




1. 几 [jī]2. 几 [jǐ]几 [jī]小或矮的桌子:茶~儿。将近,差一点:~乎。~至。苗头:知~其神乎。几 [jǐ]询问数量多少(估计不太大)的疑问词:~个人?~何(a.多少,如“人生~~?”b.研究点线面体的性质、关系和计算方法……



汉语拼音:nián jǐ






  1. 年纪,岁数。几,通“ 纪 ”。

    南朝 梁 刘孝威 《拟古应教》诗:“美人年几可十餘,含羞转笑敛风裾。” 宋 王谠 《唐语林》卷五引 黄幡绰 奏曰:“大家年几不为小,圣体又重,儻马力既极,以至颠躓,天下何望?”《醒世恒言·吴衙内邻舟赴约》:“适来这美貌女子,必定是了。看来年几与我相仿。若求得为妇,平生足矣。”



  1. What the outcome is to have the end of the end of the moment, is only a question of the length of time: months, years, decades.


  2. Testing their abilities, several teams of explorers set out in 1911 to be the first men to stand at the South Pole.


  3. several dozen Boston residents dressed as Indians boarded the ships of the British East India Company and threw the tea into the harbor.


  4. SOME discoveries are so unusual it takes years, decades and sometimes centuries to understand their full significance.


  5. They say they were frozen out of such talks for years by the EU, and only in the past year have they been offered a seat.


  6. He'd been condemned to death in absentia on charges relating to a number of bomb attacks and killings over the past three years.


  7. It was 1979, and the South American country was years away from being recognized for the quality of its wine.


  8. Early in 1914 a small group of entrepreneurs met to discuss an exciting discovery: "a new bronze hard enough to cut steel" .


  9. They want what the Spanish and other residents of the most advanced economies have had for decades, if not centuries.


  1. 最近几年中

    in recent years.

  2. 现在是几几年?

    But what.what year is it?

  3. 大概几年前

    It started a couple of years ago.

  4. 在过去几年间

    in several past years

  5. 你要待几年?

    How long were you doing?

  6. 她觉得几年后

    and she thinks that in a few years.

  7. 几年吗,她会躺几年吗

    Years? S'll lay in a bed for years?

  8. 可能几年后就是了。

    Probably in a few years.

  9. 可能几年后就是了。

    Probably in a few years.

  10. 一晃几年又过去了。

    Several years passed in a flash.

  11. 来回顾一下那几年。

    Here's a short glimpse from those years.

  12. 这几年他负债累累。

    These years he has got into lots of debts.

  13. 我几年前在杜拜

    I was in Dubai a few years ago.

  14. 他几年前戒酒了。

    He gave up drinking a few years ago.

  15. 所以,我们要忍耐几年。

    So we must wait patiently for a few years.

  16. 他没几年活头了。

    He hasn't had too much time picking tomatoes.

  17. 这是几年前的作品

    This was work from a number of years ago.

  18. 几年后,我碰到他们

    A couple of years later, I meet them.

  19. 几年前慢跑很流行。

    A few years ago jogging was the in thing.

  20. 几年前他患了癌症。

    A few years ago, he fell victim to cancer.

  21. 她比她丈夫长命几年。

    She outlived her husband by many years.

  22. 这几年他一直很走运。

    Hes been on the gravy train these years.

  23. 几年前的人口失踪案。

    Missing persons case from a couple of years ago.

  24. 几年前的人口失踪案。

    Missing persons case from a couple of years ago.

  25. 但这是几年前的我

    But that was me years ago.

  26. 这几年的生活费上涨了。

    The cost of living has risen in recent years.

  27. 几年前我上了几堂课

    Couple years ago, I took some classes.

  28. 这几年, 这样的事情不少。

    We have seen many such cases in recent years.

  29. 他几年前是我的病人

    He was my patient a few years ago.

  30. 几年前全国发生了动乱。

    A few years ago there was unrest in the country at large.