


还(hái ),仍然:~小。~未。~不可知。尊崇,注重:~武。~贤(a.崇尚贤人;b.《墨子》篇名,内容阐述墨子的一种政治主张)。社会上共同遵从的风俗、习惯等:风~。时~。矜夸,自负:自~其功。古,久远:“故乐之所由来者~矣,非独为一世之所……





汉语拼音:shàng shū







  1. 官名。始置于 战国 时,或称掌书,尚即执掌之义。

    秦 为少府属官, 汉武帝 提高皇权,因尚书在皇帝左右办事,掌管文书奏章,地位逐渐重要。 汉成帝 时设尚书五人,开始分曹办事。 东汉 时正式成为协助皇帝处理政务的官员,从此三公权力大大削弱。 魏 晋 以后,尚书事务益繁。 隋 代始分六部, 唐 代更确定六部为吏、户、礼、兵、刑、工。从 隋 唐 开始,中央首要机关分为三省,尚书省即其中之一,职权益重。 宋 以后三省分立之制渐成空名,行政全归尚书省。 元 代存中书省之名,而以尚书省各官隶属其中。 明 初犹沿此制,其后废去中书省,径以六部尚书分掌政务,六部尚书遂等于国务大臣, 清 代相沿不改。



  1. "person" occupied a dominant position in the relationship between the Heaven and Man in "The Book of History" .


  2. At that time, the Board of Civil chancery Sun firearms had been summoned, did not enter the lift wearing East Pavilion.


  3. Shang Shu is one of the remotest historic literature handed down from ancient times .


  4. Except the introduction and conclusion, text into four chapters: The first chapter of the book for the verb predicate sentences.


  5. Was cited by the classic, the "Book of Songs" , "chancery" is less than the higher frequencies.


  6. East-West Cultural Differences as Reflected in Bernhard Karlgren's Translation of the Book of Documents.


  7. The first criminal law of new China had stipulated the recidivism system, but it is imperfect.


  8. Chancery, but the main book to fill, "adhere to the" only.


  9. The side-by-side compound words in Jinwen Shangshu have diversified methods to form words, morphological instability and unity on meaning.


  1. 理藩院尚书

    Ministry of the Court of Clonial Affairs.

  2. 专家在考证今文尚书,因为其中有很多疑点。

    The experts are researching the modern script version of shangshu, as there are many doubtful points.

  3. 专家在考证今文《尚书》,因为其中有很多疑点。

    The experts are researching the modern script version of shangshu, as there are many doubtful points.

  4. 明代著名得政治家,王帽圈村人,官至吏部尚书。

    Ming Dynasty, the famous statesman, Wang cap ring village board of civil chancery.

  5. 明代著名的政治家,王帽圈村人,官至吏部尚书。

    Ming Dynasty, the famous statesman, Wang cap ring village board of civil chancery.

  6. 尽管如此,要把一本电子书随身携带,尚有困难。

    Some hurdles remain, though, before you can take an electronic book with you anywhere.

  7. 尚书公卿制度

    dukedom system.

  8. 今文尚书判断句研究

    A Study of Judgment Sentence in Modern Language Shang shu

  9. 本文研究今文尚书周公话语的词汇。

    This article researches about the vocabulary of the words of Zhougong in JINWENSHANGSHU.

  10. 是皇帝御赐给陈家礼部尚书陈诜的妻子的。

    The emperor presented the plaque to Cha, the wife of Chen Shen, Minister of Rites.

  11. 明刑部尚书张国彦夫妇合葬墓志铭校点考释

    On the Punctuation and Interpretation of the Epitaph for Minister of the Board of Punishments Zhang Guoyan and His Wife in Ming Dynasty

  12. 尚书是流传于今最为久远的一部历史文献汇编。

    Shang Shu is one of the remotest historic literature handed down from ancient times.

  13. 在第二节中,主要分析了尚书编年体式的特殊性。

    The second section discusses the special character of annalistic style mainly.

  14. 公元221年刘备称帝,建立蜀汉,诸葛亮受任丞相录尚书事。

    221 Liu Bei proclaims oneself emperor, the found Shu Force, Zhuge Liang holds the post of prime minister.

  15. 尚未向条约交存批准书的国家。

    Countries which have not yet deposited instruments of ratification to the Treaty.

  16. 你就不能读点比这些无聊的浪漫小说更高尚点的书吗?

    Can't you read something more elevating than those silly romantic novels?

  17. 唐代尚法书风的形成及其意义

    Formation and Significance of Admiration of Tang Calligraphic

  18. 你尚需闯练, 仅靠想象是写不成书的。

    You'd better temper yourself, while not write your books only by imagining.

  19. 志书还从勤俭, 尚义二个方面, 对徽商人格给予肯定。

    Record of events also from diligent and thrifty, the Shangyi two aspects, gives the affirmation to the anhui merchants personality.


  1. 问:尚书 (书籍)拼音怎么拼?尚书 (书籍)的读音是什么?尚书 (书籍)翻译成英文是什么?

    答:尚书 (书籍)的读音是,尚书 (书籍)翻译成英文是 Book of Documents


