普及了宇宙学。

    Carl Sagan popularized cosmology in his books.

  15. 他们的回忆和著述,是党的文献的组成部分。

    Their memory and write, it is the component of the document of the party.

  16. 对学术界的科学家来说,著述是他们的生命。

    For scientists in academia, publications are the lifeblood of their careers.

  17. 第一部分即第一章,考述扬雄的经历及著述。

    In the first part, namely the first chapter, I approach Yang Xiongs experiences and works.

  18. 此外,还将审议在各种法律著述中发表的意见。

    Views expressed in legal writings would also be considered.

  19. 这个课题的基础知识同样也在众多的著述中出现。

    The basics of this topic are also in many texts.

  20. 他的著述给我们留下了杰出、高尚的楷模让我们效仿。

    His writings set fine and noble examples for us to follow.

  21. 麟趾学士是北周明帝设置的文化著述职官。

    Linzhi Bachelor was position set up by Emperor Ming in Northern Zhou Dynasty.

  22. 麟趾学士是北周明帝设置得文化著述职官。

    Linzhi Bachelor was position set up by Emperor Ming in Northern Zhou Dynasty.

  23. 他们可能出于评论和批评需要而摘录别人的著述。

    And they may excerpt others' work for the purpose of commentary and criticism.

  24. 描写这场战争的胜利者和失败者的著述也很多。

    The ones that described the victor of this war and loser had a lot of writing.

  25. 是否应当更多地以法语进行科学著述和研究呢?

    Should more scientific writing and studies be in the French language?

  26. 建立在马克思和列宁的著述上的一种共产主义。

    A form of communism based on the writings of Marx and Lenin.

  27. 周秦诸子的言论与著述,蕴涵对于历史的深刻认识。

    The views and writings of the masters in Zhou and Qin Dynasties contain profound insights on history.

  28. 依照亨利的看法,这本书是关于该主题的最佳著述。

    The book is, in Henry's opinion, the best book on the subject.

  29. 对于谱主的友人, 笔者尽力还原他们的生平概况和著述。

    For his friends, the author tried to restore their life profiles and writings.

  30. 吉拉德大概要到1188年才开始著述爱尔兰被征服史。

    Giraldus did not write his History of the Conquest of Ireland till about 1188.


  1. 问:著述拼音怎么拼?著述的读音是什么?著述翻译成英文是什么?

    答:著述的读音是zhùshù,著述翻译成英文是 write; writings



zhù shù [write and compile] 撰写;编著;对撰写的书籍的描述 从事著述 蔡东藩 《清史演义·自序》:“顾亦安知非近人著述,不就其大者立论,胡人犬种,说本不经,卫女狐绥,言多无据;鉴清者但以为若翁华胄,夙无秽闻,南面称尊,非我莫属;而攀鳞附翼者,且麕集其旁,争欲借佐命之功,博封王之赏,几何不易君主为民主,而仍返前清旧辙也。” 著述的英文翻译 .to write; to compile .a book